I'm a god in the game

Chapter 52 The Ruthless Killer

Chapter 52 The Ruthless Killer

Yunnan map.

The fireflies in the sea of ​​flowers, the open-air volcano, the mysterious and lush ancient trees like a virgin forest, the whole map is full of mystery, volcanic lava, and flowers on the other side, the silence and the bustle are in harmony with each other in this magical land.

In the dark and lush forest in Yundian Sea of ​​Thousand Tribulations, dots of light seep from the treetops, and there are endless escort carts on the gravel path next to it.


The wind blew, and I was surprised to find a team in the depths of the woods, wearing dust and dust, peeping at the vehicles on the gravel path.

Team channel.

Shi Qiu: "I really don't know what to be afraid of, our team, with this configuration, who can beat us?"

Xiangzhou: "Shut up, I am the elder brother and listen to me."

Shi Qiu: "Damn it, how did you know I was going to lose before the event even started?"

This team hidden in the dark of the woods is Gu Chuan's team.

After being ruthlessly abandoned by relatives, friends and teachers, Gu Chuan and Shi Qiu fell in love, and the two of them together pulled out what should be the most luxurious robbery dart team.

Captain, Xiangzhou, occupation: Taibai, skill value: 6720, first in the skill list.

squad member.

Shiqiu, occupation: Zhenwu, skill value: 6530, second in the skill list.

Master Meow is 1.6 meters tall, occupation: Taibai, skill value: 6420, fourth on the skill list.

King Xiao, occupation: Shenwei, skill value: 6342, tenth in the skill list.

The squad of 15 people from all over the world, two big disciples of sects, two top ten masters, and none of the others have a skill value lower than 5800. It can be regarded as the most luxurious squad of robbers now.

Gu Chuan is like a patient lion, quietly lurking in the depths of the jungle, his eyes fixed on the distant target. The activities of the Four Seas Escort in Hanjiang City are escorted from the sub-rudder to the main rudder, Fulong and the main rudder.

The sea of ​​myriad calamities where their team is hiding is the only way to go. It has to be said that the terrain of the Yundian map is really suitable for hiding. It is basically difficult to be found when hiding in the jungle.

Gu Chuan looked at the Universal Escort cart slowly approaching from the gravel path in front of him, and quickly said, "Everyone changes clothes, Shi Qiu, go and order a cart."

Shi Qiu: "Damn it, don't I want to lose face as a disciple of Zhenwu? It's fine if I come to rob the darts, and I need to order a car."

Gu Chuan said with a sneer: "Since you changed into Jie Dao Fengchen, the filth in your heart has been exposed. I trust you, go quickly."

King Xiao: Disciple of Bahuang is full of morality, but his bag is full of thieves' flags. He said that the cloud rises, the dragon and the sand are dark, and he is faster than anyone else in changing the way of robbery. Is this the disciple of Bahuang?Love love love. "

Master Meow, who is 1.6 meters tall, said with a smile: "Shiqiu, go quickly and let them see your unicorn arm that you have been single for 30 years."

"I'm single, and I want to be the girl I want to be. Do you believe that I can get from Tianxiang Valley to Xiangzhou?" Shi Qiu said.

Xiangzhou: "I believe it, go quickly, don't whimper like a woman."

Master Meow is 1.6 meters: "Haha, the row is in Xiangzhou, whether you believe it or not, I believe it."

"Crap, your name is a fraud." Shi Qiu complained, and he also realized that Xiangzhou is Gu Chuan's nickname.

After speaking, he changed into Baifa Leizang's costume, and Shi Qiu hurriedly flew away with lightness kung fu.

On the gravel path, an endless stream of escort carts from all over the world are slowly moving forward. The escort carts are full of players from Hanjiang City. At this time, a white-haired young knight who descended from the sky is landing on the ground.

Seeing this embarrassing scene, Shi Qiu struggled and said, "Do you believe me when I said that I passed by by accident, not a robber? When I wanted to see the beautiful scenery in Yundian just now, I was out of breath. You said Embarrassing is not embarrassing."

"Embarrassing, Mr. Shiqiu, it was really embarrassing when you said that."

"I've got goosebumps, I'm a son and daughter of the Jianghu, Mr. Shiqiu, if you rob the darts, just tell me. If you don't tell me, how would I know that you are going to rob the darts?"

"Although your posture of robbing the dart is very embarrassing, you are really handsome when you descend from the sky."

