Chapter 45

In front of the end point of the world dart, a dart car slowly drove into the end point, advancing slowly like an old man.

Gu Chuan saw the system prompt: he successfully bet on the dart, got 192 gold, and was satisfied with changing his sub-profession from escort to scribe again. He still has a little bit of luck for himself.

"Find the rechargeable amount, whether to recharge!"


"Successful recharge, get RMB: 1920."

"Buzz buzz!" The screen of the mobile phone next to the computer lit up, and WeChat showed that it was Qian Duoduo, so click on it.

Qian Duoduo: "Boss Xiangzhou, all the money in the Bi'anhua and Xiaoyao districts has been recovered today."

Gu Chuan picked up the phone with bright eyes and replied, "How many?"


"A total of [-] RMB, right? I'll transfer the old money to you. Why don't you come and be an exclusive merchant for me? From now on, we will settle the settlement every Monday, and I will give you a guarantee and hang it directly at Wanlisha Waiwai's headquarters. A Real Madrid." Gu Chuan said on WeChat.

As soon as the message was sent, Qian Duoduo replied immediately: "I always thought I was your royal businessman, Boss Xiangzhou."

"It's different. In the past, you collected gold to sell it to me. You were at risk. Now I fund you to collect gold and pay you according to the amount of gold you received. Moreover, there are no merchants in Wanlisha Waiwai's headquarters yet. I can vouch for you, think about it."

The amount of gold that Gu Chuan and Qian Duoduo traded each time was within hundreds of thousands. He estimated that Qian Duoduo was afraid of taking risks. After all, the price of gold is extremely unstable, and Qian Duoduo was afraid of collecting too much. It's him.

Gu Chuan is now hiring him to collect money safely and boldly, and he will pay the money collected. As for the risk, it does not exist at all for him, and it is so unreasonable to cheat.

Qian Duoduo was a little moved when he saw the news. The price of gold is completely uncontrollable, so every time he only hoarded a small amount. If he didn't know a big gold swallower like Xiangzhou, he would hoard even less.

But he is also afraid that one day Xiangzhou will suddenly stop accepting gold. The big bosses of Tiandao were all big swallows of gold in the early stage, but after their skills are improved, many big bosses only need a small amount of gold, so he didn't choose to be a gold coin merchant , the risk is too great.

Without waiting for Qian Duoduo to reply, Gu Chuan continued to post: "You will receive 10 gold, and you will be rewarded with 1000 RMB, and you will be pushed up one by one. There is no upper limit. I will pay for the money collected. You don't need to take risks. I will also give you a guarantee in Bianhuahua .”

Qian Duoduo: "The chain is here, the boss of Xiangzhou just take me away."

"Haha, finish this transaction first."

After the transaction, Gu Chuan set up a chamber of commerce channel for Qian Duoduo on the Wanlisha Waiwai channel, and then wrote the guarantor—Xiangzhou, and then registered Real Madrid for Qian Duoduo’s Waiwai account to prove his identity, and the rest would be Give Qian Duoduo to himself.

"I found that the rechargeable amount is 20 gold, do you want to recharge!"


"System Panel."

【Host】: Gu Chuan
[Convertible Currency]: Tianya Mingyue Knife Circulation Gold Coins (Current Account: Bianhua District: Xiangzhou)

【Conversion Ratio】1:10
[convertible gold coins]: 1 gold

[Converted gold coins]: 340315 gold (locked)
【Available amount】: 2689321【RMB】

Seeing that the available amount has become one million again, Gu Chuan only feels that the golden finger is really powerful. The money has been spent a lot, but it has not decreased but increased.

But now this kind of amount on the book is not uncommon for him. After all, it is not as impactful as cash, and it will be no surprise when the freshness wears off.

Now he has been able to face huge wealth without expression.

"Is this the price of growing up? Melancholy!"

Wan Lisha's headquarters.

Channel broadcast: Xiangzhou Chamber of Commerce officially opened, business: collection of money, purchasing agent, rewarding the sky, starting from 5% off purchasing agents for big opening rewards.

