I'm a god in the game

Chapter 216 Meridian Ridge

Chapter 216 Meridian Ridge

Tiandao project team.

"How's the player feedback?"

"The total consumption of players in the blessing event currently exceeds 600, and the total consumption amount reaches [-] million. The Xiangzhou of Bianhua even made a township weapon within one and a half hours after the event started."

"it is good!"

The stone hanging in Qin Wei's heart can finally fall to the ground. He has always been worried that it will arouse the resentment of the players, but he did not expect this event to be so successful. Isn't it great news?

The tension in his heart finally loosened. Qin Wei's excitement cannot be expressed in words, and he can finally sleep well: "Everyone has worked hard today, let's all take a good rest now."

On the other hand, with the official release of Tiandao's township weapon and Longzhu system version news, Tiandao players in the forums and post bars will discuss who will get the first township weapon of Tiandao and how much it will cost time.

Along with the first anniversary blessing activity of the update of the new version of Tiandao, many players gave up the dispute over time, and instead discussed more intensely the issue of the ownership of the first town-pai weapon.

But when many Tiandao players were still citing Gu Bojin to discuss the major server bosses, with the joining of many Bianhua players and sending out screenshots one after another, the dispute came to an end. The town sent weapons to spend on the other side of the flower-Xiangzhou.

Of course Gu Chuan didn't know this, and he wouldn't fight for anything. What's the use of fighting for something like this?

Wan Lisha's headquarters.

Seeing that it was only half an hour before the opening time of the Boss of the Five Cities on the twelfth floor, Gu Chuan hurriedly shouted on the Waiwai channel: "The management of the major alliances quickly organize people on the Waiwai, the Bosses of the Five Cities on the Twelfth Floor It's on now."

At this moment, Shi Qiu hurriedly ran over and said, "After the fight, should we push each other for the leader boss?"

"We'll see when the time comes. First, finish defeating the bosses in the five cities on the twelfth floor. You should guard your bosses first, so as not to be stolen by others. That would be funny." Gu Chuan said.

The situation Gu Chuan mentioned is not impossible, on the contrary, the probability of this situation is even greater.

Although the ownership of the BOSS of the five cities on the twelfth floor has been discussed with the helmsmen of the four alliance camps, but you must know that the Bianhua is not a talk of the few of them, let alone this is a game. It is not uncommon for life to be fought.

Not to mention that the BOSS on the twelfth floor and five cities is a national event, and any player can participate. How many alliances, gangs, and players there are in the entire Bianhua, the scene will be a mixed bag.

The final ownership of the boss depends on the hatred of the boss. The boss doesn't care whether you are the master alliance or not.

After watching Shiqiu leave, Yan Yunyunran said, "Boss, I'm already organizing my brothers."

This is the first time Tiandao has an event where all the people participate in the twelfth floor and five cities, so the enthusiasm of the players is unimaginable, let alone Wanlisha.

Map of Bashu, Ziwuling.

Ziwu Ridge is lush with vegetation. It is located in the precipitous Bashu map. It is surrounded by extremely steep mountains, so it looks a bit eerie. In the distance is the Qianfoya branch of the Wanlisha League camp.

This is a paradise for animals, such as tigers, antelopes, etc. There are countless prey that hunters love here.

At this moment, many animals leisurely cruising in the mountains saw a large group of people suddenly appearing under the cliff, a deep red exclamation mark suddenly appeared on their bodies, and then fled in a hurry.

They wanted to avoid the hunting of the hunters, but they obviously thought too much. At this time, the people under the cliff did not pay attention to them.

After coming to Bashu Ziwuling, Gu Chuan said again in the channel: "Again, all the regiments will grab the ownership of the boss together, and the alliance members of the gang that snatched the boss's hatred will continue to attack the boss, and the regiments of other alliances will all defend the boss." , to prevent outsiders from robbing."

At this time, the time in the game has come to the middle of the night, the full moon hangs high in the sky, the clouds are lightly covered, and the dark and dark Ziwu Ridge is already full of people.

The Wanlisha League came relatively late. Although Ziwu Ridge looked extremely gloomy under the night, the huge number of players was enough to break the atmosphere, and it seemed a bit lively instead.

"The Wanlisha League is also here."

"Nonsense, this is Wan Lisha's alliance battle area."

"Is there any lack of people in the group, the boss hates the little prince and asked to join the group, and has been a professional boss for 12 years."

Gu Chuan looked at Ziwu Ridge, where fish and dragons were mixed together. There were casual players from Wanlisha, as well as players from other alliances.

But he didn't clear the field, and the other players didn't dare to stab Wan Lisha in the big league. Didn't they see so many people?

The reason why Gu Chuan didn't clear the field was that the boss still had ten minutes to start respawning, and no one had arrived yet.

What's more, Tiandao's death has basically no loss except for a little longer resurrection time and a decrease in equipment durability, not to mention the rewards from the [-]th floor and five city bosses are enough to make them take risks.

At this time, the Wind Soul Boss was sitting alone on the mountain, as if he was absorbing the essence of moonlight to heal his injuries.

As for the dense crowd of players around him, he seemed indifferent, as if these players were not enough to pose a threat to him, even though there were tens of thousands of them, I was not afraid.

At this time, the painful players were jumping around the boss repeatedly. Although they knew that the boss would ignore them, it didn't affect their determination to die in the slightest.

"Don't sleep, big guy, there are thieves coming to your house, there are a lot of thieves."

"This boss looks like a Japanese samurai?"

"If you are not educated, don't show off. It's not like Japan is small."

When the Fenghun boss had 5 minutes to refresh, Gu Chuan suddenly shouted in the channel: "Now everyone clears the field, not the brothers under the Wanlisha League, all clear the field."

Before many players in Meridian Ridge could react, the Wanlisha Grand Alliance suddenly launched an attack. This was originally an alliance battle area, and players who were not in the same alliance camp could fight each other.

Originally, Meridian Ridge was peaceful.

Although this is the battle area of ​​the alliance, no one would look for trouble at this time. Everyone came here for the Wind Soul boss, and there was no need to fight to the death right now.

In addition, the Wanlisha League did not clear the field when it came, and the reputation of Xiangzhou and the Wanlisha League in Bianhua has always been very good, so many players gradually let go of their guard.

But Wan Lisha's sudden attack caught them by surprise. For a while, the battle area of ​​the Meridian Ridge League was full of killing sounds, and the sound of insults and fighting resounded through the sky.

"Crap, the Wanlisha Major League has started to clear the field. I thought that Xiangzhou was different from the others. They were all the same fucking."

This kind of theory really made Gu Chuan laugh. If you say that the bosses on the twelfth floor and five cities are the kind that can be shared, he can still understand that he is not the kind of person who doesn't share any benefits.

But this kind of exclusive boss, people from other alliance camps should not think about it.

 Thanks to [Flying Sparrow Winning the Cup] boss for the reward. The boss’s [System’s Super Zongmen] has more than 200 million words. If you are interested, you can go and have a look. Thanks to [Liuli Recalling the Past] boss for the reward. Thank you for your love guys!

(End of this chapter)

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