I'm a god in the game

Chapter 207 Tianxiang alone fights 4 seas and 8 deserts

Chapter 207 Tianxiang Fights All Over the World Alone
On the chilly Qinchuan map, the Taibai sect on the Megatron side is in a crisis.

Taibai Jianping, as Taibai's meditation square, is already full of swords and swords, and corpses are everywhere.

Among the top ten disciples of Taibai, apart from Gu Chuan and Hua Wuhen, the other eight disciples fought one after another, vowing to defend Taibai's dignity to the death.

And Tianxiang's top ten disciples were all mobilized. Taibai from Qinchuan, Tangmen from Bashu, Beggars from Jinghu, Shenwei from Yanyun, Zhenwu from Xiangzhou, and sects born in the eight wastelands were all harassed by the flames of war.

As the scale of the war became larger and larger, even the slogan of massacre came from the Tage Alliance channel.

Sesame Small Fish Ball: "Tianxiang joined the regiment, Taibai battlefield needs support."

Xiao Langjun who sells newspapers: "Junior Sister, this is not good, Master"

Xiangzhou: "It's okay, just go and fight wherever you want."

This is an event spontaneously organized by Bianhua players. The name of the event is: "Tianxiang alone fights the eight wildernesses!" It's not neat, there is no nanny and a knitting rack.

Tianxiang from Bianhua Online and players from other sects are now participating in the carnival of this war.

The reason for the outbreak of the war can no longer be investigated, whether it is because of Tianxiang or other sects, it is not important to the players of Bianhua now.

"The important thing is whether there is a group to pull me in. I want to participate in this battle." The voices of many players, regardless of the time when the war of words is fierce, but most of them are flattery.

Few really have any grudges. Most of the players think that this Tianxiang Solo Battle against the Eight Desolation event is very lively, and they participated in it with the heart of joining in the fun. The war has been fought until now, and even the top ten disciples of the various sects have begun to fight. The next battle.

world channel.

"Where is my beggar gang? Isn't my big beggar gang known as the number one gang in Jianghu? Somebody pull me into the gang."

"The beggar gang will never lose to you Tianxiang, long live the world's largest gang!"

"Zhenwu Tie FW, look at the woman in our Shenwei Fort, that tells her not to go east or west."

"Stop bragging, the blood of Yanyun Shenweibao has already spread several layers."

"Shenwei joined the group, I have already dumped my love, to prove my loyalty to Shenwei Castle."

"Eight waste professions are dead and silent!"

Gu Chuan was watching the excitement on the world channel, and when he turned around, he saw Shi Qiu shouting: "True martial arts is the best in the world" and went down to join the battle.

Originally, Gu Chuan didn't intend to end, this was a farce.

For some reason, several Kouhe players scolded Tianxiang on the World Channel.

But I didn't expect that this time, Tianxiang, who was scolded, organized the fellow Tianxiang players, and made an appointment with the Kouhe players, and they fought, and the fight became like this.

[System prompt: Xiao Liuli invited you to join the team]

"Emm!" Gu Chuan looked at the invitation sent by Xiao Liuli, thought about it and agreed.

Gu Chuan teleported to Taibai Jianping, good guy.

He was still watching a play here just now, and now there is no place to watch a play, fighting is everywhere, and the fighting is fierce.

current channel.

Xiangzhou: "The Hall of True Martial Arts, how can you allow yourself to be presumptuous!"

Tsing Yi: "Big brother from Xiangzhou, we are Taibai."

Xiangzhou: "I'm sorry, I've strung up some words, I'll start over again. It's too white, how dare you wait so presumptuously!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Chuan switched modes directly, switched to sect mode, and immediately joined the battle.

I saw that the Taibai sect's residence at this time was covered with red names.

The two sides of the battle were mainly Taibai, supplemented by other people who eat melons, and the other side was mainly Tianxiang, plus its "minister under the skirt". The two sides fought fiercely in Taibai Jianping.
Taibai's cold sword light kept flashing over the battlefield, Tianxiang's wind wall suddenly stood in a row, and the invisible wind wall blocked the falling snowflakes in the sky, and also blocked Taibai's damage.

"Taibai didn't eat, so try hard."

"Don't be popular, don't talk about it, and defend Jianping."

"Sister Tianxiang, don't be afraid, I'm here to support you, come on, come on!"

"Brothers, if you have a grudge, you will revenge, and if you have a grievance, you will complain. You usually swallow your anger, but now is the time for you to beat your wife, Ollie."

"I'm just passing by to eat melons, and I don't care about my beggars' affairs."

world channel.

"Tianxiang united front Waiwai: 23211234, Tianxiang sisters gather at Waiwai!"

"Can I enter as a buddy?"

"It's still Tianxiang cheating, one hit five and it doesn't fall, the cheating is pungent and dead."

Gu Chuan looked at the Tianxiang united battle Waiwai promoted by the World Channel, and clicked in curiously.

[System prompt: You have been kicked out of the channel by the channel administrator]

"Cheating!" Gu Chuan was kicked immediately after entering the channel.

"I'll change my alias!" After Gu Chuan logged into his alias, he took a feminine nickname of Tao Zhiyaoyao, and finally he didn't get kicked.

Entering the channel to see, there are more than 300 people in the channel, more than [-] nicknames of Tao Zhiyaoyao.

"They're all ghosts! There are so many crouching dragons and phoenix chicks of Bi'anhua gathered in this small channel." Gu Chuan looked at the trumpets and nicknames everywhere in the channel, and called out fraudulently.

Gu Chuan couldn't help laughing when he heard the battle song coming from the channel: "A group of girls are united in the battle, and the battle song they played turned out to be heavy metal, haha."

After listening for a while, Gu Chuan also quit the channel. There was nothing interesting to hear, but the girl from the united front commanded well, but it was still a little bit interesting. Except for a bunch of Yingyingyanyan voices in the whole channel , Mess like a pot of porridge.

As time went by, the Beggar Gang in Jinghu was the first to be wiped out, and there was no Beggar Gang in the entire sect resident. The Beggar Gang players who rushed to support them were useless without a team and command.

Rushing into Tianxiang's camp, he was instantly killed by overwhelming skills, leaving only a few corpses behind.

After the Beggar Gang was exterminated, the Tang Sect in Bashu was also on the verge of extinction. The majestic family of the Tang Sect in Bashu was reduced to this place. I have to say that women are indeed terrible creatures.

Now the only one who is still maintaining high-intensity combat is Taibai, the most popular profession of Tiandao. The two sides come and go, and the fight is very lively.

But even the Taibai battlefield has no combat advantage, and no one will recognize Tianxiang's wind wall.

In addition, Tianxiang is organized and has a united front. In terms of unity of action, offense and defense, it has much better advantages than the other martial arts professions.

However, with the destruction of the Tang Sect and the Beggar Clan, the battlefields of Bashu and Jinghu map have been withdrawn one after another.

Many players from the Tang Sect, the Beggar Gang, and other sect professions ran to Dongyue, Tianxiang's sect residence, shouting the slogan "Capture Liang Zhiyin (NPC head of Tianxiang Sect) alive, and march towards Dongyue."

It wasn't until the evening that the battle of heaven and fragrance came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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