Chapter 550
She is going to be a queen in the future, and she can't do it without the support of a strong natal family.

"Bring it up." Gu Muqiu's voice was cold, with a chill that frightened Su Shengxin.

Su Shengxin lowered his head slightly, and when he looked at Gu Muqiu again, tears were already in his eyes: "Please regent, remember the old love, and let my father go."

"Miss Su speak carefully." Qing Shu had a meaningful smile on his face.

This Miss Su is also funny, but now the master is nostalgic, why didn't she talk about nostalgia when she was doing things before?
Su Shengxin didn't speak, but just looked at Gu Muqiu stubbornly.

Of course, Gu Muqiu is definitely not a talkative person, her brows and eyes are gentle but unkind.

"Regent really doesn't miss old love?" Su Shengxin was excited, and his voice was a little harsh.

Gu Muqiu narrowed her eyes slightly, and her voice was filled with infinite tenderness: "This king has no old love with you." She slowly put away her bow and arrow, extremely gentle, but also extremely unfeeling.

Soon, Su Shangshu was brought in front of Gu Muqiu, and he fainted because of excessive panic.

Seeing that the overall situation has been settled, Su Shengxin turned pale and said with all his might, "My lord, you are so cruel!"

Looking at Su Shengxin's appearance, if others didn't know, they would think that Gu Muqiu had done something unspeakable to her.

Now many people who have entered and exited the city gate have discovered the movement here.

And Su Shengxin seemed to know nothing, just knelt like this, looking pitiful.

Gu Muqiu frowned slightly: "Shut up, you're too noisy."

After she finished speaking, she planned to leave without any lingering. Originally, Su Shengxin wanted to follow Gu Muqiu, but the man said again: "If you continue to be tied together, it will also fulfill Miss Su's filial piety."

Gu Muqiu seemed to be smiling, but there was no smile in his eyes. Su Shengxin knew that she was not joking.

She could only watch Gu Muqiu escort him back without doing anything.

"No... I can't be put in the sky prison, if I go in too, no one will save my father..." Su Shengxin muttered to himself.


In this plane, every time Gu Muqiu travels, there are many battles, and it is the same this time.

In this time, Gu Muqiu was trying to catch the news of the former Shangshu before he escaped from prison and spread like wildfire.

Along the way, everyone started pointing at the unconscious Su Shangshu, their eyes filled with disgust and disgust.

"This person is Su Shangshu? Tsk tsk tsk, who told him not to treat us people as human beings? He really deserved what he did." One person looked contemptuous.

"Fortunately, our regent is wise, otherwise we would have let him run away."

"Retribution, really retribution, the sky has eyes."

Hearing these people's compliments to Gu Muqiu, 888's mouth twitched, well, it's another group of ordinary people who are confused by her well-dressed appearance.

"Goddess, it seems that you have never been so popular." It remembered that this guy was a villain in other worlds before.

This time it was rare to have a decent person, and it was really not easy.

"Can you blame me?" Gu Muqiu's voice was lazy and sweet.

I don't even look at who found these worlds.

"Master, what should we do with this person?" Suifeng looked at Su Shangshu who was being carried.

The corner of Gu Muqiu's mouth curled up into a charming smile: "Send it back, of course." Why not send it back and keep it, stay in the house for dinner?

"Just cheap him like this?" Qing Shu looked puzzled.

The prince is not an easy-talking person, he will never be merciful to those who offend him, and this person even escaped from prison.

"Tell them that I will execute myself after five days." Gu Muqiu said softly.

Her calm look doesn't look like she's talking about life and death, but about today's weather.

"Yes, this subordinate will go right away." Sui Feng withdrew expressionlessly.

"Why five days later?" Aoba was bewildered.This kind of person must be dealt with as soon as possible, so as not to make any troubles.

Gu Muqiu paused for a while, then glanced at Qingye lightly: "Guess."

Aoba: If you don’t say it, don’t say it. What are you doing so unpredictable.

Why does she feel that her master is getting darker?

Qing Shu walked in front of Qing Ye: "Stupid." You don't even know this?

After all, we must give others a little hope and leave a direction for our efforts.

Well, come on, if you keep working hard, you can save people.

888: No wonder.

Dao is one foot tall and devil is ten feet high, but even if people think of ten thousand ways to save people, this guy will set up a net outside to block them back.

And Gu Muqiu's purpose is also very simple, to kill their confidence and let them know that resistance is useless.

When Gu Muqiu returned to the Regent's Palace, the emperor had already received the news.

"You mean that Gu Nanchuan brought Mr. Su back again?" The emperor's eyes darkened slightly.

After getting an affirmative answer, he slammed the things on the table on the ground, his eyes filled with anger.

He also participated in this opportunity today, otherwise, if only relying on Su Shengxin's strength, how could it be possible to save Su Shangshu through many obstacles so easily?

He didn't believe that Gu Nanchuan didn't know that he was involved in this matter. To put it bluntly, Gu Nanchuan deliberately opposed him.

Gu Nanchuan may have forgotten that he is the emperor!No matter how powerful he is, he is only a regent, and he is the one who can control the power of killing. If he doesn't let anyone die, no one can stop him.

"Master, calm down, we still have a chance." The man kneeling on the ground buried his head to the bottom.

"Huh?" The emperor calmed down.It doesn't matter to him whether Su Shangshu is dead or not, but Su Shangshu is also Sacred Heart's father.

With such a filial piety, Sacred Heart would definitely not watch Su Shangshu die with his own eyes.

"The regent intends to personally ask Su Shangshu to be executed in five days." The people on the ground paused and continued.Although he didn't know what the regent meant.

"You mean five days later?" The emperor felt deceitful when he heard it.This is not like Gu Nanchuan's style at all.

"Perhaps he is still thinking about old love." The man thought for a while and said.

The emperor thought about it and decided to do it: "Maybe, let's go down and prepare."

He wanted to show Gu Nanchuan that there was no one he wanted to keep that he couldn't keep.

"Yes." The man disappeared into the room in a flash.


Suifeng waited for Gu Muqiu to complete the action before speaking: "Master, the virtuous king is here."

Gu Muqiu put down the things in her hands when she heard the words. During this time, she has been studying the exotic flowers and plants in this world.

She raised her eyes slightly, with a gentle expression: "Let's go."

Soon he met the virtuous king Suifengkou was talking about, the only prince who survived the seizure.

He is dressed in white, with jet-black long hair casually draped around his shoulders. His appearance is picturesque, so beautiful that he does not look like a real person at all. He raised his head slightly against the light, with a peaceful and serene expression, and the corners of his mouth curved into a gentle arc. The whole person looks very holy.

It is worth noting that he is in a wheelchair and cannot move his legs.

(End of this chapter)

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