I'm a god in the game

Chapter 273 Cross-server Plundering Battle

Chapter 273 Cross-server Plundering Battle

Early morning hours.

Wanlisha Waiwai headquarters channel.

Gu Chuan clicked on the cross-server war declaration option, looked at it, and said in the conference channel: "Is there any connection with the Overlord Gun?"

Yan Yunyunran replied after hearing the voice: "Yesterday, I have discussed the management of the Desert Dust Alliance on the Overlord Gun server.

Hearing Yan Yunyunran's words, Gu Chuan nodded, and just negotiated.

Mutual declaration means that the two warring parties have discussed in advance. Today you declare war, and tomorrow we declare war, and we declare war in turn.

The advantage of doing this is that you know the basics, have security guarantees, and the loss will not be particularly large.

And one of the great benefits of mutual announcement is that there is a reward guarantee for both parties.

Even if the loser loses, the winner will deliberately handicap so that the loser has a guaranteed reward.

There will be no winner-take-all and loser-lose situation.

This is also conducive to the stable development of the players' forces on both sides of the war.

Moreover, the safety of the player-exclusive buildings after the new version update can also be guaranteed to a certain extent, which is a win-win cooperation for both parties.

The battle plane of the Tiandao cross-server plundering war is carried out in the main city or stronghold of the declared war party, and the player's buildings can be damaged in the cross-server battle.

You must know that player-specific buildings are built on the construction plane before they can be placed on the big map for business.

After the buildings are placed on the big map, the root of the player's exclusive building is still the construction plane. Whether it is upgrading, expansion, or maintenance, it needs to go to the construction plane, and the construction plane is also the battle plane for occupying the alliance.

Once the alliance occupying the stronghold or the main city is declared war, the player's building will also be automatically added to the battle plane, which can be damaged by enemy players.

Destroying enemy buildings is originally a way to expand the score, but destroying enemy player-specific buildings is too much of a loss for the declared war party.

It's okay to win, and you can fight back for revenge. If you lose, you can only bear it yourself. Don't talk about revenge. If you can't win, talk about revenge.

Now that the cross-server looting war has just started, there is no communication between the major servers, and it is easy to make enemies if you declare war rashly.

This is an extremely irrational behavior. These contradictions are no problem now, and it is impossible for the opponent to chase you, but it may make it difficult for you to move an inch in the later cross-server battle.

In Tiandao Jianghu, there are not only the beauty of the Jianghu, but also grievances and hatreds.

As small as quarrels, robbing darts, and as big as gang fights, these may lead to endless death between the two player forces.

Not to mention this kind of behavior that damages the player's exclusive building. Now the player forces that can occupy the main city are not too weak, and there are a lot of players.

The investment in player-exclusive buildings is even greater, and the result is that they are damaged every minute. This kind of loss is not something everyone can bear.

Intrigues and intrigues in the rivers and lakes are the normal state of Tiandao's servers.
The other reason is that Gu Chuan directly pulled the entire Wanlisha to fight in the south of the Yangtze River as soon as Gu Chuan opened the district, and then unified the entire Wanlisha, making the other three alliances tremble.

That's why the players of the other side of the flower seem to be a little calm, and they can't do anything if they want to.

A unified Wanlisha League faction was waiting for an opportunity, and the remaining three alliance factions were forced to change their plan to integrate the internal alliances, changing from iron-blooded conquest to tenderness.

If they don't cooperate, they won't have the confidence to resist Wanlisha, and if they cooperate with internal forces, they won't be able to achieve unity.

Until later, the leading forces of the four alliances of the other side of the flower have coexisted peacefully, and the friction between other small forces has become less important.

That's why the Bianhua flower is now in a slightly weird situation amidst the calm.

Gu Chuan looked at the time, and asked Yan Yun Yunran in the conference channel: "What time is the declaration of war?"

Yan Yunyunran took out the small notebook that he had made notes, and read aloud: "What I discussed with the Desert Dust Alliance is that we Wanlisha and their Desert Dust Alliance finish the number of declarations of war first."

"At 10 o'clock in the morning, they declare us, and at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, we declare them. In the last game at 8 o'clock in the evening, let the side that loses the most declare, draw a tie, and finish all three times of war declarations per week."

"The three declarations of war purchased with gang funds every week are used by both sides for counterattack declarations of war. If there are any leftovers, they will be fully played every weekend."

"During the battle, both parties must ensure that the behavior of their respective players is restrained. They are not allowed to intentionally destroy the player's exclusive buildings of the declared war party, and they are not allowed to say hilariously."

"If we are satisfied, the two sides can continue to cooperate. They contact other player forces on the Overlord Gun server, and we contact the side of Bi'anhua. The two servers will continue to communicate with each other, and lay the foundation for real cross-server cooperation in the future. "

Gu Chuan nodded, and replied: "Okay, you can answer to the other party, and both parties will follow this plan."

"If the cooperation is happy, I will contact the player forces on the side of Bi'anhua. When the cross-server war starts, the servers of both sides can form an alliance."

Then, looking at the time, he said in a deep voice, "It's 8 o'clock in the morning, and there are still 2 hours before the start of the battle. The management has started to organize the brothers to prepare for the battle."

"I hope that everyone in this battle can play our Wanlisha's strength of character. Although our Bianhua is the last server opened by Tiandao, our Wanlisha is by no means weaker than any player force."

"Do you have the confidence to let the opponent take the guarantee?"

What responded to Gu Chuan was the enthusiastic shouting of everyone on the channel: "Yes!"

Seeing this scene, Gu Chuan smiled with satisfaction, "The meeting is over, let's prepare for the battle."

He has an impression of the Desert Dust Alliance on the Overlord Gun server.

In the player feedback group organized by Polaris Studio, he had a chat with Yan Shisan, the president of Desert Dust, and he was a rather funny person.

Gu Chuan is very satisfied with this cooperation plan.

The cooperation between the two parties in the early stage is to lay the foundation for the subsequent cross-server battle. While cooperating with each other tacitly, they will also determine the leader of the later cooperation.

Everything depends on the outcome of the plundering battle, and the winner can dominate in the subsequent cooperation.

Although the management of both parties did not explicitly say so in the cooperation plan, it was a tacit understanding between the leaders of both parties. Gu Chuan believed that Yan Shisan also thought the same way.

At this time, on the channel of the Desert Dust Alliance, Yan Shisan was also holding a mobilization meeting.

Yan Shisan: "I would like to remind my brothers, the first game is us as the party declaring war, don't hit the player's exclusive building on the opposite side during the battle, don't say hello"

"Whoever fights the player's exclusive building, half of the compensation fee will be managed by the gang, and the other half will be paid by myself, and I will remember it all. This is an ally, not hostile. Take your mouth away."

The vice president of Damo Guyan couldn't laugh or cry, "Is this an ally?"

Yan Shisan smiled boldly and said, "Yes, ally, do as you want, and tell the brothers well."

"Don't lose to the opponent, then you will really laugh out loud."

(End of this chapter)

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