Uchiha's Counterattack

Chapter 126 Yo, look up, Hero Jiraiya Monogatari Volume (pseudo)

Chapter 126 Yo, look up, Hero Jiraiya Monogatari Volume (pseudo)

Jiraiya turned over in the smoke of the explosion, and then rushed towards the enemy with flames from his mouth.

"Cough cough!"

Jiraiya finally got rid of the group attack and joined his troops.However, Konoha ninjas are almost all injured. More than half of them need to stop bleeding and replenish chakra, and the remaining half are exhausted and look like they are about to collapse.

Even if he fell to the ground and died suddenly like that, it was a matter of course, Zilai also thought of it.

——Nowadays, even if I leave it to Tsunade, it won't be much better.

Jiraiya frowned and turned to face the front.

The cloud ninjas on the mountainside also seemed to realize that it was time for one blow to decide the outcome. They began to gather their troops and gather strength, probably because they wanted to rely on numbers to resolve the battle in one go.

us!Have you reached the end of the road?
After arduous and brutal battles, with less than two hundred ninjas, Yunin's forward troops were blocked here for nearly two days.Although it still failed in the end, but in this way, even if he died, he should be considered a hero, right?

Jiraiya's face was gloomy and his eyes were fierce, like a wounded beast.

Wipe off the blood and sweat mixed with his face, and now Zilai no longer has the fantasy of stealing life. With surrounded in all directions, he only wants to protect the seedlings behind him and the guardian gang. hands so they could escape.

As for your own affairs?
He also slowly closed his eyes.

... The value of a ninja's life is not determined by how he lives, but by what he does before he dies.

Looking back, my life was full of failures.Constantly rejected by Tsunade, failed to prevent his friends from betraying, even failed to protect his apprentice and master.Compared with the great achievements of Hokage in the past, I am like a frog at the bottom of a well, all of which are insignificant.

But I also want to die for the greatness of the village like Hokage in the past.

Whether the story is exciting or not depends on the ending, and failure is also a kind of ending, maybe this is what life wants.

But I would rather die a great ninja with a great cause that will undo all the failures of the past.

So now should be that opportunity.

Jiraiya slowly raised his head, the blue sky - really free.

As the old man of three generations said, where there are flying leaves, there must be fire burning.The sacrifices of the previous generations are not only death, but also the nourishment of new leaves, repeated again and again, passed down from generation to generation——it is the will of fire.

And now it must be time for him, the Miaomu Mountain Immortal, to burn his own life to win a chance of life for the young leaves and buds behind him.

Sacrificing oneself and carrying out the way of ninja, this is the time for Konoha Sannin's mad ghost to repeat the path of the predecessors in the past, so that the buds can get a glimmer of life.

"You guys, go to the cave and stay with Tsunade, and then wait for the signal, and rush out of the encirclement with her. I will clear the way for you in front—"

"Master Jiraiya!?"

Any Konoha Shinobi could clearly feel the firmness and will to die in Jiraiya's tone.Their eye sockets were red, and they growled with bloodshot eyes.

"Enough, live well, you guys, and then when you see that Uchiha bastard in Konoha Village, don't do unnecessary things. Although Konoha Ninja is lost, the foundation is still there. As long as there are Konoha's in the village Folks, sooner or later, the little sapling will grow into a big tree."

"Ahahaha, although it's a pity that Konoha lost me as a handsome guy. But there are a few of you who are pretty good-looking, live well and then go to the village to promote the heroic appearance of the Mt. Ah ha ha ha ha!"

Jiraiya showed determination, he glanced at the cloud ninjas, although usually it took a long time to summon the two sages to help him balance the sage chakra in his body.But it doesn't matter now, just bet your life on the last 10 minutes for the sake of the village.

10 minutes, Jiraiya's limit, after that his body will turn into a toad and then into a stone.

But this is also the ending he hoped for.

The frog at the bottom of the well climbed out of the well at the last moment of his life, and after witnessing the free and vast sky, he died full of satisfaction... Hehehahahaha, this is also the end of failure, but compared to sitting in a dry well, it is already Good enough.


Putting both hands together to activate the Immortal Technique refinement, Jiraiya is about to enter the immortal mode at the cost of squeezing his own vitality.

Old man, what were you thinking before you died?Is it regret for the past, or hatred for the Uchiha clan, and regret for not being able to protect Konoha?

You taught us that a so-called ninja is a person who can endure. I'm really sorry that I can't avenge you. Let's talk about it when we meet next time.

The violent Chakra erupted from Jiraiya's body, and slowly opened his eyes, the eyes full of determination were full of resentment and reluctance towards Yun Nin.


Tsunade rushed out of the cave with Shizune at this time, and she looked at Jilai and exclaimed.

"What are you going to do?" Tsunade's crying voice was heard for the first time, and she yelled sadly: "Brother, after the teacher has left, even you bastard is going to leave me alone Is it!? No, I've had enough of this kind of thing!"

This is the first time I've seen you cry.

Is it for me?
Ah ha ha ha, then my death is sublimated at this moment.

But I'm sorry Tsunade, and then—live.

At that moment, Jiraiya's eyes widened, and he roared with suppressed pain and distorted voice: "Now, it is the Immortal Miaomushan, the mad ghost Jiraiya, one of the three Konoha ninjas, who is the leader of the cloud ninjas. When offering the wildest bloody dance..."

Countless white awns suddenly fell from the sky like raindrops, interrupting Jiraiya's raging roar, and blasting towards the ground like a swarm of meteors.

It was a white awn that was enough to cover the sun, with fierce roars and huge explosions, it launched a wild bombardment towards the most concentrated position of cloud ninja.

And at an altitude of 600 meters above the heads of Konoha, a figure turned its back to the sun, and raised its hands to face the cloud ninjas on the ground.

"Look up, bow down, mortals."

"Know Uchiha's power——"

A blue thunder shadow burst out from Yun Nin's side, and at the same time there was a roar of a wild beast, followed by the two-tailed cat who had turned into a beast, and both of them rushed straight away after feeling the huge threat Come out, and the target is directly locked on the figure in the air.

"You wooden man, Tailed beast bomb!!"

Fourth Raikage roared ferociously.


"Great Flame Ring Infinite Burning Hell."

At that moment, the light covered everything, whether it was Yunin's camp, Konoha's camp, or Jiraiya's distorted and internally injured expression, everything was covered by the penetrating white light.


 I am Miaomu Mountain Spirit Jade Boy Toad Immortal Ziraiya... That's right!

(End of this chapter)

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