I'm a god in the game

Chapter 238 Su Wen Spokesperson - Xiangzhou

Chapter 238 Su Wen Spokesperson - Xiangzhou

Tiandao's currently open Longzhu system, even if it breaks through to the special effect level, only needs 5 "Linglong Furnace-Jiehuo", plus players who can do martial art special effects, they are basically rich players.

Therefore, even if the output is scarce, the price will generally not be too high because the demand is not particularly high. This time the auction price of "Linglong Furnace-Jianhuo" is completely inflated.

But generally speaking, Bianhua's first Shura City event was a success.

The bidding among the bosses allowed the players present to get a lot of coupons, especially Gu Chuan's "deliberate" raising the price, which really lifted the hearts of the players, so sour
Coupled with the final "Meteor Flame Stone" dispute, this event in Shura City reached a climax.

In the end, the total amount of auction coupons in the inner city of the entire Shura City event reached an astonishing 15000000 million coupons, which is 150000 RMB.

Among them, the price hike between Chen Dongrong and Gu Chuan made the bidding price of "Meteor Flame Stone" as high as 7000000 coupons at one point, and the contribution of the two coupons was as high as 10000000 coupons, accounting for [-]% of the total amount of coupons earned from the auction. [-]/[-].

At this time, Ying Zheng looked at the sudden extra coupons in the mall, and felt slightly depressed. Although he felt that this event was very passionate and fun, but looking at the "huge sum of money", he could only secretly scold that Two prodigal sons.

I don't feel bad for cubs selling grandfather fields!

I don't know if their parents know these two prodigal sons are so pretentious and will beat them to death.

Players participating in the inner city of Shura City can share the total amount of bidding coupons on average, 15000000 coupons, which are distributed to 640 players on average, and one player can get 23437.5 coupons.

Calculated according to the exchange ratio between RMB and Tiandao point coupons of 1:100, this is 234.375 RMB.

One must know that there is absolutely nothing to say about the benefits of the Shura City alliance that is eligible to compete.

Therefore, in order to solve the problem of allocating places in Asura City, all the alliance managers present basically promised that players who did not get the quota can get corresponding compensation according to the coupons they get in the inner cities of Asura City.

The boss present at the scene does not have a large number of brothers, and this one player needs to compensate 234 RMB. If all the players add up, how much should this fee be.

Although it will definitely not be [-]% compensated, the cost is still a lot of money.

So I don't blame Ying Zheng for calling them prodigal sons. Do your family members know that you are so pretentious?
At the end of the event, the participating players were ecstatic. This coupon was enough for them to buy a set of inexpensive fashion in the mall.

On the contrary, the managers present, if eyes could kill, Gu Chuan and Chen Jiuzhi probably would have died countless times.

After the event, Gu Chuan came to the Imperial Palace Square on the map of Kaifeng, and when he was about to erect his own statue, he suddenly felt a little chilly.

"Aunt Liu, have you turned on the air conditioner? Why does it feel a little cold?"


After a while, Gu Chuan felt that it wasn't cold anymore, so he couldn't help being a little puzzled, but he didn't think too much about it. He erected the sculpture in Kaifeng Palace Square before talking about it.

"Not bad, very good!" Gu Chuan nodded in satisfaction as he looked at a Taibai sculpture in plain white fashion at Kaifeng Palace Square.

And the players near the palace square looked at the sculpture that suddenly stood up, and then looked at the "unpretentious" clothes, and complained one after another:

"It's Xiangzhou boss again, hey, why did I say "again"?"

"Big Brother Xiangzhou, if you run out of money, tell me, I'll buy you a better set, and we won't bring such a clumsy one."

"Bi'anhua's boss with the least "card face" is probably Xiangzhou boss. If you say he has no money, he will fly up. If you say he has money, wear plain clothes every day. If you say he wears Just wear it, and he will give you a question about white hair, I'm fucking sick of it."

