Chapter 19
After that, Hua Yuchen never went home again, and without thinking about it, he knew that besides working, he was going to accompany Ren Yue'er after the operation. In his eyes, she was just a childbirth skin besides being a vicious and harmful spirit. up.

It was getting colder and colder, and the whole city was covered with ice and snow.

Xia Ruge sat in front of the window, watched the delicate and fine snow flakes drifting away in the swirling wind like light smoke, and sighed softly.

She held a B-ultrasound color picture in her hand, from which she could clearly see two dependent fetuses, a boy and a girl, already formed and healthy.

When she saw them from the monitor in the ultrasound room, tears welled up in her eyes.

They were the first pair of children she conceived, children for the man she loved.How she wished that Hua Yuchen would be by her side and take a look at them...

Someone was making noise, Xia Ruge sat up from the bed in a daze.

"Xia Ruge, Xia Ruge... you vicious woman, get out of here..." Zhang Yu's voice came from downstairs, filling the whole room sharply.

Xia Ruge was fully awake, she put on a warm coat and went downstairs.

The living room was in a mess, it had been beaten and smashed, the cold wind blowing into the living room through the open door with a strong scent of candles, sweeping the broken flowers and fallen leaves on the ground, paper dust...
"My grandson... my dear grandson..." Zhang Yu cried heartbreakingly, "It's a pity that you were killed by that vicious Xia Ruge before you were born, my grandson , your life is miserable..."

Crying and shouting wave after wave, more and more hoarse, Zhang Yu seemed to cry out with all his strength, not only attracted the neighbors nearby, but also the security uncle in the villa area, a group of people stood on the iron rail Outside the fence, he stretched his neck, and his strange eyes fell on the white-haired courtyard.

The two maids at home were so scared that they hid in the house and carefully visited through the window. When they saw Xia Ruge coming downstairs, they weakly called the young mistress.

"What's going on?" Xia Ruge asked the servant, confused.

"Your mother's family is here, it's fierce, you go upstairs quickly, don't go out." A maid walked over worriedly and wanted to help her upstairs.

Xia Ruge shook her head, saw a pair of scissors dropped by the foot of the sofa, and bent down to pick it up.

"Grandson, if you want to blame, you can blame that vicious woman in this room. She poisoned you and killed you, and your mother was forced to kill Zigong... You are the spirit in the sky, and you must bless your mother's safety." After the dangerous period, let that poisonous woman have a terrible death."

Zhang Yu was dressed in white and knelt in the snow. In front of her was a brazier, a small coffin, and a small cauldron with three sticks of burning incense. She threw ghost paper into the brazier and shouted Sue Xia Ruge for the crime.

Xia Ruge walked out the door, the biting cold wind hit her face.

Is there really an aborted child lying in the coffin?Zhang Yu didn't want the child to be buried in the ground for safety, but actually moved it to her yard to display it, offering incense and burning paper money, what kind of place is this place?

Looking at the painting in front of her, Xia Ruge's scalp tingled.

This scheming mother and daughter really want to punish her to death?

"Xia Ruge!" Seeing her coming out, Zhang Yu stared viciously, as if he wanted to swallow her alive. "You murderer, you pay back my grandson's life, and my daughter's purple palace."

As she said that, she got up from the snow and was about to pounce on her with all her teeth and claws.

"Don't come here!" Xia Ruge sternly shouted, the scissors in her hand blocked between her and Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu's heart tightened in fright at the sharp and cold weapon, and he hurriedly stopped in his tracks.

She wanted to take the opportunity to piss off Xia Ruge, but she never wanted to risk her life.

(End of this chapter)

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