Prosperous all the way to love you like a song

Chapter 48 Love You Like a Song! (Finish)

Chapter 48 Love You Like a Song! (Finish)
Hua Yuchen took Xia Ruge away.

Yang Yang knelt down on the ground, he raised his head and shouted, his voice pierced through the villa, full of remorse and grief!
The truth was brutally presented in front of Hua Yuchen, and Xia Ruge heard it all. Even if she didn't pursue it, she must have been extremely hurt in her heart.

His love caused Xia Ruge a second injury.

He wanted to love her well, but found that there was nothing he could do in the end. With tears in his eyes, he silently prayed in his heart, wishing her all the best in the future!
. . .

On the way back to the hotel, Hua Yuchen kept holding Xia Ruge's hand tightly, reluctant to let go, and also afraid of letting go!

Xia Ruge was immersed in messy thoughts. The man beside her and the conversations she heard stimulated her sleeping memory. Some broken pictures flashed through her mind sporadically, like puzzle pieces.

Obviously there are a lot of things to say to her, but at this moment, Hua Yuchen doesn't know where to start.

He remembered a very important thing, took out his phone and opened a saved video.

"This is our baby, do you remember them?" He showed her the video.

Xia Ruge approached him and looked at the pair of white and chubby children who were taken care of in the picture. Their big black eyes stared at her curiously, they waved their little hands, and opened and closed their pink mouths. Like talking.

Just like in a dream.

Xia Ruge touched the phone screen, the screen was cold, but the screen was as warm as the sun.

Her heart trembled slightly, tears flickered.

"Little Treasure had some symptoms when he was born, but fortunately he was rescued. He was very thin at first, but now he has grown fat and white under our careful care. Every time I think about how little they are, they will lose their mother. My heart hurts so much!" Hua Yuchen touched Xia Ruge's face, his fingertips were stained with her hot tears, and his tears also fell.

"Ruge, it's all my fault. I shouldn't be jealous or lose patience. I don't have any feelings for Ren Yue'er. I just gave her a sum of money and asked her to cooperate with me in acting. I just wanted to make you angry. , want to get your attention, want you to care about me... I thought I could control everything, but I can't. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I was wrong, I hurt you in the name of love! You forgive me, okay? "

Xia Ruge turned her face to the direction outside the window, she didn't say a word, and let the tears flow silently.

"Can you think of anything?" After a long time, Hua Yuchen calmed down a little before asking again.

"Does it matter?" she asked, her voice as light as a feather.

"No, it's okay! I'll let you know me again, fall in love with me again..."

"I won't love you!" she interrupted him.

"But I... love you!"

"One-sided love can't go on, and, are you sure you love me?"

He never told her of his love.

"From the day I saw you, I fell in love with you, you are like a little sun, I never take my eyes off of you, I love you, always love you, just like You loved me like that! Every minute, every day, every year, forever!"

"Before, the way I handled this relationship was wrong, I will not let you go out of my sight again, I will not be silent again, I will say 'I love you' to you every day, let you know how much I love you I love you, I believe that my heart will reach you!"

Xia Ruge stared blankly at the man in front of him, familiar yet so strange.

Affectionate words, full of domineering and tenderness.

"I love you, Ruge!" He said to her, this was his confession to her after ten years of love, with deep affection and exhausted all his energy.

He hugged her, very tight.

She has been 'dead' for the past few months, and he has been living in self-blame and pain. The world without her is hell.

Xia Ruge's nose was filled with the faint smell of tobacco on his body, she remembered that he never smoked before...

In the hotel room, Xia Ruge sat by the window, watching the traffic and horses and carriages outside.

Hua Yuchen ended the call with the old man and returned to her side.

"Everyone is very happy, waiting for us to go back. The plane on tonight will be home tomorrow morning." He said softly, smoothing the air bangs on her forehead. "Hungry, let's go have lunch!"

"I really want to eat candied chestnuts!" she said.

Candied chestnuts? !
Her favorite snack in winter.

Hua Yuchen remembered that she hadn't eaten those things for three years. Because of sadness and self-blame, she almost abandoned all her hobbies, except silently loving him.

"I'll buy it for you!"

When the words fell, he rushed out the door, as if he was going to do something very important.

In a small town in a foreign country, where do you get fried chestnuts in sugar?

The driver drove Hua Yuchen around, but he couldn't find the sugar-fried chestnuts that Xia Ruge wanted to eat.

The driver was a local, and he suddenly remembered that there was a Chinese-owned supermarket in the south of the town, and he said that he might be able to buy it there.

There are still no sugar-fried chestnuts, but Hua Yuchen found raw chestnuts in a net bag....
Xia Ruge waited patiently.

Time passed by, she digested all the lunch brought by the hotel waiter, and Hua Yuchen still didn't come back.

Xia Ruge couldn't help but look at the time, more than three hours had passed.

Maybe, she couldn't eat candied chestnuts today.

The door was pushed open.

Hua Yuchen strode over with a bowl in his hand: "Stir-fried chestnuts in sugar!"

He brought a bowl of sugar-fried chestnuts that looked unflattering to her, smiling like a child.

She found that the fingers of his left hand were wrapped with OK bandages, and he was injured.

"your hands?"

She looked at him in astonishment.

"It is said on the Internet that to make the chestnuts taste good, you have to make a small cross on the shell. I have no experience in doing it for the first time." He didn't think so, sat in front of her, picked one of the chestnuts, and he peeled the skin while blowing. "Try it and see if it tastes like what you eat."

"You fried this?"

"Well, after running around, there is no one selling sugar-fried chestnuts at all. I finally found a Chinese supermarket..."

"You really are an idiot!" She scolded him suddenly, tears rolling in her eyes.

She gently held his injured hand, feeling distressed.

"Why are you crying again? Did you wait too long? It's all my fault. You're clumsy. Don't be angry..." He couldn't bear to let her get hurt any more, and was so anxious that he was at a loss.

Xia Ruge raised her hand to hook his neck, and hugged him tightly: "I'm not angry, not at all! I don't regret loving you, I'm just happy, just distressed!"

Hua Yuchen hugged Xia Ruge, this was the first time they responded to each other's love.

He knew that all the girls he loved so much were back!
"From now on, our family of four will never be separated again! Ruge, let me love you and love you, and I will make you happy!"

The woman in his arms didn't make a sound. All he felt was her delicate body trembling. After a long time, he heard the woman choked up, "Hmm!"

On this day, the winter sun was exceptionally bright and brilliant, warm enough to drive away all the chills.

Bathed in the sun, the fruit of love exudes its intoxicating fragrance! -
End of text -
Thank you all for reading, love you all!

(End of this chapter)

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