I'm a god in the game

Chapter 269 People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong

Chapter 269 People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong
Thinking of his tragic experience in the past, Gu Chuan finally dared to face his bleak life directly today.

After opening the backpack and looking at the 99 thieves flags inside, Gu Chuan nodded in satisfaction.

"So, you're still waiting for me, aren't you?"

Thief flag: "Get out!"

At this moment, Gu Chuan looked at the three-fold red cargo escort car slowly approaching ahead, with a smile on his face.

The hillside where he is located is Luoyuntan, the lower left of the foot of the mountain is Bailidang, and behind it is the Red Clothes Forest. If you follow the normal route, you will go to Luoyuntan, but this escort vehicle is slowly driving towards the hillside.

This is either confident, or a new player.

In the past, dart players like to take a shortcut from the hillside, and go directly to the Red Clothes Forest without going through Luoyuntan. This way the distance is short and the time spent is less.

But in this way, the player needs to drive the dart car by himself, and cannot drive automatically.

And now on the normal dart betting route, there are many players betting on darts, and the vehicles that bet on darts overlap layer by layer. It is difficult for players who rob darts to accurately click on the target vehicle, which greatly improves the completeness of many double and triple players. big boost.

So many players now take the normal route, autopilot, and it’s safe. Few people take this shortcut anymore, and those who take the shortcut are basically ordinary escort cars.

Unless it was a vicious robber, no one would rob such an ordinary dart.

Most of the robber players play for a thrill, not to rob darts for that little circulation gold.

Gu Chuan clicked on the nicknames of the dart players who were slowly approaching, and glanced at their skill values. The average skill of the team is basically more than 9000, and they are all players in the first echelon.

"That's it~"

If it was an ordinary dart car, or a dart car bet by a new player with low skill value, Gu Chuan would not rob it.

As for the red cargo dart car with multiples, players know that there is a high probability of being robbed, and they are mentally prepared.

Ordinary escort cars, unless they are vicious robbers, will generally not be robbed. This is the consensus of the players.

The reason for the new players is that they have not been in touch with this game for a long time, and they have not yet understood the gameplay. There are too many places to spend circulation money, and the circulation gold is not enough. After being robbed, they may not be able to bear it.

Therefore, Gu Chuan will not rob these two kinds of escort vehicles. He only wants to experience the gameplay and enjoy the tense and exciting feeling of chasing, not the benefits of robbing the darts, which they still have. Look down on.

In the escort car he chose, the players who bet on the dart had an average skill of 9000, and they were all in the first echelon of Bi'anhua. They could afford the loss after being robbed.

Moreover, they have played the game for a long time, and they can understand the game of Robbery Dart enough, and they can also bear and understand it.

Whether you call him the Holy Mother or something else is fine, this is his own understanding of the game.

After determining the target, Gu Chuan changed into Jiedao Fengchen's fashion, and changed his face again. Although it is certain that he will be found out, he still has to do it.

My Disciple of the Eight Wildernesses still has to show some face when he goes out.

After everything was ready, Gu Chuan directly slashed at the triple dart car with a blue dragon, activated the unicorn arm, and quickly clicked on the dart car, without giving the dart player any chance.

Last time, he let them go because he was soft-hearted, but he was arrested and chased for half a map. He sang tears behind bars for a long time in the dungeon.

So this time, he's just a ruthless killer~
[The system prompts that the player Xiangzhou launched a dart robbery battle, may I ask if you want to participate in the battle]


After a burst of teleportation fluctuations, the robbery dart battle was about to start.

After waiting for Shiqiu and the others to come in, Gu Chuan didn't hesitate at all, and rushed directly towards Tianxiang, the opponent, giving priority to killing the healer on the opposite side, and then lightly pressed the killing intent button with his fingers.

"Killing Intent Skill-Sword Lu Shanhe!"

The battle broke out in an instant, and the cold sword light pierced the sky. Their skill values ​​were too high. After they finished using the killing intent skills, all the players on the opposite side were directly disabled.

Haze skills, refresh skills, a set of combos can be played in an instant, and the battle can be quickly resolved.

Gu Chuan didn't say anything on the current channel, so it's easy to be talked about privately by the opposite party.

In less than a minute, the dart battle was over. Gu Chuan ran directly to the edge of the dart plane, waited for the dart time to end, and ran away quickly.

current channel.

Li Zhejian: "Damn it, this damage will be done in seconds."

Dadai: "Everyone said don't go here, don't go here, there are too many robbers, it took me a few days of blackmail to get three times as much."

Li Zhejian: "Does the hero on the other side dare to leave his name?"

Dadai: "It's okay, I know who it is, Taibai with a skill value of 14000, who else can he be except the Xiangzhou boss."

Li Zhejian: "The other ones are Shiqiu boss, and Meow six bosses, tsk tsk, it's still disguised, the world is amazing."

Gu Chuan looked at the speeches on the current channel and felt a little depressed. Why do you always react so quickly at such times.

Even though he was recognized, Gu Chuan still didn't reply. As long as I don't admit it, you won't recognize me.

I, a disciple of the Eight Desolation, have nothing but a thick skin.

After the time for robbing the darts was over, Gu Chuan and his party quickly fled to the sparsely populated dense forest to hide.

Team channel.

Zuo Yu: "Are you so famous? Even Yi Rong knows it's you."

Wu Zhao: "The four golden flowers on the other side, that's just famous, and they've made their debut, Zuo Yu will hide better later, I guess there will be arresters everywhere in Hangzhou later."

Gu Chuan hid in the hidden dense forest with the bright red robbery on his head, saw their teasing, and posted on the team channel: "It's not that exaggerated, Zuo Yu, don't listen to her nonsense."

Mr. Meow is 1.6 meters: "Every time we rob a dart, we can only rob once and get caught. You are not exaggerating. You can watch the world channel now."

Seeing the message from Miao Liu, Gu Chuan clicked on the World Channel, the corners of his mouth twitched, and the World Channel began to scroll.

World Channel:

"Brother Kuai for help, I was robbed by the Xiangzhou bosses just now, the location is Hangzhou, let me join the group."

"Send the coordinates, we'll be there right away, the boss of Xiangzhou is here, it must be the Four Great Golden Flowers, and we haven't run away."

"Haha, so it's cat and mouse again now? Brother wait for me."

It didn't take long for the entire area around the escort route in Hangzhou to be filled with fast-moving players, and they began to search for Gu Chuan and his party all over the mountains and plains.

In less than 5 minutes, under the search of hordes of fast players, the group of them fell one after another and were taken into the dungeon.

[System prompt: The robber "Xiangzhou" has been captured in the prison]

Looking at the overcrowded and vaguely familiar sky prison, Gu Chuan felt a little depressed.

Team channel.

Master Meow is 1.6 meters: "I said that it can only be robbed once. Look, it only took a few minutes to come in."

Wu Zhao: "People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. Next time you rob Xiangzhou, don't call me. I'm afraid, haha."

Xiangzhou: "Blame me~"

Zuo Yu: "Next time I don't want to rob the darts with Xiangzhou, the arrest speed is too fast."

Shi Qiu: "I'm used to it, and now I'm sending you a song called Tears behind bars~"

Gu Chuan took a look at the detention time. Fortunately, it was not too long, that is, more than half an hour. The most annoying thing about Tiandao is the detention time in Tianlong. It will only be reduced if the player is online. If the player is not online, this time is not enough. will change.

After chatting for a while, everyone hung up.

(End of this chapter)

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