Chapter 71
[Ask for Love Xiaozhu] The alliance crooked channel.

In the conference hall, the managers of [Wen Qing Xiao Zhu] Alliance were discussing fiercely, and they were all confused by the sudden declaration of war.

"Do you know why Tage declared war on us?"

Wenqing Zixuan, the president of [Qingqing Xiaozhu], asked in a deep voice, he didn't believe that Tage would declare war on them for no reason.

For a big alliance like theirs, the number of declarations of war is very precious, and the number of declarations of war is less than one time. If it is not a last resort, the number of declarations of war is reserved for emergencies.

"I heard that the brothers of our alliance hacked Tage's mind, and he was declared."

A manager of Wenqing Xiaozhu suddenly said this.

Wen Qing Zixuan felt a little headache when he heard this, "Just because of this, Tage declared war on us, they are full."

"I heard that among the people who were blackmailed, there were two apprentices from Xiangzhou. The black heart method was originally from a female apprentice from Xiangzhou."

Still the manager said in a low voice.

"Rough!" Wen Qing Zixuan couldn't help scolding.

He said that if ordinary members were hacked, it would take such a big fight.

It is important to know that these alliances are all ordered to fight automatically. If a gang in the alliance is declared war, other gangs will fight accordingly.

So these alliances generally don't declare war. If war is declared, it will be a war. He also wonders that Xiangzhou may not understand this, but Tage's management must understand. If they dare to do this, they should have the confidence to do so.

It turned out that Xiangzhou was offended, but now the whole Bianhua doesn't know Xiangzhou.

At the beginning, the Longyin Water Alliance provoked such a big boss for military training, and they asked Qing Xiaozhu to watch the show nearby, and now it's their turn to come and see them.

Back then when a small gang in Tage was beaten up, they spent money and dragged the entire Wanlisha and Shuilongyin into a fight. This is a ruthless person, and a rich ruthless person.

"Go and contact the Solitary Fishing Hanjiang Alliance. Last time we helped them fight the Iron-Blooded Qin Soul, and now it's their turn to help us."

"Let's vent to Du Diao Hanjiang first. If Wan Lisha doesn't participate in the battle, then we will do it ourselves. If they join the battle, ask them to come over to support."

Up to now, Wenqing Zixuan can only prepare for the worst.

If Tage hadn't declared war, then it would have been fine if they asked the Love Alliance to lower their heads and kick him.

But now that Tage has declared war, it would be cowardly for them not to join the war. This is not good for the development of the alliance. No one likes to stay in an alliance that is beaten and does not say anything.

Now the whole Bianhua is watching how they ask the love alliance to deal with it, whether it is for an ordinary gang member to fight with the Tage alliance that is now in full swing, or to refuse to fight.

But there are pros and cons to everything. Looking at it from another perspective, this time they will fight each other in favor of increasing the cohesion of the alliance.

"We asked Qing to go to war with the Tage Alliance for a gang member, would you?"

Wen Qing Zixuan let out a long breath, already made up his mind.

"Vice President, go contact the Solitary Diaoyu Hanjiang Alliance and give them some inspiration."

"Other managers began to organize people to go up and down, and other gangs that had not been declared war, anti-declared war Tage, let Bianhua know about this battle, and we asked for it."

"By the way, you know the reason for this matter."

Wen Qing Zixuan exhorted in a low voice.

"President, we understand!"

"Don't worry, President, anyway, we were the ones who declared war on Tage first, and who can explain clearly the grievances of Tiandao."

The manager who asked about the situation quickly nodded to show that he knew how to do it.

Asking Qing Zixuan to know that they are not stupid, but they are not afraid of [-], just in case, the reason for saying this is to prevent this in case.

There are many reasons why Tiandao fights, and the brothers don't care about the reason for the fight, they only care about whether the fight is passionate or not, and whether they win or not.

But if you know that this battle was caused by members of your own alliance, the black family's mentality, then you can directly GG.

"By the way, that big demon king of Chu Ci belonged to that gang, so kick him out first, why keep such a black sheep."

Asking Qing Zixuan to get angry when he thinks of him, if it wasn't for him, he would already be on the bed with his wife and children.

Although he doesn't have a wife, it's better to kick this disgusting thing as soon as possible.

"We asked Qing Yazhu, I will kick him out later."

The management of Wenqing Yazhu said timidly.

"Let's get ready. Now that we have decided to fight, let others see that there is not only a Hanjiang fishing alliance in Hanjiang City, but we also ask for love."

Wen Qing Zixuan said in a deep voice.

"Yes, President."

Fishing Cold River Alone Alliance.

"President Yilan, this is the situation now, our president has decided to fight."

[Qingqing Xiaozhu] The vice president of the alliance, Wen Qingzi Aozheng, said to the vice president of [Fishing in the Cold River alone], Yilan Tingyu, that they accepted the declaration of war on Tage this time.

"If Wan Lisha joins the battle, we will join the battle alone, but if Wan Lisha doesn't join the battle, it's not easy for us to join the battle. Otherwise, with Xiangzhou's violent temper, I'm afraid it will be a melee between the four alliances. "

"It's not long since the opening of the new district. You can see that we have fought several battles with Bianhua, Wanlisha and Shuilongyin, and Hanjiang City and Diwangzhou. So if we can control the scale of this battle, we must control the scale."

"The turf battle is about to begin, and now is the time to recharge your batteries. Your president should know this well, otherwise he wouldn't have asked you to come here to speak out, so your management must take good care of your brothers. Control the scale of the battle."

"We have to wait until the battle for the territory is over. There will be many fights at that time. After the fight, you can tell your president that if you have time, we can come and sit alone in the Hanjiang River to discuss the distribution of the territory. The issue of forming the Hanjiang City Grand Alliance."

"Cold River City Grand Alliance?"

Hearing this, Wen Qing Ziao asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's the Hanjiang City League!" Yilan Tingyu nodded and said, "It's like the Wanlisha League in Xiangzhou."

"If we in Hanjiang City continue to fight, it will be a joke for other leagues to laugh at. You should also know that since the Wanlisha League was established in Xiangzhou, the battle of Bi'anhua is not against one family, but the whole alliance. "

"Everyone is not stupid. Although the current situation does not allow it, a temporary alliance is still possible. You said that in the last battle between us alone and Iron-Blooded Qin Hun, didn't the whole alliance mobilize in the end? "

"Why do few people dare to tease Wan Lisha's tiger whiskers now? Everyone knows that if Wan Lisha offends an alliance, then the whole alliance will join the battle. Although Wan Lisha is weak, which alliance dare to say that it can single out Wan Lisha Risa made an alliance."

(End of this chapter)

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