Kuai Chuan's cool boss, she's very Su

Chapter 190 Ho Ho Ho Ho, Sir, Don’t Bite Me 9

Chapter 190 Ho Ho Ho Ho, Sir, Don’t Bite Me 9
Then she repeated the movements in her hands, she was supposed to be doing some experiments, and she was so focused that it made people feel terrible.

"No. Still not right" The girl seemed to be in a daze.

It was as if she didn't see Gu Muqiu and Xiaobai beside her.

Xiaobai looked at the girl's face, it should be when his host was a child.

It's just that the host at this time is not as good at disguising as it is now.

They didn't go up to bother the girl, they just kept watching the girl busy.

"Host, you should have this memory." Xiaobai looked at Gu Muqiu much calmer now than in the orphanage at the beginning.

"Yeah." Gu Muqiu said calmly.

She did have these memories, but looking at herself from the perspective of a bystander, she suddenly felt that she was so stupid before.

Xiaobai seemed to feel the dislike of his host, and was a little confused about the situation.

So your own host is so ruthless that you even dislike yourself?
Sure enough, he is a ruthless person!

Gu Muqiu and Xiao Bai kept staring at the little girl like this for a long time, until they heard the little girl's voice again.

"Success Grandpa is right, I am the most perfect."

There was a hint of happiness in the girl's voice.

Gu Muqiu slowly spit out a word:


Xiaobai: "." What's going on with my host?
Dislike yourself? ? ?

"Do you want to go out?" The girl didn't seem to hear what Gu Muqiu said, and turned her head to ask Gu Muqiu.

"Yes, yes, yes." Xiaobai said quickly.

If they don't go out, the host's soul power will be exhausted, and it will be really hopeless by then.

"Idiot, I didn't ask you." The little girl glanced at Xiao Bai indifferently, not hiding her dislike at all.

Xiaobai: "." I was rejected again for co-authoring.

Sure enough, the host is hateful, no matter when she was a child or when she grew up, she even thinks that she prefers the host when she grows up, at least she won't show her dislike so bluntly.

"Lead the way." Gu Muqiu looked at the little girl with a smile.

Hearing this, the little girl put down the things in her hands and began to lead the way.

This time they came to a place similar to a base, and Gu Muqiu walked through the outer protection and entered the most core place with ease.

"You're here." The woman in white who was reclined on the soft couch looked at Gu Muqiu and Xiao Bai with a smile.

Her voice is as gentle as water, making people feel like a spring breeze.

"En." Gu Muqiu nodded slightly.

Xiaobai looked at the woman in front of him, he was right when his host was still the zombie king.

Sure enough, it is no different from the host now.

"I'll take you out." The lying woman stood up and led the way unhurriedly.

And this time they finally came out.

When Xiaobai opened his eyes, he still kept putting his paw on the center of Gu Muqiu's eyebrows, and it quickly took it off.

wait for this place
Why are you so familiar? ? ?
Isn't this the villa where it first entered the host's sea of ​​spiritual knowledge?

Are they coming out or not? ? ?

At this moment, Gu Muqiu's gaze had recovered, and it was no longer as distracted as before.

"Host, we have come out." Xiaobai wanted to ask Gu Muqiu to confirm that it was not a hallucination.

"Yeah." Gu Muqiu pinched her brows, her head hurt a lot.

The kind of pain that the memory that was lost for a moment suddenly flooded into my mind.

Why would she seal up that memory?
Don't want to remember because it's too painful?
She really can't remember.
Xiaobai probably knows what's going on now, he didn't expect his host to have so many painful experiences when he was a child, oh my god, this is simply unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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