I'm a god in the game

Chapter 1 Brother Yan, Here I Come Again

Chapter 1 Brother Yan, Here I Come Again

"Mom, I'm here."

"I see, I promise."

Gu Chuan listened patiently, and responded repeatedly to his mother's nagging on the phone.

As a quasi-college dog, you must be more careful at the last moment of being unleashed, and you must not leak any clues.

"Yes Yes Yes."

"Don't worry, Mom, I don't play games anymore, your son has been reborn, you have to trust me!"

Gu Chuan listened to his mother's instructions on the phone and quickly promised.

"As soon as you stick your butt, I know what you're going to fart." Mother Xu Bairong scolded, "Don't move, touch."

"Be careful yourself, I'm hanging up."

When Gu Chuan heard the sound of mahjong colliding on the phone, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he sighed, "No doubt my mother."

Checking the time on the phone, it's twelve o'clock. At this time, the sign-up point is overwhelmed. Gu Chuan doesn't plan to join in the fun. Wouldn't it be nice to go later?
After sitting in the car for half a day, Gu Chuan planned to go to the Wu Zang Temple to reward himself first.

He is from Yunnan Province, and his hometown is catching up with the development of the western region. His father and uncle work as small contractors together. Although the family is not rich and powerful, it is better than family harmony.

Mother Xu Bairong is a housewife and a part-time community sparrow god. Ever since her father Gu Bo took him on this road of no return, mahjong has become one of his biggest hobbies, second only to "educating" his son.

Don't talk anymore, if you talk too much, you will cry.

While eating, Gu Chuan picked up his mobile phone and browsed the post bar. Gu Chuan was infatuated with a client game in high school——Tianya Mingyue Dao.

It's a pity that I was influenced by my mother's love and abandoned the game.

Now that university is coming, good times are beckoning, so Gu Chuan plans to return to the world, first of all, find an organization.

Looking at the post bar, there are all kinds of recruitment posts in full swing.

"Thousands of people are preparing for the battle, and the twelve gangs will join forces. They must take the helm and appoint the first to send off Mr. Bai."

"The female gang leader leads the team. She has a delicate voice and is weak and easy to overthrow. She is looking for flirting online."

"Local tyrants lead the team, welcome newcomers / scenery party / masters of swordsmanship"

Gu Chuan was dazzled by the sight, but as a Su Wen party, he knew it well, he just wanted to find a medium-sized organization to join as a salted fish, and he would be satisfied with a box (gang gold box).

Although following the boss is very sweet, but there are so many masters around the boss, Gu Chuan still keeps him at a respectful distance.

Moreover, it is rare for the big bosses of Tiandao to stick together in one gang, and the big gangs are intriguing and have many demands.

Gu Chuan was bored looking through one post after another, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he saw a post with the ID "Gu Qingyao". There was no other post asking for this or that, just go to Weiwai.

"It's just you."

After leaving a comment under the post, just wait for the post owner to pull the group.

After eating, he rested in the restaurant for a while. Gu Chuan saw that the time was almost up, and there should be a lot fewer people at the reporting desk. He dragged his luggage and rushed to the happy life of the university.

Time passed, and after finishing all kinds of trivial matters, looking at the four-person bed alone, I felt a little lonely.

"So my college career has been Tang Seng in Daughter Country."

"Mom, don't worry, if your son still can't find a girlfriend, you can start a small account with my dad."

Because he is the only boy in this year's Department of Economics and Management, International Trade Class.

Gu Chuan sighed a little when he thought of the envious eyes of the senior when they parted just now.

"I want a roommate, the degenerate life in the dormitory that I miss every day."

"Why do you become a lonely family?"

This is typical of getting cheap and selling well.

After I packed my luggage, I turned on the computer and played some games first. My Dadao was already hungry and thirsty, and I was going crazy at home.

Looking at the game icon on the screen that he hadn't clicked for a long time, Gu Chuan was filled with emotion, "It's been a long time since I updated it."

While the computer was being updated, I dug out the post just now.

According to the group number on the post, join the group.

The group that Gu Chuan joined is a single gang, and the gang name is [Tage]. This name suits Gu Chuan's preferences, so it's just you.

After hanging out in the group for a while, I chatted privately with the boss and asked the management to give me a vest.

Because the new area has not been opened, it is a little quiet in Waiwaili. There are not many people, only a few managers are hanging up.

So Gu Chuan also gave up the idea of ​​nagging, and just quietly waited for the management to come over on the reception channel and give him a vest.

