Chapter 228

After returning to the headquarters of Wanlisha Wawai, Gu Chuan was thinking about how to influence or change the development route of Tiandao.

The current Tiandao official has shown the fangs of capital.

Tianya Mingyue Dao OL is a game that has been fully loaded and considered to be available for nearly two years.

In the past two years, except when the game was launched, after a wave of large-scale publicity and promotion by Polaris, the latter Tiandao basically disappeared in the game industry.

Logically speaking, there should not be such a small number of player income groups in Tiandao. The game quality of Tiandao can be regarded as the best among games of the same type.

The amazing picture quality of the game is also the game that best fits the definition of Jianghu in the players' minds in the game market.

The game Tiandao fully possesses the potential to be a popular game in China, but it is not very popular.

Chinese people, especially people of Gu Chuan's age, yearn for martial arts, and the yearning for martial arts Jianghu is huge.

Moreover, for a Chinese of Gu Chuan's age, his love for games is unimaginable for ordinary people.

This is a huge market, but why is Tiandao still so tepid.

This has to talk about the parent company of Tiandao, Polaris.

As the leading large company in China, Polaris has subsidiaries in many fields such as games, chat software, and social media.

As for the games under Polaris, it can be said that there are a wide variety of games. It not only has "Dungeon and Warriors", which claims to have 800 million warriors, but also "CF", which claims to have [-] million mouse dreams, not to mention Sword Spirit. QQ Speed, and many other games that have had a momentary impact.

Each of these games is a leader in the game industry, and each game can bring huge cash flow benefits to Polaris.

And as Tianya Mingyue Dao OL, which is also under the Polaris Company, compared with these predecessors, the gap is not one or two points.

Games like CF, Blade & Soul, and Dungeon & Warriors all have a common characteristic. They are either foreign games they represent, or they are imitated.

The money and energy Polaris invested in them is almost insignificant compared to the benefits these games bring.

As for Tianya Mingyue Dao OL, it was completely created from scratch by Polaris, which spent a huge amount of development funds and energy in order to tap the domestic martial arts game market.

On the one hand, it costs less, but brings huge profits. On the other hand, it spends a lot of money to build a martial arts game, but its performance is not satisfactory.

As the capital, Polaris Company, of course, must stop losses in time.

This has fallen into a vicious circle. If Tiandao cannot bring considerable profit to Polaris, it cannot attract the attention of Polaris. On the contrary, in order to stop losses in time, Polaris will start harvesting leeks.

In order to complete the tasks of Polaris, the Tiandao project team will start to speed up the version replacement of the game, and then launch a large number of profit-making activities to earn money from the shriveled wallets in the hands of players.

Under the "oppression" of Polaris, do you think the Tiandao project team will still focus on the gameplay and make a good game?
On the one hand, it is the praise and praise of the players, but the profit of the game cannot be raised, and there will be a crisis of job replacement at any time. My actual income has not increased, and it is completely thankless.

On the one hand, I was working hard on how to increase the game's profit income, but I was disgusted and insulted by the players, resulting in more and more player losses, but the game's profit income continued to increase. I might get promoted and raise my salary. It will also rise with the tide.

As long as it is a normal person, it will choose the side that is beneficial to itself. As for the insults of the players, it is a small problem. Anyway, after the founding of the country, animals are not allowed to become spirits in the country, let alone this "curse".

You scold you, I should make money and I have to make money, and my life is better than yours.

Judging from the player feedback group created by the Tiandao official this time, Gu Chuan feels that the official focus of the Tiandao has changed from the number of players, player reputation, and player stickiness to player quality and profitability.

Although it is said that for Shenhao players like him, the game experience he enjoys is more friendly and more enjoyable, but it is not that the Tiandao officials have raised them as pigs.

And according to the current thinking of the Tiandao official, the focus has shifted to them local tyrant players, what about ordinary players?

Take the Town Pai weapons and Long Casting system this time as an example, none of these are affordable by ordinary players, and the cost of a complete outfit is beyond the reach of ordinary players with tens of thousands of manufacturing materials.

Although the impact of this version update is not too great, domestic players have already experienced various tricks and tricks of game manufacturers, and this fact can't affect their love for Tiandao.

But according to the development idea of ​​Tiandao official, ordinary players will not be able to bear it sooner or later. They will feel that the time and energy invested in this game are completely out of proportion to the acquisition.

Over time, it will inevitably lead to the loss of a large number of ordinary players, and the ordinary players are all gone. Who are these rich players pretending to be?Do you want the Tiandao official to flatter them?
But is the Tiandao project team evil?They have a better vision and understanding of the game than anyone else, but why would they make such a decision.

Gu Chuan's understanding is that the upper management of Polaris Company is no longer optimistic about the prospect of Tiandao, and wants to stop the loss in time.

When this thought came out, Gu Chuan was startled.

Tiandao is still highly praised among martial arts players, whether it is the picture quality of the game or others, although there are some disputes in the game mode, this does not affect its influence in the player community in the slightest.

And the development prospect is also smooth. As a predecessor, Jian Wang San has many diehard fans, but its game quality and other problems that cannot keep up with the times have been fully exposed.

As long as Tiandao develops step by step, it can completely inherit the legacy of Jianwangsan, the predecessor. In addition, there are no opponents that can be valued in the market now, so it is not an exaggeration to say that the future is bright.

How could Polaris make such a judgment?Gu Chuan couldn't understand it.

The meaning of Tiandao to him is not just a simple game. He himself only realized the world he had dreamed of since he was a child in Tiandao, so he likes this game from the bottom of his heart.

Not to mention, the question of whether his cheats can continue to be withdrawn in other games, all these have prompted Gu Chuan to have the idea of ​​​​taking over Tiandao.

Although Gu Chuan had previously thought that he would take over when the development of the Sky Knife could not continue, but now that the development of the Sky Knife has made his thoughts more intense.

He couldn't bear Tiandao's good hand being beaten badly, but now Gu Chuan's problem is how to take over Tiandao.

Go directly to Brother Xiao Ma and say, "Give me a price, I want to buy the Sky Knife."

Don't be stupid, don't tell me if you can see Brother Xiao Ma, once you open your mouth, Brother Xiao Ma dares to ask for a lot of money, believe it or not.

Moreover, compared with Gu Chuan's current Taoism and a character like Xiao Ma, the two sides are separated by hundreds of thousands of miles.

 Xiangzhou has been in touch with Tiandao since the beta test. At the beginning, I saw someone swindling bandits in an Internet cafe. This game is gone now, so I feel cheated. I also want to play, so I became a member and opened a yellow diamond, just to get A test code, and then I entered this arena with my friends. At that time, the arena did not disappoint me. He was very pure and friendly. The first fashion in Xiangzhou was bought by my master and wife with their working wages. Yes, just to look good together, but the sky knife behind it slowly started the road to death, hey
  Tiandao is still the best game in my mind now, but the current Tiandao is only suitable for living in memory, and it is not recommended to play it. That is the development path of Mogai Tiandao. I can't change the reality, but I can't change it in my novel.Haha~, the development path of Tiandao will be completely changed by me in the future, I hope you will forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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