Uchiha's Counterattack

Chapter 173 Rapid Transition (Admit My Mistake, I'll Change It!)

Chapter 173 Rapid Transition (Admit My Mistake, I'll Change It!)

"Hey, can Master Xia Nan hear you?"

What appeared in front of Xia Nan was a white cat holding a microphone. Its name was Baiwan. The microphone between Uchiha Fugaku and Mikoto.And now Mao Ninja Village has signed a contract with Xia Nan, so Xia Nan also has the ability to summon.

I haven't heard Heiquan's voice for a long time. Although her voice is exactly the same as Baiquan's, she is always happy.

Xia Nan picked up the microphone and rubbed Baiwan's cat head by the way.

"Heiquan, it's me."

From the cheerful tone, it is not difficult to see that Xia Nan is in a good mood, but unfortunately, this inner happiness and relaxation soon disappeared with what happened next.

"Lord Xia Nan, I'm very sorry for the unexpected situation. The current situation is more urgent, please allow me to report directly."

Heiquan said that her voice was like the weather in icy February, with depressed emotions in the extreme cold.

Xia Nan knows that the difference between Heiquan and Baiquan is that she has a stronger personality, which can make her feel that urgent and difficult things are by no means ordinary.Putting away his playful mood, Xia Nan's expression became serious and he asked, "Is something wrong with the Daming Mansion? Or are they deliberately trying to embarrass us about the letter of appointment?"

Xia Nan was a little puzzled, he felt that there should be no problems with this trip, but the reality told him that the facts were often unsatisfactory, but fortunately, there was Heiquan among the people sent out, and her ability was enough to deal with any sudden change. Incident, and then stall for time until the door is opened for support.

But if possible, Xia Nan himself hoped that nothing would happen.

"No, it's a rebellion. The General's Mansion started a rebellion against the Daming Mansion, and we are currently staying with the Daming Mansion."


There was a brief silence on the other side of the phone, like a flowing stream that stopped abruptly, giving people a feeling that the buffer was too short and the whole body was uncomfortable.Heiquan could hear the sudden heavy breathing on the other side of the microphone, as well as a faint but predictable sigh.

Xia Nan pressed her hair with her hands, and the happy expression disappeared from her face.His eyes became sharp, and he no longer suppressed but prepared for the worst, destroying everything with violence when necessary, to maintain the fighting emotion that he thinks must be maintained.

"... Let me tell you in detail."

Xia Nan said coldly, he wanted to know what happened, to investigate everything in detail, and then consider whether to use thunder to wipe out all the enemies, or take soft measures.But if things are too troublesome, it is also a good choice to burn everything with the Red Lotus Fire.

Xia Nan calmly looked at Jiraiya who pricked up his ears, there was no need to stop him.Sooner or later, those who will become the pillars of Shinkonoha should know all the decisions.

"I'm very sorry, Master Xia Nan, we have been betrayed."

On the other end of the phone, Heiquan calmly and calmly described the situation he encountered when he came to the Daming Mansion, and what happened to the Xiao organization, as well as the legendary realm of the secret treasure of the Daming Mansion, the Great Cave Mochi God, and the current rebellion in the General Mansion. Everything was briefly reported.

Mainly ask Xia Nan for instructions on whether to stand in the Daming Mansion and eliminate the rebellion in the General's Mansion.

Heiquan herself is more inclined to help Damingfu, because she feels that doing so will be more beneficial to Konoha.But if Lord Xia Nan chooses something else, Heiquan will carry it out without hesitation.

"I'm going to call Tsunade." Jiraiya left such a sentence and turned around and went out. Apart from calling Tsunade and Shiraizumi, there are other Patriarchs who must be notified as soon as possible. After all, it is related to the entire Kingdom of Fire. Stable and peaceful, as a Konoha ninja, you can't sit idly by... Jiraiya thinks so too.

However, Xia Nan's priority was not the Daming Mansion, but the Xiao Organization.

Akatsuki went to Daming Mansion?This is something that has never happened in the original history. It is estimated that [-]% of it has something to do with that bastard Obito.Speaking of what is the Daxue Mochi God Realm, it is really troublesome that things that have never been heard of come out one after another.

And how do you think there is Obito behind the rebellion in the general's mansion? Even if there is no direct relationship, it must be indirect.
Can't let him get his wish!

"Master Xia Nan, what should we do?"

Heiquan waited anxiously for the order on the opposite side, and the sound of fighting outside the inner mansion was getting closer.

At this time, Youemon was ready to draw his sword and rush out, but he didn't do it because the discussion here was not over.

