Chapter 231
Wanlisha Waiwai channel.

After returning to the channel, Yanyun Yunran asked quickly: "Boss, what's the result of the discussion?"

Gu Chuan did not directly answer Yan Yunyunran's question, but instead asked, "How are you preparing?"

"All alliances are almost ready. Each manager has prepared at least 20 alliance summoning orders and gang summoning orders. The blood medicine has been distributed, but some brothers are still queuing."

"Line up? Then today is really lively." Gu Chuan said in surprise.

Tianya Mingyue Dao OL has many other names, such as Tianya Scenery Dao, Tianya Daily Dao, Tianya Queue Dao, but the Bianhua server rarely has queuing except for the period when the area was just opened. Make it come back out of the rivers and lakes.

However, this also reflects the popularity of the activities in the Shura Field from the side.

Gu Chuan was satisfied with Yan Yunyunran's arrangement, but he wanted to laugh when he thought of Mu Qingqiu's "buttoned" appearance, and told Yan Yunyunran: "Ask Mu Qingqiu to take the potion they prepared. Prepare to take them out, don't be petty."

If Gu Chuan didn't say it, Mu Qingqiu would never have given it all. According to him, why waste money on things that can meditate.

Now the Sanskrit Alliance is not just a leisure alliance, they also undertake most of the logistics and entertainment of the Wanlisha League.

Gu Chuan also implemented some of his ideas on the Sanskrit Alliance, and the effect was unexpectedly good.

Take "Jade Bone Grass" and other blood volume restoration medicines as examples. This kind of blood volume restoration medicine is huge and indispensable in the consumption of Tiandao.

Dungeons, field battles, robbing darts, boss battles and many other gameplays are required, and the consumption is also amazing.

It stands to reason that casual players can rely on this "moving bricks".

Moreover, it can also be consigned in the official auction of Tiandao, but the effect is somewhat unsatisfactory.

Because pharmacy can be learned by any sub-professional, and the manufacturing materials are cheap, a large number of players can make HP recovery potions by themselves, but many of the materials for making potions cannot be used for other purposes.

Manufacturing materials are cheap, and all players can make them by themselves, which results in generally low prices and low profits for potions such as HP recovery.

And high-spending players such as local tyrants have a better "Jiuyang Huishen San" medicine, which restores by a percentage, and it is universal for all levels, just ask if you are afraid.

Nine Yang Returning Soul Powder Potion can also be made by players, but because the output is very small, and there is no player who specializes in making these potions to sell, so many local rich players buy them directly in the mall, which saves a lot of trouble. As for the price, how about Is there any difference for rich players?

Back then, in order to give some exclusive benefits to the Leisure Alliance, Gu Chuan bought medicines such as "Jiuyang Huihun Powder" on the Wanlisha Setting Sun software, and purchased them in proportion to the sales price in the product.

It can be regarded as a benefit for the leisure alliance, and all the medicines purchased are used for the activities of Wanlisha members.

This is equivalent to Gu Chuan spending money to give casual alliance players a benefit, and the purchased medicine is also distributed to Wanlisha's combat players for free.

One penny, two benefits.

At this time, the other shore flower, as the opening time of Shura City's activities approached, the atmosphere became obviously more delicate.

The world channel is constantly scrolling the income advertisements of the first-floor alliance, and many players who want to participate in the event have joined the teams of the first-floor alliance after seeing the advertisements of the first-floor alliance.

The alliance on the first floor has become the alliance with the largest number of players participating in this event.

Wanlisha Waiwai channel.

"All brothers, send Yanyun to gather." Gu Chuan shouted in the channel when there were more than ten minutes left before the event started.

It is necessary to load the data when the Tiandao passes through the map, but it is not necessary to load the data on the map where the event is located. Therefore, in order to avoid problems such as disconnection caused by a large number of people, many alliances will advance to the event where the event is located. Collection of maps.

"Boss, Jun Ze is also ready."

"Understood, now the heads of each regiment come to the coordinates I sent, mark each other, and then check their respective summoning orders."

"I'll say it again, whoever grabs the zunzi token should immediately notify me on the channel Kamai, do you understand?"


As soon as he entered Zunziling to compete for the plane, Gu Chuan directed in the channel according to the planned plan:

"Tage Alliance, Yanyun Alliance, Wenqing Alliance to Frozen · Guxue BOSS."

"Twilight Rain Alliance, Red Flame Alliance, Judgment Alliance to Fury Thunder Night White BOSS."

"The Sanskrit Alliance went to the "Sura Divine Pillar" to grab BUFF."

Speaking of the "Sura Pillar" BUFF, Gu Chuan wanted to complain about the official designer of Tiandao. This is a martial arts game, not a fairy game.

The whole map of Zunziling competes for the plane will randomly refresh the mysterious old man, and you can get supernatural power by talking with him.

There are also fixed divine pillar points on the map, and you can also get divine power after breaking them.

Divine power is divided into wind, thunder, fire, and ice, corresponding to the four BOSS attributes.

Ice BUFF - Freeze people in a certain range around.

Fire BUFF - Leaves a pool of fire, causing a lot of damage to the enemy.

Thunder BUFF——Summons lightning to damage and suppress all surrounding enemy targets.

Wind BUFF——Summons a tornado, knocks nearby enemies into the air and causes continuous damage.

And in the middle of the map, there are artillery points to refresh the artillery, which can be picked up by players.

Zunzi orders to compete for the active plane.

The default birth points of the four alliance camps are all in one place, not far from Yandi Shuangtian, so Gu Chuan gave up the fight for the boss, and the birth point can be called the world because the four alliances are all together. Purgatory.

Gu Chuan didn't want to waste time here, and commanded on the channel: "The management pulls the summoning order, and pulls all the people away first."

The wind and sand all over the sky passed by gently, and Gu Chuan, who had just received the summoning order, saw blue font players appearing out of thin air near the Frozen-Gu Xue boss—Shuilongyin.

Obviously, Shuilongyin also planned in this way. The main force fought for a boss, and the other troops harassed it.

Frozen - Gu Xue is the BOSS that must be taken down in Wanlisha's plan. Gu Chuan scanned the team of Shuilongyin, and did not find Shiqiu and Miao Liu, so he confirmed that this was Shuilongyin's harassment team.

"Tage Alliance opens BOSS, Yanyun Alliance and Wenqing Alliance block them, don't let them enter the range of BOSS."

After Gu Chuan gave the order, he ran straight towards the boss.

Seeing that there are still many players in the Tage Alliance, and they are not within the range of the output boss, Gu Chuan directly shouted: "Pull the summoning order of the alliance."

Race against time, as for the alliance summoning order, it is only a few dollars.

Following Gu Chuan's order, the entire Frozen-Gu Xue boss was surrounded by swords and flames of war.

On one side is the players of the Tage Alliance who are racing against time to attack the boss, and on the other side is the battlefield of the Yanyun Alliance, the Wenqing Alliance and the Shuilongyin harassment troops.

(End of this chapter)

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