Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 483 Department Competition 36

Chapter 483 Department Competition 36
Even though she was very interested, she didn't stop at all when she got into the carriage.

888: Heh, Tsundere.

888 can still understand Gu Muqiu's thoughtfulness. With her arrogant personality, she will naturally not allow herself to act like she has never seen the world.

The carriage moved slowly. Although the carriage didn't look big at all from the outside, or even a little crude, it was surprisingly spacious inside, and it didn't look crowded at all when three people sat on it.

Not long after they left, the three bandits woke up.

Prohibited drugs can damage the soul, so Mo Xuan complemented their souls while erasing their memories.

"Boss, why are we here?" The third child patted his head in a daze.Didn't he remember that they were tied up? What about the group of people now?

"I don't know either." The boss vaguely felt that he had forgotten something, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt a headache, and he didn't want to continue thinking about it.

As for why they fainted here, maybe that group of people knocked them down and threw them down. They were so ruthless, the boss patted his aching head.

"Let's go, go back and continue the robbery!" The boss suddenly became proud.

Nothing matters more than their careers.


"Why does the master want to be with them? We have been out for a long time." The little fox seemed very puzzled.The master has always disliked being nosy.

"Since you're curious, why don't you learn more about it." Qian Rong smiled lightly, dressed in white.The fur of the fox in his arms was as clean and white as the moonlight, as if it had become a decoration for a young man, as if he should be holding such a fox.

The little fox is helpless, well, it's true that his master doesn't like to meddle in other people's business, but he likes to join in the fun.

"This little fox looks really good." Mo Xuan said with a smile in his eyes, pretending to be unintentional.

The little fox who was named was terrified by Mo Xuan, and complained silently in his heart, of course I am good-looking, unlike you, I am scary ugly.

Qian Rong smiled slightly: "Thank you."

The little fox looked Mo Xuan up and down, with strong disgust in his eyes.But does this ugly man eat foxes?

"This fox is really good." Gu Muqiu looked up at the little fox and said to the system.

The little fox seemed to have discovered something, looked up and met Gu Muqiu's eyes, Gu Muqiu immediately curled his lips into a smile, with a gentle and affectionate expression, obviously ordinary in appearance, but people couldn't help but be addicted to her gentleness, but looked at the little fox a little strangely. Excuse me.

This person is so gentle, it actually feels that he is gentler than its own master.

888 is basically used to the trap hidden in Gu Muqiu's smile, but what's the matter with her seducing this little fox?If you have the ability, you can use it on the master.

The owner of the little fox looks like a country and a city, can't you see it?

Just at this moment, 888 labeled Gu Muqiu as a zoophile.

Gu Muqiu would not admit the word "pervert" in its mouth, but it was right about one thing, she was indeed much more interested in the little fox in front of her than his master.

"Give me its information." Gu Muqiu said to 888 calmly.

888 suddenly felt that something was wrong, why is this scene so familiar?

A man with three-dimensional features immediately appeared in its mind.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth and interest in his eyes, the man said to his assistant in a domineering tone: "Give you one minute, and give me all the information about that woman."

(End of this chapter)

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