Xia Nan quickly filtered her judgment in her mind. The Daming Mansion is useless to Muye Village, but it is necessary to maintain the stability of the Fire Nation. A stable and prosperous Fire Nation will drive a large amount of economic recovery in Muye Village , At the same time to attract the population, it is like a large amplifier, which is conducive to the accelerated development of Muye Village.

If the daimyo is killed, Huo Huomu, who targets Muye Village, will come to power. Xia Nan will not allow anyone to threaten Muye Village, and his goal and character will not allow Konoha to have a daimyo mansion on top of his head!
But it is not yet the time to completely overthrow the daimyo system. At this time, we should first keep the current daimyo who has the intention of cooperation and good control, and eliminate the rebel General Huo Huomu to ensure the stability of the country of fire in the next 10 years or so.When Shinkonoha has gained a firm foothold, the village's power has expanded to a certain extent, then it is time to overthrow the daimyo system and establish a new ninja system.

Even though she felt unhappy about being a vassal to such a useless ordinary person, Xia Nan suppressed her inner dissatisfaction and made the choice that was most in line with Konoha's interests at present.

"Heiquan protects the lives of Daimyo and his relatives, and if we hold on for a while, our team will be reorganized soon, and we will go directly to reinforcements through the portable door."

"Understood, let's make arrangements."

Heiquan's calm voice came from the opposite side, and then the communication was interrupted.


After solving the problem of Daming Mansion, Xia Nan brought Jiraiya, Tsunade, Kuroizumi and others back to Konoha Village.

It has been more than two weeks since I left the village, and that general Huo Huoki was unexpectedly a difficult opponent, but the main reason was not his strength but his escape technique, and when cleaning up the spies inside the Daimyo Mansion, the hypnotism of the Uchiha clan was very important. played a big role.

After the initial battle in the capital city, the burned wreckage was cleaned up first. The inner mansion and the buildings outside were basically intact, because Xia Nan consciously controlled the damage range.But the problem is not him, but that those guardian ninjas are somewhat real. The last four ninjas can make Xia Nan smashed enough. He forcibly withstood the violent sky thunder alone, The flames detonated the clouds and dispersed the sea of ​​clouds above the capital.

Then Jiraiya also summoned Wentai to rush into the north gate to stop the rebels there. Tsunade led a group of female ninjas who were in charge of treating the injured samurai and soldiers. Of course, the daimyo received special care, let Tsunade see After staring at him for a few seconds, he said "I can't die." Then he turned around and left. The poor daimyo still wanted to get close to the legendary Sannin.

Kuroizumi led some Uchiha ninjas to "slaughter" the rebels at the South Gate.What I want to point out here is that the South Gate is the gathering place of high-ranking rebel officials. The daimyo has long hated these bastards who eat inside and outside, so please directly ask Uchiha to kill them all, so as to avoid the fish that slipped through the net and form future troubles. Evil consequences.

Xia Nan didn't care about these people's life or death, or he didn't have time to care about it, because Xia Nan lost the trace of General Huohuomu for a time because of the obstruction of those daimyo guards, and he was so angry that he vowed to find this old fox. As a result, he chased from the Land of Fire to the border of the Land of Sand, and Huo Huomu was finally blocked by him and the Fourth Kazekage on the edge of a cliff.

Before his death, General Huo Huomu was nearly seventy years old, with white hair and a weathered face, and he was holding the exhausted three transfer scrolls tightly in his hand.From the standard point of view, it seems to be the work of the early Konoha Enchantment class. The Warlock is a bit similar to Flying Thunder God, but it has deteriorated too much. It is similar to a three-life battery that explodes when it runs out, and it can't locate the distance immediately. .

When Xia Nan chased here, because General Huo Huomu had no Chakra reaction, he almost lost it several times.But what I didn't expect was that Xia Nan happened to meet Sidai Kazekage who was making placer gold at the border, and ran over looking for the other party's chakra, but it didn't take long to see Sidai Kazekage.

Oh yes, there is an unlucky Uchiha next to the Fourth Kazekage, the one who said that Naruto was a nine-tailed demon fox, but was kicked by Xia Nan. He was a messenger in name, but actually came to Sand Ninja Village to eat the wind and sand Uchiha.

The Fourth Kazekage used the induction technique to find Huo Huomu's hiding place without any effort, and Xia Nan looked envious.

How should I put Xia Nan's strength? They are all large-scale AOE clearing skills, but when it comes to sensor tracking, he only knows how to use Sharingan to follow the opponent's chakra, so it is more than rough but Not enough slenderness, in the future Xia Nan has to learn this tracking technique from Zilai, even though he doesn't want to learn it at all.

