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Chapter 100 Have You Got My Power? (35 for subscription)

Chapter 100 Have You Got My Power? (35 for subscription)
At this time, above the competition square.

"Our contestant Li Yang finally won today's promotion quota with his strong strength. His flashing Gyarados has brought us a great shock and surprise! After four days of competition in the ring, the quota for the Summer Festival has been announced. Well, they are—”

"Xiao Zhi and his fire-breathing dragon, Qi Yi and her auspicious egg, Chen Ji and his Absolu, and Li Yang and his tyrannosaurus! When the day after tomorrow and the summer festival comes, they will be together This is the final showdown, so stay tuned!"

As the host announced excitedly from the side, Li Yang and Da Luan received the cheers from the crowd on the stage, and the shouts and encouragement continued for a long time.

After the curtain ended, they came to the beach, and they went into the sea excitedly to chase after the swimming fish. The sea surface was churning with waves, sparkling under the afterglow.

Li Yang sat on the rock and watched the sunset, with his chin propped up and the corners of his mouth curled up.

During these days on Red Lotus Island, he likes this kind of life more and more. With the company of elves, he constantly surpasses himself, encounters more people and things, and keeps working hard and making progress.

After Daluou was full, Li Yang stroked his belly and went straight back to the hotel.

When I was looking for Xuetongzi in the yard, I happened to meet Xia Bo.

"How was the game? Did you win?" Xia Bo rubbed his head and asked expectantly.

"If there's a lot of murder, then we must win." Li Yang leaned over and said with a smile, "Uncle Xia, next time you go to another dimension, take me with you~"

Now store manager Xu is looking for Youmei's whereabouts in the different space, and Li Yang, who is full of curiosity, yearns for it.

It was because of the competition before, but now the competition is over, and the summer festival will be the day after tomorrow. It would be great if I could enter during this time.

"Because of the continuous blizzard, the climate has become abnormal inside. You can't go in yet, for fear of danger."

"The state officials are only allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light lamps. Why don't you say it's dangerous if you run in there every day?" Li Yang complained,

"I have a business to go inside, you go in just for fun."

"I can also help you with business." Li Yang said aggrievedly, but seeing Uncle Xia's helpless expression, he stopped stalking him.

Manager Xu is not here today, and no one cooks, so they can only pack two boxed lunches in the restaurant, which are tasteless. Li Yang and Xia Bo are not used to it. They are not picky eaters, and they feel that their mouths have been spoiled. up.

Li Yang made a bowl of krill balls when he was sleeping at night, Da Luan was playing with Xue Tongzi by the pool, their eyes lit up immediately when they saw the delicious food, the wind speed dog lay in the kennel, raised his eyelids , Smell the taste and stick out the tongue and come over.

At this time, Xia Bo put on his pajamas and lay on the bed, reading the newspaper leisurely.

He is busy with all kinds of business affairs on Honglian Island, and he has to take care of the Red Lotus Gym. Even though he has a lot of affairs, he is very good at enjoying life. Although he is a little lonely without being married in his life, he has lost a lot of worldly troubles.

After dealing with various matters, Li Yang went to his room, rubbed his eyes and prepared to go to bed. He had experienced several battles during the day and was very tired.

He fell asleep very early, and the same was true for the big murderer in the yard. He had been fighting all afternoon, and he was very tired both mentally and physically. After eating the krill balls, he curled up and rested near the small pool.

Xuetongzi lay on it, unable to sleep, rubbing against the cold scales, feeling very happy in his heart.

The night was getting deeper and quieter, and the dinner was blowing gently. I don't know when it was midnight, and a special fluctuation came again with the breeze blowing.

The cruelty who was still sleeping, as this fluctuation was transmitted to the body, the familiar voice sounded again in his mind——

"Have you got my power?"

The power of resonance is pulled, and a certain power in the body is suddenly activated.

The crimson eyes slowly opened.

With a flick of its tail, it exited the coiled resting state, and it stretched its body, just like the previous night, moving in one direction in a strange way.

Xue Tongzi was awakened, and opened his eyes in a daze, looking at the murderous man who seemed to be sleepwalking and possessed by an evil spirit, and realized that the strange situation from last time had reappeared.

The little short legs rowed quickly, and quickly ran to the wind speed dog's kennel, and pointed anxiously in the direction of the big murderer.

Wind Speed ​​Dog realized that something was wrong, and looked at the big murderer who was walking out of the gate with burning eyes.

Now that this kind of thing happened again, I knew it was not accidental. To completely solve this matter, only their elves could not do it.

Being smart, it didn't directly wake up the cruelty, but instead let out a low growl and knocked on the door of its master.

Xia Bo was awakened, got up in a daze, walked out of the room under the guidance, and looked at the big murderer who had entered a strange state like sleepwalking, feeling puzzled.

He remembered the last time a similar incident happened. At that time, he was woken up by the roar, which made a lot of noise.

A question suddenly appeared in my heart, why did the wind speed dog make such a big noise at that time?
The scene in front of him gave the answer.

It was not caused by the evolution of the Gyarados, but its weird behavior, which aroused the vigilance of the wind speed dog!
"Nine Tails, use hypnotism." Xia Bo hastily ordered.

The lazy Nine Tails approached slowly, wagging its cream-colored tail, sending off a wave of mental power.

The big ferocious who was about to take off was taken aback, stopped moving, and fell asleep with his head down. Xue Tongzi ran over and rubbed against its scales, with a worried expression on his face.

The person who needs to tie the bell to untie the bell is Li Yang's elf. Only Li Yang can handle this matter. Uncle Xia went upstairs to wake him up.

It was around four or five o'clock in the morning, and there was a faint white light on the sky. Li Yang yawned, got dressed, and went downstairs with a puzzled expression.

However, when he saw the cruelty, he got up out of breath.

Like Xia Bo, he was unaware of the strange behavior of the Vicious, but he knew that the last time this happened was the day when the Vicious fused its scales and evolved.

The cause of this behavior is because of the scales?After thinking about it, he quickly guessed the answer.

"Xia Bo, it might want to go somewhere, why don't we follow and see where it wants to go." He suggested.

Xia Bo nodded.

After tidying up, Li Yang put on his backpack and released Bibi Bird. Xue Tongzi tugged on his trouser legs and screamed until he was hugged in his arms before he calmed down.

Xia Bo took the wind speed dog to the outside of the yard, and when he was ready, he ordered Nine-Tails to release the hypnosis to wake up the murderous.

It was still immersed in that weird state, and it took off into the sky.

The Gyarados has the flying attribute and can float in the air and move slowly. Although the tyrannosaurus does not have the flying attribute, it is the same, but its speed is much slower.

Li Yang and Xia Bo followed closely behind, and the direction they were heading was the gate of another dimension.

(End of this chapter)

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