I'm a god in the game

Chapter 17 I'm waiting for you in Jiangnan

Chapter 17 I'm waiting for you in Jiangnan

"I am very grateful to Yan Yunyunran, Mu Yuditian, Chi Yanlitian and other presidents for their support. It is their support that brought us together. As Wanlisha, I want Liyutang to see this scene. Should be happy."

"Wan Lisha's weak image will come to an end with us. I have the confidence to lead Wan Lisha to see the so-called mountain scenery."

"Because I have so many presidents supporting me, because I have more than 2000 brothers supporting me, and we will have more brothers joining in the future!"

"You are my source of confidence, and I will try my best to be a representative of Wanlisha to reassure you. You must remember that as long as you are a member of Wanlisha, behind you is me, all of Wanlisha's alliances, and Wanlisha. All Risa's brothers."

"From now on, your world is no longer lonely, because you have me and Wan Lisha in your world, and we will become the new synonym of Wan Lisha, thank you everyone!"

In the channel, when Gu Chuan's words fell, everyone swiped their screens excitedly.

"Boss Xiangzhou, awesome! Wan Lisha, awesome!"

"It's finally time for us Wanlisha to rise up!"

"I'm starving, let me have a fight."

"I'm very excited, but luckily I changed districts, otherwise I'd have to fucking regret it, haha!"

Gu Chuan took a breath, and casually watched the venting of the people in the channel. He also wanted to vent, and he also wanted to take someone to fight immediately.

But no, Wan Lisha just got together, and many things must be agreed up front, otherwise the results of hard work will be wasted.

If we talk about the front, Gu Chuan planned to pull people to fight, but now he enjoys this passionate and passionate atmosphere.

He likes this purposeful and aggressive look very much, so he hopes that this enthusiasm can last long enough.

Everyone is full of enthusiasm now, but if there is no corresponding binding force and the enthusiasm fades, things will come.

Seeing the endless speeches in the channel, Gu Chuan still spoke.

"Now that we Wanlisha are united, many things can no longer be as chaotic as before. Now we are a whole."

"Headmaster, you probably don't have to worry about sub-rulers, so I'll discuss it with other guild leaders in the future."

"Now I just want you to know that we Wanlisha are now a whole."

"So anyone who undermines Wanlisha's unity is our enemy."

"Any team has to have the corresponding regulations, and we are no exception."

"Any member of Wanlisha can't participate in any darts of Brother Wanlisha's bodyguards during the world's bodyguard activities."

"Daily escort car, as long as the escort car is full of Wanlisha's brothers, it can't be robbed. With so many players in Tiandao, it's not good to rob other alliances. Why do you want to rob your own brother's escort car? Those belonging to Brother Wanlisha cannot be robbed."

"Any Wanlisha gang and alliance cannot declare war without permission. If the conflict cannot be resolved, come to me. If you are dissatisfied with my handling and want to fight, yes, I will set up a territory for you and let you have a good fight!"

"I won't limit you to what you can't do, what you can't do, playing games is all about blood, passion, and fighting."

"You can't fight when you play games, so what kind of games are you playing? Isn't it good to put down the computer and be with your girlfriend? Although you may not have a girlfriend, neither do I, haha."

"I won't say much about the others. Your president will tell you in the future. I'm not afraid of your jokes. I haven't thought about the others."

"Now let's talk about benefits. During the Wanlisha War, the gang management should pay attention to record the contributions of gang members, as well as your gang's contribution."

"Any gangs that participate in the overall war in Wanlisha, each gang will distribute benefits according to their contributions. I will send them to your president, and he will distribute them. If you find that your president is corrupt, please bring evidence to me .”

"Any brothers who participate in the overall battle of Wanli will also receive benefits according to their contributions. Fashion, gift bags, and cash are all fine."

"I give this alliance an activity fund of [-] yuan per month. For example, during a war, what do you do if you don't have an Internet fee in an Internet cafe? If you have nothing to do, come to me, and I will help you."

"I will bear all the expenses during the war, and I will give my brothers a peace of mind in the rear. I hope you will be invincible in the front!"

"The reason why we formed the Wanlisha League is because compared with the other three alliances, our strength in Wanlisha is indeed not that strong, and it can even be said to be very weak."

"But now, we are gathered together, and we want to participate in the "hustle and bustle" that we could only watch in the past because we were not strong enough."

"We want to get involved and then become the protagonists. Now let's announce our existence to Bianhua."

"Use your victories to declare our existence to Bianhua, and use your blood to overthrow those who dare to challenge us."

"Jiangnan, Siming Academy, I'll wait for you there."

After finishing speaking, Gu Chuan directly switched back to the game, regardless of the hustle and bustle in the channel.

"Jiangnan, all brothers gather, I will go first."

"Chong, rush, my big knife is already hungry and thirsty."

"Fuck it, no one can stop me from playing games today, not even my girlfriend."

"Haha, upstairs, stop dreaming, come to Jiangnan to fight, you still have a girlfriend."

Jiangnan, Siming Academy.

Gu Chuan looked at the [Dragon Yin Water] alliance that was still talking about it in the game, and felt a little funny. Did they really think that Tage would be afraid of them?He was still urging them to go out.

The people who just stepped on the song were first blocked in the safe zone, and then pulled by Qiushui to the channel of the Wanlisha Major League, so many players are hanging up. Does this give you an illusion?
Looking at the [Longyin Water] players who said "no fun, no passion, what kind of game are you playing if you don't fight", Gu Chuan didn't know if they would be able to hold on later, so he took out the [ Gang Summoning Order] Use directly.

【Gang Channel】

Second place in the district: "Haha, those grandchildren on Longyin Water don't think we're cowardly."

Qiu Shui: "I will listen to the united front later on, don't embarrass the Xiangzhou boss."

Flowers on Moshang: "What I'm listening to is my blood boiling, I really want to see how they look later, Boss Xiangzhou is awesome!"

Gu Qingyao: "Say it again, we will follow the command of the united front before acting. Don't let others underestimate us."

Liuli: "The convening order from Xiangzhou, hurry up and confirm it!"

Immediately, Gu Chuan was surrounded by people who were singing songs.

[Longyin Water] Di Chen: "Here we come, here we come, Tage has been sent, I thought everyone who Tage was scared, it's so boring."

[Longyin Water] Heart follows the sword: "Haha, it's not in vain that I have been talking for so long, now the passion is here."

[Longyin Water] Stars Shangsenlie: "Assemble, the people who are singing songs are here, ready to fight!"

 TMD, forgive me for swearing, I was scared to death just now, I copied the chapter I was going to publish, but I clicked the wrong one and deleted it.This was the first time I encountered such a situation when I was writing a book, and I was so scared that I broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, I saw my writing software on the Internet and found a time machine in it.Fortunately!
(End of this chapter)

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