I'm a god in the game

Chapter 54 Thanks!

Chapter 54 Thanks!

This book has been written for 24 days today, and it is almost 12 words. Let me introduce myself for a while, haha.

I didn't expect that one day I would write until now. There are so many book friends who support me, thank you!
In fact, every book friend who reads novels should have the idea of ​​​​writing a novel by himself. Tiandao is a game that I feel is a pity. I have met many friends in Tiandao. Several friends I met while playing Tiandao are still in touch until now.

So I wrote this book, but my writing skills are poor, so I am very grateful to all the big guys for their support all the way, thank you very much!

As for this book, there will be no eunuchs. My family is like Chapter 1. It’s not rich and powerful, and I can’t starve to death. I haven’t matched my life yet, so I have enough time to finish writing this book. , so big guys stop threatening my little JJ.

I am very grateful to the friends in the book friend group. They are the biggest motivation. Although I am short and weak in the group every day, the recommendation votes will be reserved for Xiangzhou every day. Thank you very much.

Thank you guys for your rewards and support!Thanks!
Because I am writing a book for the first time, many places are very spicy, I know this well, haha, I am also learning how to improve, so if any book friends find unreasonable places and leave a message for Xiangzhou, I will see it The first time to modify, thank you.

If you guys have good stories or opinions, you can also join the book friend group in Xiangzhou at 1139614259. The answer to the question is the title of the book.

Finally, I owe a chapter to Xiaojie’s book friend, and a chapter to Huangru and Xian’s book friend. There are two chapters in total. I will find time to add more. Xiangzhou always remembers it. I will repay after I become a tentacle monster. Everyone, haha, thank you for your support!
I had a lot of things I wanted to say, but I couldn’t type them out. I don’t want to say anything. I’m going to type.

Finally, I would like to thank the book friends who gave rewards today.

Book Friends 20191010123837233
King Gedihu

E Leftover Superman
There are also Huangru and Xian Shuyou.

(End of this chapter)

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