I'm a god in the game

Chapter 256 - Sword Girl

Chapter 256 - Sword Girl

night time.

The "Wild World" event has officially ended, and many players are still excitedly discussing the changes of the Sky Knife. They are tirelessly spreading the beauty of the Sky Knife in various ways, hoping to attract more players to join.

There are also players of Bianhua, who sent out the strategy of Bianhua's decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City, which aroused the players' sighs.

"Fuck, we worked so hard to keep it, now you tell me that we can play like this?"

"It's not bad that it's the boss of Xiangzhou, but it's cheating. Who in other districts dares to bet with the player's event rewards, and the players dare to follow suit, and only Bi'anhua and the boss of Xiangzhou are the only ones. You can try it in other districts. I can't be envious."

"I've gained a lot of experience. In the end, I can still play like this in the event. The Heavenly Sword is cheating."

"This event has to be said to be fraudulent, and I hope that the follow-up version of Tiandao will be better."

"Brother, you have to believe a word, dogs can't change eating shit."

"But to be honest, this event is still very fun, I hope the Sky Knife will continue."

Soon, as this video was forwarded to other forums and platforms by more and more enthusiastic players, it attracted a large number of players to watch it, and it also continued the popularity of Tiandao.

At this time, Polaris Studio was still struggling.

In the conference room, Wu Jing, the person in charge of the technical department, glared at Hou Yan who had come in a hurry.

But Hou Yan could only smile embarrassingly, and then quickly found his own position to do well.

He, a person in charge of the planning department, went to the technical department to "point the finger", so he didn't blame Wu Jing for his expression.

After Qin Wei saw the last person in charge, Hou Yan, he tapped the table with the pen in his hand, and said, "This event, all your departments talk about your feelings."

"Hou Yan, tell me."

As soon as Hou Yan sat down, he saw his team leader calling him by name, pointing at himself, and asked uncertainly: "Me?"

"Yes, haven't you been on the front line all the time? Let me tell you how you feel."

Hou Yan felt that he was being targeted, but he still bit the bullet and said: "My biggest feeling is that the enthusiasm of the players has increased. Before the maintenance of the event, our Tiandao was on the top of the Weibo hot search, which shows that the players expectations are high.”

"Take Bianhua as an example. Before the maintenance update, there were 10000+ online players. After the maintenance update in the early morning, the number of online players exceeded 30000+ as soon as the server was opened, and even reached 70000+ at the peak of the event."

"It's also fortunate that we added a few more servers, otherwise the number of players alone would blow up our servers."

When the heads of other departments heard this figure, they felt incredible.

They know the number of players in each server of Tiandao, and now there are 70000+ players in Bianhua alone, so how many new players have been added in one day today.

This is still in the absence of official publicity, it is completely based on word of mouth from players.

"Is our Sky Knife so hot?" The people in charge couldn't help but have such a question.

When Qin Wei got this data, he was also amazed.

To be honest, such a scene did not even occur to him.

A person in charge said excitedly: "Team leader, shall we take this opportunity to promote it? Now that we are not short of money, we can definitely use this time to completely build up the reputation of our Heavenly Sword."

The current development of Tiandao is related to their own interests.

Hearing such a speech, Qin Wei said seriously: "Forging iron requires hard work. Don't be blinded by the current false popularity."

"Didn't you explain it clearly during the video conference?"

"The focus now is how to forge the core of the game. Let's talk about the development of the follow-up version first. For reasons known to everyone, the few follow-up versions we prepared are no longer suitable."

"However, you can still take advantage of it. Put the summary of this event into the new version, and add more casual gameplay and interesting activities. Of course, you can't put the cart before the horse."

"By the way, add the cross-server battle gameplay to the new version. Hou Yan, you and Wu Jing will discuss this aspect."

Qin Wei exhorted solemnly.

Now Tiandao's old server has become somewhat peaceful, not to say that peace is not good, but the current gameplay of Tiandao can no longer meet the needs of players, leaving many players with nothing to do.

But you can't add too many new ways to play, otherwise the steps will be too big, and it is easy to pull the bird.

The best way is to proceed simultaneously, adding a small amount of new gameplay while constantly improving the previous gameplay, but this kind of work is very demanding.

Fortunately, the current Polaris Studio just got a sum of money, not short of money.

And regarding the prototype of the new version, they have already prepared internally.

After Hou Yan and Wu Jing looked at each other, they said in unison: "Understood!"

As the popularity of players became higher and higher, many players went to Tiandao's official blog to speak out, and most of them were casual players.

"It is strongly recommended that Tiandao launch a casual gameplay, similar to the one in the final boss link of Bianhua today. If it doesn't work, you can also copy the opposite sword three."

"Yes, if you can't, you can copy a few more. We don't care. As long as it's not too expensive, it's good for fun. We don't ask too much."

"My sister just said, if there are more fashions, I want to buy them!"

In the end, many players also came to cheer and voice their support, and then the Tiandao official blog also quickly responded accordingly.

"Dear players:
After the end of the "Trouble of the Rivers and Lakes" event, Daomei received suggestions and feedback from many players, and sincerely thank all players for their love for Tianya Mingyue Dao OL.

But can you stop embarrassing Daomei me, I'm just a little Daomei.

Regarding the issue of casual gameplay, Daomei can only say that she is already preparing, and it is a very, very large version.

The corresponding casual gameplay, combat gameplay, and fun gameplay are all in the subsequent versions. Daomei can only reveal that the name of the new version is tentatively set as "Cross-Ocean Expedition".

Moreover, large-scale battles such as cross-server battles have been added, and it is different from the previous cross-server battles. The most, most important thing is the new version. Girl Dao has seen it secretly, and it seems that there is no need for krypton gold.

Daomei can only reveal this, otherwise she will be silenced, bye friends!

Seeing the response from the Tiandao official blog, the players became even more "intensified", but after seeing the news of the sword girl, more players were excited.

"Sister Dao, I feel itchy when you are like this. Tell me quietly, after you are fired, I will support you."

"Sister Dao, you can't talk nonsense with your eyes open. I don't have krypton gold points. I don't study much. Don't lie to me."

"Without krypton gold, is that still the North Star?"

Gu Chuan looked at the sand sculpture operations of netizens on Weibo with a chuckle. He didn't know the content of the version, but he believed it if he didn't pay for it, because he said it.

After continuing to read for a while, Gu Chuan directly closed Weibo and went offline to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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