"Xiangzhou Chamber of Commerce, what a name!" Gu Chuan complained as he looked at Qian Duoduo's name for the chamber of commerce.

It doesn't matter if you have a lot of money, you can choose whatever name is attractive, can it be eaten if it sounds good?
Watching Qian Duoduo's channel broadcast, many players in the channel became lively.

"Fuck, this name is a bit awesome!" The players said curiously.

"I'll go and find out who Fang Sheng is actually using the name of the big brother from Xiangzhou."

"I'll take a look too, and by the way, I'll sell the gold from the world's darts today."

"You are not afraid that he is a liar."

"Wan Lisha's Real Madrid is all played by the boss of Xiangzhou. Are you afraid that he is a liar? Your IQ really shows off to me, Xiu'er."

"I'll also sell gold and buy clothes for me."

There are merchants on the crooked channel. This is the basic operation of many alliances. Many alliance channels in Wanlisha have their own merchants, but it is the first time that crooked headquarters have merchants. It’s not that merchants from other alliances don’t want to settle in, but no one Dare to mention.

Now that a businessman has finally settled in, many players in the channel are curious to see who Fang Shengsheng managed to do something that Yan Yunyunran, the number one general of the Xiangzhou boss, failed to do.

Qian Duoduo looked at the channel of the chamber of commerce and there were dozens of players, and welcomed him with a smile on his face: "Welcome to the brothers of Wan Lisha, I am the royal merchant of the boss of Xiangzhou, and the chamber of commerce is also guaranteed by the boss of Xiangzhou. You can trade with confidence. .”

"Boss, does the boss of Xiangzhou know the name of your chamber of commerce?"

"You are so skinny, aren't you afraid of being hanged up and beaten by the Xiangzhou boss?"

"What is the price of the boss's purchasing agent? I want to purchase Mr. Pibai and a set of fashion."

The crowd asked in a hurry.

No one doubts that Qian Duoduo will cheat them, and no one will worry about being cheated by Qian Duoduo. They would like to be cheated by Qian Duoduo. In this way, according to the generosity of the Xiangzhou boss, it will not compensate them more. Think about this kind of good thing It’s beautiful, tell me before lying to me, I will give more, haha.

This is Gu Chuan's position in the hearts of many Wanlisha players. As long as you wear the label of Xiangzhou and it is proved to be true, then all players will trust you with confidence.

"The boss of Xiangzhou should know the name of the chamber of commerce." Qian Duoduo looked at Xiangzhou on the channel, and said with some drumming in his heart.

After thinking about it, Qian Duoduo sent a message to Xiangzhou to ask, "Boss Xiangzhou, can I use your name to advertise, hehe."

Xiangzhou: "Use it, and if the players of the Wanlisha Alliance buy goods from you, you can ask them to contribute a certain amount of cash according to their contribution, and you can go to Yanyun Yunran for the activity funds Reimbursement."

Qian Duoduo was authorized by Xiangzhou, and said happily, "Okay."

Chamber of Commerce channel.

"Haha, does the boss have a price list, I want to withdraw money, how much do you charge?"

"There is also a purchasing agent price list. I have always wanted to purchase Mr. Pibai, but the prices of merchants in our alliance are a bit high."

Qian Duoduo looked at the enthusiastic crowd in the channel, as if he saw the money flying towards him, and said with a smile: "Because I just settled in Wanlisha today, I'm in a hurry and there is no price list, but the money is 1:10, unlimited collection, purchasing agent The unified price is [-]% off the mall price."

"However, if there is a personal contribution form issued by the management of Wanli Shawaiwai's headquarters, it can be converted into cash according to a certain amount. This is what the boss of Xiangzhou just ordered."

"It must be registered by the president of your gang and alliance."

 Thanks to book friend Nanyu for the reward, book friend Qibajiu for the reward, and book friend I am Lingluanjun and book friend Qibajiu for signing in and leaving messages for support every day, thank you Xiangzhou here!

(End of this chapter)

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