I'm a god in the game

Chapter 224 Brothers Form a Group and Walk in the Palace

Chapter 224 Brothers Form a Group and Walk in the Palace

On the plane, Gu Chuan happened to be near the window.

Looking at the ever-changing white clouds outside the window, the moon hangs quietly outside the window, as if you can touch it with your hand. Looking at the moon from this angle has a different style.

But Gu Chuan was not in the mood to appreciate such a beautiful scenery at this time.

He was thinking about what he should do in the future. According to his idea, he would wait for the Bianhua to unify before slowly starting his plan, but now he couldn't wait any longer.

Plans can't keep up with changes.

His original plan was to enrich his spiritual world during college, so as to increase his knowledge and insight, so as to control such a huge wealth and prevent himself from falling.

Then he went to roam freely, but now his mind has changed, and he wants to speed up the pace.

He can consume unscrupulously in the game, that's because no one will be idle to pay attention to his source of funds, and there are tens of millions of local tyrants in the country, who will seem to pay attention to you.

But the reality is different.

In addition to his parents, his real friends all know his family situation.

If there is no good cover, how he explains his source of funds will inevitably cause some unnecessary troubles over time.

This may be the sequelae that every male protagonist who gets a golden finger will have - there are always troublemakers who want to harm me!
Gu Chuan has no shortage of money now. If he is not afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, he will become a billionaire in minutes.

Now he can say without shame that given him time, basically no one can match him in terms of money.

But although Gu Chuan has no great skills, he also knows that when a person has no pursuit, or no restraint, the speed of his degeneration is absolutely beyond imagination.

Just like Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, who left a grand mark in history, didn't he also cause "the disaster of witchcraft" in his later years.

Although he doesn't have as much power as Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he is a man with money.

Money, power, fame, he already has the same.

Recently, Gu Chuan has found that his concept of money has become more and more blurred, which is not a good phenomenon.

So he kept telling himself in his heart: "Don't float, don't float."

It's because I'm afraid that I will do something that I didn't expect that day.

After getting off the plane and breathing the air on the ground, Gu Chuan slowly came to his senses. He thought of many ways on the plane, but he rejected them all.

In fact, a person with a huge capital flow like him is most suitable for a venture capital investment.

But he thought about it or denied it.

Take it slow and down-to-earth, he is only a freshman now, so let's finalize the aspect of the game first.

Now that he has decided what to do next, it is time to prepare to raise funds, otherwise he is afraid that the remaining money in his account will not be enough.

After returning to Xinyue Bay, Gu Chuan directly logged into the game, and then went to Wawai to find Qian Duoduo.

"Old Qian, during this period of time, increase the scale of the acquisition of circulating funds for me, and also release news to the outside world that Wanlisha's first expeditionary army is about to go to the Emperor State."

"Boss, the price of Bianhua's gold has just stabilized. If we collect gold on a large scale now, I'm afraid it will raise the price."

Qian Duoduo knew exactly how big the large-scale gold collection his boss was talking about.

In the past, he collected gold from players who sold it, and he bought it according to the gold price of Bianhua.

However, if the large-scale collection of gold is carried out according to what Gu Chuan said, the price of Bi'anhua's gold will inevitably fluctuate again, and it will be on an upward trend.

In the eyes of Qian Duoduo, this is extremely uneconomical.

"Don't worry. Since we have decided to go to the Imperial State, the remaining two alliances will be a matter of time. Get ready now. Don't worry about the gold price. I will charge as much as I have."

Gu Chuan played a tricky game and used the unification of Bianhua as a cover for this large-scale collection of money.

Although it's very inconspicuous, in the current society, if Gu Chuan goes to say that he has an affair, others will just spit on him: "Brother, you are so poor and crazy, what are you dreaming about?"

Qian Duoduo asked in surprise: "Boss, are you trying to launch a unified pace ahead of time?"

In Qian Duoduo's view, Gu Chuan launched a unified pace ahead of time, which was a great thing.

Now he and Wan Lisha are both prosperous and prosperous, but they won't lose both if they lose one.

If Wanlisha really unified the entire Bianhua, then he, the officially recognized businessman of Wanlisha, would be a rising tide.

When the time comes, he won't say that he will win all of the Bianhua deal, but it won't be a problem to occupy half of it.

What is more trustworthy than the guarantee of the power that has unified the entire Bianhua.

Qian Duoduo said solemnly: "Boss, you can rest assured and leave it to me."

Now the gold price ratio of Bianhua has always been around 1:20, that is, 1 yuan RMB can buy 20 circulating gold.

Although the price of gold coins is still fluctuating, they basically fluctuate at a ratio of 1:20.

On the other side, Qian Duoduo called his daughter-in-law and brother-in-law here. In order to collect money quickly, his whole family was mobilized.

"Let me teach you all the steps. Daughter-in-law, you are responsible for paying the money, brother-in-law, you are responsible for checking and accepting gold coins, and I will be responsible for shouting out. Let's take action now."

Seeing the two nodding their heads, Qian Duoduo immediately went to the Waiwai channel of Wanlisha's headquarters, found Yan Yunyunran, repeated to him what Gu Chuan had just said, and asked Yan Yunyunran to help him broadcast on the channel.

"No problem, these are minor problems." Yan Yunyunran said quickly when he heard that it was his boss's intention.

world channel.

"Wanlisha Xiangzhou collects gold on a large scale, with a gold collection ratio of 1:15, large quantity and high price, and the contact person for the acquisition—a specific businessman in Wanlisha Waiwai headquarters channel has a lot of money."

"Wanlisha Xiangzhou collects gold on a large scale, with a gold collection ratio of 1:15, large quantity and high price, and the contact person for the acquisition—a specific businessman in Wanlisha Waiwai headquarters channel has a lot of money."

"Cheating, is it so hard to collect money now? The world swipes the screen to advertise."

"What is the boss of Xiangzhou planning to do? Does he still have money to spend? Hasn't he finished all his skills?"

"Big news, big news, Xiangzhou is preparing to unify the other shore, it's a military fund, I'm so stupid, Wan Lisha's posts are all posted on the forum, domineering Xiangzhou."

"Unify the other shore flower? Ikes is private? Are you kidding me?"

"Just kidding, go to the post bar and see for yourself. Now the forum is blown up, and the six alliances of Wanlisha's first expeditionary army have all transferred to the Imperial State."

"Fraud, Xiangzhou, it's a pity that Tiandao is a martial arts game, otherwise Xiangzhou would be able to establish a country and become king."

"Brothers form a group to go to the palace, kill the dog emperor, is there anyone who stands up for the Xiangzhou boss?"

"If this is done by Xiangzhou, then our Bianhua will be the first unified server of Tiandao, which is quite fraudulent, but will there be no enthusiasm in the future? The entire server alliance is a family, then Hit it with a hammer."

"You don't care, Xiangzhou has already let go, unify the Bianhua, now we will see how the other three alliances will respond, but no matter what, the Bianhua will be very lively in the future."

 Thank you [l Starry Sky l] for your reward, thank you [GODB] for your reward, and thank you for your love!Thank you Xiangzhou!
(End of this chapter)

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