I'm a god in the game

Chapter 243 Second Video Conference

Chapter 243 The First Video Conference

The next morning.

When the sun was just rising and the sky was still dim, Qin Wei came to Xinyue Lake.

Qin Wei came to Villa No. [-], looked at Aunt Liu who opened the door and asked softly, "Mr. Gu, are you still up?"

Aunt Liu said in a low voice, "Do you want me to wake up Mr. Gu?"

"Ahem." Gu Chuan looked at the two people who were talking softly, and smiled awkwardly, "Aunt Liu, go get busy first, Mr. Qin wait for me."

Qin Wei smiled slightly when he heard the words: "It's okay, it's okay, Mr. Gu, you go ahead, I came early, I'm sorry to disturb your rest."

Gu Chuan returned to the room and quickly found his most formal clothes, and then a group of four came to Xinyue Lake's meeting room, which Gu Chuan borrowed.

In the conference room, Qin Wei handed a document as high as half an arm to Gu Chuan, and said, "This is a power of attorney for dividends, and this is a shareholder's shareholding letter."

Gu Chuan felt a little headache looking at the huge pile of documents in front of him, not to mention whether he could understand these documents, but to say when he would have to see so many documents, before they were sold and he didn't know yet.

Gu Chuan pointed to the document in front of him and apologized to Qin Wei: "Please wait for me."

Gu Chuan walked out of the conference room and called Chen Dongrong: "Does your family have a company in Suzhou City? Let me borrow some people who understand the law and transfer property rights."

"Damn it, don't tell me, you're about to negotiate with Polaris, and now you're about to sign a contract."

"Well, the negotiation is half done. Although I didn't achieve the expected goal, it was within my expectations. Now people are waiting for me. I don't know much about contracts, so I thought of you. .”

"What does it mean to have a half-negotiation? Can this thing still be divided in half?
"I'll explain to you later, lend me some people now."

After Gu Chuan hung up the phone, he sent an address to Chen Dongrong's WeChat.

Time is fleeting.

Not long after, the people Chen Dongrong called came to the meeting room, and they were checking the documents and contracts. The leader was a middle-aged man named Xie Shang.

Wearing a pair of glasses, wearing a formal suit, and carrying a briefcase in his hand, he looked like a "professional" in Gu Chuan's impression.

Xie Shang looked at the contents of the document with a surprised expression on his face, but his good professionalism still allowed him to stabilize his expression.

But his eyes still unconsciously turned to Gu Chuan's direction. The content of the contract did not surprise him. He had seen documents with a larger amount than this, and he had seen documents that were more astonishing. What surprised him was Gu Chuan's age.

After the inspection, Xie Shang came to Gu Chuan's side and said respectfully, "Mr. Gu, there is no problem."

Hearing this, Gu Chuan smiled slightly: "Please, Mr. Xie."

Then, under the guidance of Xie Shang, Gu Chuan signed his name on the documents that needed to be signed, and pressed his fingerprints. When Gu Chuan's hands were a little tired and cramped, the documents were finally signed.

When Qin Wei heard the financial staff accompanying him say that the money had arrived, the stone in his heart was finally let go.

"Thank you Mr. Gu, happy cooperation!" Qin Wei stretched out his hand excitedly.

"It's a good cooperation, let's talk about the game now." Gu Chuan also extended his hand with a smile.

After Qin Wei's excitement passed, Gu Chuan said, "Mr. Qin, I have a small request."

Before Gu Chuan could finish speaking, Qin Wei said boldly, "Mr. Gu, please speak."

"I need a position in Polaris Studio, preferably a position like a consultant."

"No problem, what do you think of the position of "General Counsel"?"

"That's all. Do you have a job card?"

"Yes, after the work card is done, I will send it to Mr. Gu as soon as possible." Qin Wei readily agreed to Gu Chuan's request.

Gu Chuan is now a shareholder of Polaris Work, so this small request is nothing.

"That's good." Gu Chuan was very satisfied with Qin Wei's answer, and he made this request just to deal with his mother.

In this way, his future source of money can be explained to his mother as "salary".

Of course, the amount should not be too large, otherwise it will be easy to scare.

Moreover, the position of General Counsel sounds high and prestigious, and his mother can easily understand it.

At this moment, Qin Wei's side has also been set up. Today is the first meeting between Gu Chuan and Polaris Studio, and of course it will be through the Internet.

"Mr. Gu, it's time to start."

"OK, thanks!"

Soon the conference video was connected, and at this time, six somewhat restrained figures appeared on the projection screen.

Qin Wei was introducing to Gu Chuan the people on the screen and the departments they were in charge of.

Gu Chuan waited patiently for Qin Wei's introduction, and whenever Qin Wei introduced someone, he would respond with a smile.

Finally, after both parties finished their introductions and had a preliminary understanding, Gu Chuan opened his mouth and said, "Let's get to know each other again. I am Gu Chuan, a new shareholder of Tianya Mingyuedao OL, and also Xiangzhou of Tiandao Bianhua server."

"I had a lot of chats with Mr. Qin yesterday, and also discussed a lot about the future plans of the Tiandao game."

"How to plan the future development of a game, everyone here knows better than me, so I will not play big swords in front of the public."

"But what I want to say is that now, as one of the shareholders of Tianya Mingyuedao OL, I should have the right to make some opinions.

"I don't understand the planning of the game, but I can play the game. Whether a game is good or not depends on the feedback of the players, and I am the player among you."

"I think the Tiandao at this stage, borrowing from a saying on the Internet, is "Kong has a beautiful skin, but no corresponding soul. "

"Boss Qin and I also talked about many issues, so I hope that in subsequent editions, more consideration will be given to how to increase the soul of the beautiful girl Tiandao."

"The Tiandao gameplay mode at this stage is very monotonous. There is a lot less fun in the conflict between camps, and the ordinary gameplay also lacks interesting gameplay. The gang system and identity system, don't you think it is monotonous?"

Gu Chuan finished all the "bad things" he could think of about the Sky Knife in one breath, and it felt like a single word, cool!

Gu Chuan looked at where the person on the other side of the video was writing and drawing, and didn't know if he was recording the problem he just said.

At this moment, Qin Wei suddenly said to Gu Chuan in a low voice: "Mr. Gu, although you are a shareholder, the head office has a turnover target for us every year. This"

After hearing Qin Wei's words, Gu Chuan rolled his eyes, and you just say that I don't have such a big right.

"What is the annual turnover target of Polaris for Tiandao?"

"The annual net profit is not less than 1 million."

"According to what I said, I will make up for the difference in the annual turnover index."

Hearing Gu Chuan's words, the faces of the six people in the video blushed with excitement, and even the sound of their breathing became a lot rougher.

Although after the reform of the project team by the head office, each studio is responsible for its own profits and losses, but there are still annual turnover indicators, which is also a major reason for the distress of Polaris Studio.

And their Polaris Studio currently owns Tianya Mingyue Dao OL, which means that Tiandao "contributes" [-] million profits to Polaris Studio every year, and the rest belongs to Polaris Studio.

But now, with Gu Chuan's promise, the dark clouds over Polaris Studio suddenly dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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