After waiting for a while, a manager nicknamed "Gu Qingyao" came over and asked, "Are you going to the new district too?"

"Yes, the private chat in the group was managed just now."

"Then let me put on a vest for you, and you are welcome to join us."

"In the evening, there is an event at Waiwai, and there are young ladies singing, remember to come and participate."

After chatting with Gu Qingyao casually, without much in-depth chat, Gu Chuan just found a random channel and hung up to wait for the evening activities.

Tianya Mingyue Sword is a large-scale online 3D martial arts MMORPG game. The game is adapted from a novel. Players can choose from traditional schools such as Taibai, Shenwei, and Tangmen, and have identities such as Leling, Shijing, and Orion.

The game camps are divided into four camps: Emperor State, Shuilongyin, Hanjiang City, and Wanlisha.

The player plays the role of a knight who has just entered the rivers and lakes, and the story of revenge for Brother Yan.

"Brother Yan, I'm back again." Gu Chuan recalled the day when he was chased by his mother, and shouted in his heart. "Now no one can stop me from avenging Brother Yan."

After finishing speaking, he looked around at the lonely dormitory and breathed a sigh of relief.

The game professions currently only have Taibai, Shenwei, Tangmen, Beggars' Gang, Tianxiang, and Zhenwu.

Shenwei, although it is called "Sandbag Wei", is a necessary tank class in dungeons. It has an invincible time like the barbarian king of League of Legends. It is known as: a real man in five seconds.

The weapons are a large gun and a pair of bows and arrows.

Taibai, weapon one-handed sword and scabbard, output occupation, occupation with the strongest killing intent, and assassin harvesting occupation, but these are not the most important in choosing this occupation. This occupation can use the word "handsome" throughout his life.

It doesn't matter if you are strong or not, but handsome is a lifetime thing.

Tang Sect, output profession, long-distance fortress, is the only man in Tiandao who brings his own wife, so he can't be provoked.

The gang of beggars, weapons and jugs, are known as "beggar fathers" in the banners at the North Gate of Hangzhou, which shows the power of their heads-up.Singled out the strongest.

Tianxiang, a nanny profession, can output milk and output, has two postures to switch, only female characters.But the most popular one is to pick feet (Tianxiang played by boys), and the location of the school: Dongyue.

Zhenwu, dual-sword occupation, Taoist priest, has the group control skill of "Li Yuan", a semi-remote occupation, commonly known as "green turtle."

The game map is divided into: Jiuhua, Qinchuan, Xiangzhou, Yundian, Yanyun, Dongyue, Jinghu, Hangzhou, Xuhai, Kaifeng.

Among them, Hangzhou and Kaifeng have auction houses.

In the game, each faction has a main helm and many sub-helms, which is a large-scale battle plane task.

After the 60 breakthrough, the guild leader can only declare war every Saturday. You can only choose the same sub-host as the gang to declare war. If you want to seize the main helm, you need a sub-host that your alliance has already occupied. After occupying the main rudder, the leader of the alliance will be the camp Chief Helmsman.

Each alliance has only 1 main helm and 5 sub-helms, so the competition is fierce.

In Tianya Mingyue Dao, Emperor State, Hanjiang City, and Shuilongyin are very popular. Local tyrants gather, high-level battles stand everywhere, and there are many major alliances.

Compared with the other three leagues, Wanlisha is much worse. It has become a gathering place for many small leagues. There are also big leagues who choose to come here to develop their strengths and avoid weaknesses. develop.

Of course, there are no absolutes. There are also some alliances that are not favored. They successfully counterattacked in unpopular alliances, suddenly emerged, and became the dominant alliance in the entire region. However, relatively speaking, such cases are too rare.

It's been a long time since I played, Gu Chuan wanted to get familiar with it first, opened the post bar, browsed casually, and saw some version updates of the Sky Knife and some professional corrections, and felt that there were not many changes.

Gu Chuan in the new district still intends to play Taibai, after all, it doesn't matter if he is strong or not, you don't care if my Wuhen is good or not, as long as he is handsome, it will be over.

After watching the video for a while, I found it boring. I plan to play League of Legends to pass the time. Today is the first day of freshmen’s registration. Gu Chuan is the only one in Gu Chuan’s dormitory, so there will be no dinner in the dormitory.

Choose Yasuo in the first second.

"I, Yasuo, am a strong thief, trust my brothers."

 Everyone, thank you for watching, please recommend, please collect!


(End of this chapter)

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