Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 493 Department Competition 46

Chapter 493 Department Competition 46
The most serious thing is that the tasker can't kill the protagonist.They have also encountered a situation where the protagonist can be reborn infinitely before.

When 888 heard this, it also gave Gu Muqiu a detailed science popularization. After all, it was the first time, and the science popularization work must be done well.

"That means I was the protagonist in the last competition?" Gu Muqiu recalled the strange mermaid setting.

"That's right. It's just that your halo wasn't that big that time." When taking over Gu Muqiu, a hot potato, 888 had already done a particularly meticulous job.

Gu·Hot Potato·Mu Qiu: Hehe, thank you for your hard work.

"I don't think the protagonist is too big." Tao Yao smiled brightly.


"Because Fengxuan is the hero."

Mo Xuan:! ! !What kind of shit luck is this?Why has he never had such good luck?
"Phoenix is ​​the god of the small world, so it's normal to have good luck." Tao Yao rolled her eyes in a very unimpressive manner when she saw Mo Xuan's face that had never seen the world.

Seeing this, 888 gave Gu Muqiu a science introduction about the privileges of the God of the Small World.

Finally, the full text is summarized: "So if the goddess does not have that condition, she should do more good deeds to accumulate merit and improve her luck."

If you are lucky, you won't be assigned to that corner and have such a dilapidated body.

Well, it really is a good system, don't miss a chance to preach.

"Oh." Gu Muqiu raised his eyes slightly, and responded lightly. The system doesn't know whether she listened to it, but there is a high probability that she didn't.

It is impossible for her to spend all her time accumulating merit points, even in this lifetime.

But when Gu Muqiu heard what it said, she still felt that she was pretty good, and there was someone on the scene whose luck was not as good as hers.

She glanced at Mo Xuan, um, this guy is an unlucky ghost.

888: Hehehe, this makes you proud?Don't laugh at a hundred steps at fifty steps, okay? Why don't you compare yourself with the big boss Feng.

But Mo Xuan has been in the organization for so many years, why is his luck so bad?Maybe it's a personality issue?

The three of Taoyao didn't shy away from Qianrong when they spoke, and Qianrong just listened quietly without interrupting.

"Well, since this is the case, I feel more at ease." Mo Xuan poked secretly to hide his envy and hatred.

"Who made you so foolish?" 012 said calmly.You usually don’t work hard, but now you know how envious?Such an annoying person as his own host deserves to be smashed to pieces as soon as he enters the world.

"Can this be my fault?" The task given by the system is just a trap.


Although it had been a while since Huakui Taoyao left, the people present did not leave. They seemed to be waiting for Miss Taoyao to appear again and amaze the audience.

There are still some beauties singing and dancing on the high stage, even if it is very pleasing to the eye, but after seeing Taoyao's dance, how can these be caught in their eyes again.

But Taoyao never appeared again, just when everyone was about to leave in disappointment, a person who looked like a manager walked up to the high platform.

Seeing this, everyone stopped in their tracks. Could it be that Miss Taoyao had other performances?
"Everyone be quiet, a girl wants to perform a dance for everyone." The steward said in a moderate voice.

The steward was very puzzled, and he didn't know what his master was thinking, that he would let an unknown person perform on stage.

What kind of ability does this girl have to break her own master's rules.

He didn't really understand what the girl meant by "shareholding", but he just felt that the girl was too confident.

(End of this chapter)

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