"Let me tell you, according to Qingyuan, my apprentice in the Tage Alliance and Taxue Gang's Qingyuan, this is the Xiangzhou big brother's Qingyuan and his couple outfit."

"Suwen's spokesperson——Xiangzhou, I fucking died laughing, haha, it's because Lei Zang is not fragrant, or the red clothes are not handsome."

The corners of Gu Chuan's mouth twitched a little when he saw the players on the current channel complaining: "You guys know what a der, I'm a pure color lover, with white hair and prime questions, this is a fucking perfect match, okay?"

"It's all the fault of Chen Dongrong, that stupid dog, trying his best to cause trouble for me." At this moment, Gu Chuan watched the soul torture sent by Xiao Liuli in the dialog box, and secretly cursed someone without a little GG.

"I'm fucking stupid too. I didn't do anything wrong in the first place, so why did I feel guilty at the time." Gu Chuan regretted secretly. When he just bid for the auction, he read the news sent by Chen Dongrong and gave up the auction directly.

When he came back to his senses and thought about it carefully, he realized that he didn't seem to have done it at all, let alone Lu Xiaoliuli, he had never even had a mental affair.

"This is really yellow mud falling off the crotch, it's either shit or shit."

Gu Chuan thought that stretching out his head would be a stab, and shrinking his head would be a stab, so he would "confess and be lenient". By the way, he also tricked Chen Dongrong.

"Tell you to fuck me."

After some "justification" by him, he watched Xiao Liuli go offline with satisfaction.

Wan Lisha's headquarters.

When Gu Chuan came to the management meeting channel, Yanyun Yunran and others were discussing the compensation for the Shura City activities, without him, the amount was a bit large.

"Accept 50.00%." ​​Yan Yun Yunran made a final decision.

As soon as Gu Chuan entered the channel, he heard Yan Yunyunran's words, and asked curiously: "What 50.00%?"

Yan Yunyunran saw Gu Chuan coming, and immediately explained: "Boss, you are here, isn't it a matter of discussing compensation for activities in Shura City?"

"Originally, according to what you want to be compensated, boss, the amount is a bit large. If the compensation is [-]%, the amount that the alliance can use may not be enough."

"And if the compensation is really 50.00%, it can't reflect the preciousness of the quota. I'm afraid it will hit some brothers who have worked hard, so we discussed a [-]% compensation."

After listening to what Yan Yunran said, Gu Chuan felt that it was not unreasonable. If the compensation was [-]%, the preciousness of the quota would not be reflected. This would indeed discourage the enthusiasm of some brothers.

I actively participated in the activities and contributed more than you, but in the end, the rewards I got if I got a quota are the same as the rewards you didn't get a quota. This is a personal opinion.

If such a plan has been implemented, it may dampen the enthusiasm of some players.

I worked so hard to get the quota for the event, and after finishing the event, I finally got the reward, but the people you didn’t get the quota for got the same reward as I got, isn’t that nonsense.

Gu Chuan thought for a while, and said: "Your management will issue an announcement later. In the future, the quota compensation for Asura City will be compensated at 50.00%, but only for brothers who participated in the event but did not meet the quota requirements, they will be compensated at 50.00%. Others Never."

"This time I didn't think carefully. Next time if you find something wrong, tell me directly and stop playing such small routines."

"I'm not a goddamn saint. If I can't make mistakes, it's your management's responsibility to find problems, raise them, and solve them. Otherwise, why would you manage them?" Gu Chuan scolded with a smile.

Did Yan Yunyunran realize that his plan was wrong now?

Impossible, at any rate, he is a "battle-tested" veteran. Regarding the skills of managing the alliance and how to ensure the normal operation of the alliance, Yan Yunyunran and others can definitely be said to have reached the full level.

 Thanks to the book friends of [Lonely Drunken], thanks to the book friends of [Qiu Shui, Xie], thank you to the book friends of [This life must be the best], thank you to the book friends of [Bai Yi Qin Shao] , Thank you for your love, thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, thank you Xiangzhou!
(End of this chapter)

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