I'm a god in the game

Chapter 259 Do We Dare To Say No?

Chapter 259 Do We Dare To Say No?

Wanlisha Waiwai headquarters channel.

Neither Yingzheng nor Huamanlou, the president of the Diwangzhou Alliance, stopped continuing the topic just now.

After the two reached a consensus, the four camps of Bi'anhua basically completed the internal unity.

Gu Chuan looked at the people in the conference channel, and said with a light smile: "Today, the major leagues of Bi'anhua are basically here. You may know more or less, and you can listen to what you know. It's okay if you don't know. Now let me tell you one time."

"The next version of Polaris Studio - Expedition across the sea, will be launched within a week at the earliest."

"Based on today's time, it should be a few days, but the news is not sure, it may be fast, or it may be slow."

"However, we will definitely be prepared if we prepare early."

"The new version will cancel the sub-rudder, master rudder and other site warfare methods, and change it to the martial arts competition method."

The hearts of all the people present were tense. Most of their presidents only knew that Polaris Studio was going to release a new version, but they didn't expect to cancel the sub-rudder, master-rudder and other turf warfare methods.

You must know the turf warfare methods such as sub-ruler and master helm. For some alliances, it is a major matter of the survival of the alliance.

Gameplays such as sub-ruler and master rudder are related to the application qualifications of cooperative guilds, and only cooperative guilds can be eligible for rebates.

Many of the alliances they were present did not have the support of Shenhao such as Xiangzhou and Shiqiu.

The funds they use to develop the alliance are basically rebates from Tiandao.

Now the rebate is gone?

What do they use to develop the alliance, and what do they use to benefit the players and management under their hands.

Seeing the reaction of everyone in the channel, Gu Chuan laughed again. Before he could speak, he heard panting in the channel.

But he could also understand their concerns.

Gu Chuan continued to speak softly: "Although the name of the new version is called Expedition Crossing the Sea, crossing the sea is a matter of the follow-up version."

"I heard that Polaris Studio has made the version of the cross-sea expedition into a series, which is divided into three major versions: upper, middle and lower."

"I'm talking about the new version that will be updated soon, which is the cross-sea expedition - the first version.

"The previous version is mainly about the martial arts game."

"Wulin competition is to replace the game of turf warfare such as sub-ruler and master rudder. In the past, the quota of sub-rudder and master rudder can only be 6 in an alliance camp, which has caused many alliances to miss out on turf warfare and other games."

"Except for the sub-helm alliance and the main helm alliance, the entire Tiandao alliance basically has no sense of existence. They are basically in a half-dead state, and everyone should know the whole thing."

"Now the new way of playing - the martial arts competition has unlimited places to occupy the territory, that is to say, as long as your strength is strong enough, you can occupy all of them."

"Twelve large maps of Tiandao: Kaifeng, Hangzhou, Xiangzhou, Qinchuan, Yundian, Jinghu, Bashu, Xuhai, Dongyue, Jiangnan, Yanyun, and Jiuhua can all be occupied by players."

Many guild leaders in the channel were slightly startled, and couldn't help asking: "Boss Xiangzhou, can all twelve large maps be occupied? Is that what I understand?"

Gu Chuan nodded and said, "Yes, as long as you are strong enough, it's fine for you to occupy all twelve maps."

"Of course, there is no limit to the number of occupations, but the qualifications for occupation are limited."

"For example, in Kaifeng, there are strongholds such as Shibaliwan, Jushilin, Yaoshan, etc. You can understand it as a sub-helm. Only when you occupy more than half of the strongholds on the same big map, can you be qualified to attack the main city. This can be understood as a general strategy. rudder."

The chairman who just asked the question was a little hesitant to say: "Then I said, don't mind, I want to ask the boss of Xiangzhou, why do you want to unify the Diwangzhou?"

Hearing the president's words, the president, Ying Zheng and others who knew the truth couldn't help laughing.

Gu Chuan smiled again and said, "Haha, speaking of this, let me say one more thing that everyone cares about, and that is the issue of rebates."

"After the version is updated, each large map will have twelve occupyable strongholds, which are sub-helms, and a main city, which is the main rudder."

"Each stronghold will have its own teleportation point and tax range."

"The player's consumption at the stronghold will be attributed to the tax of the gang alliance that occupies the stronghold at a rate of 2%, including the cost of the teleportation point."

"The gang alliance that occupies the stronghold will have the right to decide where the tax goes. You can give benefits to the players under your hand, and you can also use it to build strongholds. This has a lot of autonomy."

"The gang alliance that occupies the stronghold has the right to plan and build the stronghold. That is to say, if you occupy the stronghold, you can build whatever you want."

"And the gang alliance that occupies the stronghold can still apply for rebates, but the rebates are only 5% - 10%."

"This is much better than the original rebate, and other gang alliances that are almost in power can also participate."

"And when server players occupy more than 20 strongholds, they will meet the requirements for starting a cross-server battle."

"Of course, this mode, I call it the cross-server war plundering mode, for example, when our Bianhua players occupy more than 20 strongholds, they will be automatically added to the server options that can declare war."

"After adding the server option that can declare war, players from other servers can choose to declare war on our Bana Flower."

"The scale of declared war is divided into gang wars, alliance wars, alliance battles, and full server wars."

"The party that declares war contributes challenge funds. If it wins, it will be refunded in full. If it loses or draws, it will belong to the winning party."

"If our Bianhua is declared war by another server, the gang alliance that declares war on that server can enter our Bianhua across servers and attack our declared player's stronghold or main city."

"The scope of the war is divided by the scale of the declared war. The cross-server gang plundering war is the stronghold of the declared war gang."

"The alliance battle and the alliance camp battle are the same, it's just the size of the scale."

"As for a full-server war, unless it is a deadly enmity, it is generally not declared a full-server war, and unless props are used to declare a full-server war, it needs the consent of the leader of the four major alliance camps to declare war of."

"And challenge the group with high funds, let's talk about this when we meet."

"Cross-server plundering battle, the side that successfully defends will get the challenge funds and supplies from the side that declared the war."

"If the defense fails, the system will deduct the materials in the gang alliance stronghold of the declared war, including tax funds, according to the degree of defeat."

"The degree of defeat is divided into: a tie, a narrow defeat, and a big defeat."

"A tie is also considered a victory for the defender. A narrow loss deducts 10% of the defender's materials and funds, and a big defeat deducts 30%."

"At first glance, this declaration of war rule is good for the defender."

"But you need to know that the battle is carried out in the defensive stronghold, and the buildings and some system buildings built by the player in the stronghold can be broken by the player."

"So think about it, even if you win the defense, after that battle, your stronghold will return to before liberation almost overnight."

"Whether this is a loss or a win, you judge for yourself."

"Of course, in addition to cross-server battles in plundering wars, players on this server can also declare wars with each other, but I suggest that it is best not to declare wars blindly."

"I think all the presidents don't want the stronghold that they have worked so hard to develop to be disrupted by their own people, although it will not cost much to rebuild and repair."

"But it's good to have this money to give to the brothers under him, and to distribute benefits."

"Do you think this is the truth?"

Don't the many presidents present dare to say that?

In terms of fists, the fists of these people are also big. These people probably have discussed it, and now I just let them know.

And this is also a kind of guarantee for them.

Otherwise, with so many extra places, there is no guarantee that these small leagues will be able to take advantage of this opportunity to develop smoothly.

They are stupid to refuse.

 Thanks to "Wang's Fake", "Frost's Frost", "Entering 23333", "Bending the Bow and Shooting the Big Eagle 1996", "Lonely Drunk" and other book friends' Singles' Day reward gifts, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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