Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 481 Department Competition 34

Chapter 481 Department Competition 34
"I took back what we organized."

"Please." The young man smiled.

I don't know when it started, the surrounding space returned to normal.

The three bandits also returned to normal at this time, but their eyes were terrified, because they happened to see the process of Mo Xuan collecting the system.

? ? ?What happened, what about those people just now, they changed people out of thin air?

Wait... What's that glowing flying thing?
In the blink of an eye, that group of people were turned into fireflies?

"Boss... Those people were turned into fireflies by them..." The second child tried hard not to sound so trembling.

Because the system can fly and emit light, the three bandits took it for granted that it was a firefly.

"Don't talk... don't let them find us." The boss lowered his voice to a minimum.

These three people must be monsters, otherwise how could they turn a good living person into a firefly?Immortals would not resort to such low-handed means.

The black-faced boss took several deep breaths to make himself less afraid, and then began to think of countermeasures.

The three of them encountered this kind of thing, and these "monsters" would definitely not let them leave alive. Instead of staying where they are and waiting to die, they might as well take a gamble: "I'll count one, two, three and let's run together."

"Okay." The other two bandits said in unison.

"Okay, get ready, one, two..." As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed out.The second child's body reacted too quickly and rushed out, leaving the third child standing there blankly, unable to react for a while.

He paused for a few seconds, and seemed to realize that his brothers had all run away. Before thinking about it, he said, "Wait for me, didn't you agree to count to three?"

The voice was surprisingly loud, as if afraid that the boss and the others would not be able to hear them.

His loud voice almost pissed off the boss and the second.

The second child hated that iron could not be made into steel, and secretly scolded the third child for being stupid. My eldest brother counted, when did there be three?How come there is no tacit understanding after being brothers for so many years?

Forget it, since brothers don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but they want to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day.

He looked up as if he was dead, and met Gu Muqiu's smiling eyes.

The tenderness made them tremble with fear. They found that their legs seemed to be out of control, trembling and numb.

"Boom, boom, boom." The three of them knelt down neatly for Gu Muqiu and the others.

"Spare the gods, spare the lives of the gods, we didn't see anything, we will definitely not go out and talk nonsense..." Snotting and crying, this battle made the little fox in the arms of the stunning boy look stupid.

Can a person really be so spineless?

Three bandits: It's good to be alive, what about the backbone, can it be eaten?A man should be able to bend and stretch.If you want to achieve great things, don't stick to small details.

"Are we that scary?" Mo Xuan touched his face with a puzzled expression.

"With all due respect, you are the one who looks horrible." What his system said was very straightforward.

Gu Muqiu glanced at Mo Xuan, um, fierce and vicious, that's right, it was him.

Mo Xuan's body was originally a hunter, and the last time he fell up the mountain, he fell to pieces, and Gu Muqiu didn't think it was too troublesome when he stitched up his wound, so he looked so scary.

Mo Xuan looked at Gu Muqiu, he actually didn't pay much attention to his face, he simply trusted Gu Muqiu.

Faced with his eager eyes, Gu Muqiu could only say, "It's okay."

(End of this chapter)

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