Chapter 38 For her, get it back one by one

Hua Yuchen paced back and forth, breathing melancholy and anger.

"Doctors are benevolent. An expert doctor forgot his duties and brought unreasonable disasters to my wife. You really don't deserve that white coat."

Speaking of this, Hua Yuchen's heart ached.

He was jealous because of love, and hated because of jealousy. He attracted a snake-like woman back, causing his family to be destroyed.

The biggest sin is on him.

Hua Yuchen clenched his heart and walked up the steps, step by step, slowly, but there was a rattling echo in the basement. Doctor Li dared not speak. Seeing Hua Yuchen approaching the end of the steps, he was just relieved when he heard Hua Yuchen Chen lazily said: "Since you are not qualified to be a doctor, then don't take your hand, so you don't have to pick up a pen to prescribe medicine indiscriminately, and pick up a scalpel to hurt the patient's life."

Dr. Li was supported by two strong men, recalling Hua Yuchen's words, "Ah-" a scream, only the sound of bones breaking, and then the tendon in his hand was picked. No more scalpels.

Dr. Li fell to the ground and twitched: "Ah! Hua Yuchen, you are killing me!"

Hua Yuchen stopped and looked down at Dr. Li on the ground.

"Huh? Are you still alive? But my wife's life is really gone. You traded my wife's life for your social status and reputation? Are you worthy? I have to ask you for what you owe her return!"

The next day, the news that Dr. Li, the director of XX Hospital, colluded with the pharmaceutical company to obtain a large amount of kickbacks because of messing with the relationship between Nan women was overwhelming, causing public opinion turmoil in the entire industry.

Dr. Li became a street mouse, afraid to go out, not to mention losing his job, his wife also filed for divorce, and his hair turned gray in two days.


Xia's stock price was going well yesterday, but it suddenly opened at the limit, and the stocks that had attracted a lot of money in the early stage were sold off intensively. For a week, the market was soaring, but Xia's fate of daily limit could not be saved.

Retail investors had no idea, and followed the trend to sell. Xia's stock price fell into a slump, but was absorbed by many private funds at a low price. Seeing Xia's stock price rising slowly, retail investors followed the trend and bought again. Two days after the daily limit, the private screen sold again. Another week in a row.

The panic psychology of the retail investors could no longer withstand the torment, and they sold their stocks one after another, and no retail investors followed up. Regardless of state-owned or commercial banks, they all refused to approve Xia's loan as if they had negotiated.

Seeing that [-]% of Xia's shareholders couldn't stand it anymore, they withdrew their shares one after another. Ren Dahai could only spend all his wealth on bailing out the market, and eventually even mortgaged his real estate to the bank.

When something like this happened, it was obvious that someone was in charge of Dahai, but he couldn't find out who it was.

He is in the light, and the enemy is in the dark. If this continues, he will finish the game sooner or later.

Ren Dahai wanted to ask Hua Yuchen for help. Even if Xia Ruge died, the Xia family was founded by her family. He would probably help because of an old love.

But Hua Yuchen's cell phone was answered by the secretary, who said that he had gone to a meeting abroad, and the business was confidential, so he couldn't answer the phone.

Ren Dahai thought that when Hua Yuchen came back from abroad, he would ask the Huashi Group to help tide over the difficulties.

Before Hua Yuchen came back, many private equity accounts joined forces to short Xia's stock price, leaving Xia's no room to fight back.

There was no news from Hua Yuchen, so Ren Dahai moved his mind about the two high-end villas under Xia Ruge's name, but Hua Yuchen intercepted the real estate mortgage just after submitting the procedures.

After Ren Dahai learned about it, he dragged Ren Yue'er to find Hua Yuchen, thinking that the savior had finally arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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