"I really don't want to rob the darts. Goodbye everyone. I've recovered. There is a way in the world. See you in Jianghu." After speaking, Shi Qiu immediately changed to Jiedao Fengchen, and then said in the team channel: "Get ready, I'm going to order a car. "


In an instant, Shi Qiu's figure appeared on the gravel path, and then he quickly clicked on the dart cart with his fingers.

In the distance, Gu Chuan and others hurriedly clicked to confirm whether to join the robbery dart popped up on the interface.

Robber plane.

Seeing Shiqiu appearing in front of the escort cart wearing a robbery dust and changing face, the players on the escort cart said jokingly.

"We met again just after we finished talking, Mr. Shiqiu is so easy-going."

"Boss Shiqiu, even if you have money, you can't waste it like this. You disguise yourself, but can your gang and skill value be disguised? Skill value: 6350, gang: sky, tsk tsk."

"Brother Shiqiu, don't worry, as long as you don't feel embarrassed, we are the ones who are embarrassed."

Shi Qiu: "I said that Xiangzhou forced me, do you believe me? That's right, it's the number one in the skill list, and he forced me."

Gu Chuan entered the plane and saw Shi Qiu who was having a friendly conversation. He didn't know what happened, so he said to Shi Qiu: "Don't forget, you are just a ruthless killer now, do it."

"Ruthless killer, haha, big brother Shiqiu, big brother Xiangzhou, are you so flamboyant?"

"Don't pretend to be a boss in Xiangzhou. Now that you have such a high skill value, you will know who it is just by looking at the leaderboard."

"Haha, I didn't expect that we would be able to meet Xiangzhou boss and Shiqiu gangster Jie dart at the same time when we bet on the four-sea dart. Come on, since you can't resist, you can only enjoy it."

Gu Chuan looked at the scene where you came to robbery and I didn't move in front of him in a daze, and suddenly didn't know what to do. What the robbery dart wanted was the kind of one-hit kill, and then ran away with money, enjoying the pursuit of the police excitement.

Otherwise, why would they come to rob the darts when they are idle? They don't like the rewards of robbing the darts.

But now watching the harmonious scene where the escort car owner welcomes you, what is going on?

Xiangzhou: "I said that I just came to see the scenery of Yundian, do you believe me?"

"We believe it. Wearing the wind and dust of robbery to see the scenery, haha."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Gu Chuan felt a little bit pained, whether it is time to rob or withdraw, but if it is rob, there is really no desire for the appearance of being slaughtered by you on the other side.

Gu Chuan said in the current channel a little speechlessly: "Excuse me, goodbye." After speaking, he committed suicide and died.

Seeing that Gu Chuan was the first to kill himself, the rest of the team also quickly broke away from the robber plane.

Master Meow is 1.6 meters: "Boss Shiqiu, big brother Xiangzhou, awesome, look at the scenery and see the plane of robbery."

Xiao Wang: "I have to say, your skins are really thick, and you can still chat there. I am embarrassed and have cancer."

Shi Qiu: "I don't agree with that. What's wrong with robbing the darts? The main reason is that people don't resist and I'm embarrassed to do it. Besides, whether it's thick-skinned or Xiangzhou's thick-skinned and ruthless killer, it makes me laugh." gone."

"And I'm not the only one who went to the robbery plane to see the scenery, you are here too."

Gu Chuan mocked with a black face: "I'm ashamed of what I said, I'd kill myself if I didn't watch it, come to me quickly, or you will be able to go on TV later."

world channel.

"Yundian Four Seas Escorts request the Escort Brigade, and have found Xiangzhou, Shiqiu, King Xiao, Master Meow 1.6 meters and others, coordinates in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Tribulations."

"Bi'anhua's bodyguard team received it, and immediately organized its personnel to arrest the brothers and join the group. Happy time is here."

"Haha, it's time for an exciting cat-and-mouse game again, fast-moving brothers, hurry up and join the team."

"The brothers upstairs are out of luck, met so many big bosses, have you been robbed?"

"No, the boss of Xiangzhou took the lead to kill himself, and the boss of Xiangzhou also cosplays—a ruthless killer, haha."

"Ruthless killer @祥州."

"Ruthless killer @祥州."

 Thanks to: I will be more handsome every day for the book friend's reward, thanks to: Why do I need to pay for the book friend's reward if I can prostitute for nothing, thanks to: Drunken Immortal?Book friends' rewards, thank you to all the book friends who support Xiangzhou!bow!
(End of this chapter)

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