"--fire punch!!"

Boom, the figure of General Huo Huomu was engulfed by the flames, and he roared unwillingly before dying.

However, whether he is willing or not has nothing to do with Xia Nan, it is better to say that thanks to this bastard who turned the rebellion, Uchiha had a fair excuse to intervene.Now that Huo Huomu died, the military power of the country of fire fell into the hands of daimyo, but the daimyo was completely dependent on Uchiha and Shinkonoha, so in a sense, Uchiha had mastered the politics, wealth and military of the country of fire.

When Xia Nan returned to the capital with Huo Huomu's body, the cleaning work in the city had come to an end.

The Takagi family was buried in a state funeral. His son once accused Kuroizumi and Youemon (played by Akatsuki) as the murderers. No matter how much he persuaded him, he insisted on slaying him. As a result, the unlucky boy was stabbed by the daimyo himself. Stabbed to death, it was declared that Missing became sick and died on the bed, and then buried with Takagi's family.

The daimyo's approach was seen by Uchiha and others, and he was submitting the nomination certificate.

"The friendship between Shinkonoha and Daimyofu lasts forever."

Xia Nan ignored the bloody hand handed over by Daimyo, and he handed over the matter to Eemon.It's not that Xia Nan is too arrogant, but that he needs to make a statement, that is, to take care of the emotions of Tsunade and Jiraiya, who look embarrassed next to him, and it's not worth Xia Nan to hurt two new Konoha pillars heart of.

Xia Nan's conscious avoidance of the daimyo aroused the latter's panic, thinking that his behavior had aroused unexpected disgust.Daimyo is afraid of Uchiha, and even more afraid of losing Uchiha's protection, especially after seeing Xia Nan's power with his own eyes, Daimyo feels that his world view has been shattered.

So he wants to win over Uchiha even more. He clearly understands that as long as Uchiha is backing him, no one will dare to think about his own seat anymore. Not only him but also his children and grandsons are also The same one.

Before leaving, Xia Nan left Youemon at the Daimyo Mansion as a special envoy, and by the way helped to form a new daimyo guardian ninja. Naturally, the personnel would not be matched with too high-level Uchiha, and they would be rotated every three months. Four Uchihas acted as guards.

The daimyo was very satisfied with this.

The number and strength are not important, the key is that Uchiha's people stand on the stage in the capital and express their support for his rule is the most important thing.

With the downfall of General Huohuomu's Mansion, the capital of the Kingdom of Fire will not be peaceful in the next four months, and a new wave of political purges will begin immediately after Xia Nan and the others leave.Don't look at daimyo's feeling of cowardice, in fact, his methods are not as kind as Huo Huomu's, especially after this incident, daimyo's revenge will be extremely fierce.

Before leaving, Xia Nan took out the time and space location in Heiquan's body, and then located it in the inner city of Daming Mansion.In this way, he can come to the capital anytime and anywhere in the future, and save the time of running around.

Before leaving, Xia Nan took away the letter of appointment and the 10 billion. As for more money, he didn't want it because he was not in a hurry. Secondly, the Kingdom of the Wind recently provided a lot of gold and sold it all. After leaving, Konoha made a fortune financially, but the problem is that the financial income and expenditure are not balanced, so a caravan must be formed as soon as possible.

This time, Xia Nan plans to form a caravan immediately after returning, and the Daming Mansion also agreed to send a special team to Konoha to negotiate. Higher merchandise list brought over.

But the only problem is that the road is too far...

After all, the basic industry of Naruto World is not well developed, basically relying on legs and horse-drawn carts as the main force.

Unless - Konoha can have the steam locomotive of the Snow Country.But this involves the task line of "Reviving the Snow Princess" rated as B.Xia Nan felt that after going back, she should sort out the current affairs first, and then improve her strength to see if she could develop a few more practical skills, and finally start to expand the main line of the theatrical version.

All of the above, after nearly two weeks, the Fire Nation rebellion came to an end.

The next day, Xia Nan and his group returned to Muye Village.

 I was wrong, I shouldn't write this kind of sub-line plot (crying to death), the new subscription dropped nearly 300 in one breath, and the daily comment popularity was almost 0, everyone, I was really wrong, I dare not mess up again The line is broken, so I'll change it right away, and in the future I'll start this kind of plot again... I'll dance to the Pure Land of Bliss in women's clothing on the spot!Next, return to the development of Konoha, and appropriately open some theatrical versions to climb technological trees such as Snow Country, so that everyone is familiar with it and entertaining. Really, I will never write such a thankless original branch line again... Cry to death... …

(End of this chapter)

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