Chapter 150
My name is Ye Qiu, and I am the iceberg female president in their eyes. At first, I didn't think there was anything wrong with it until I met him.
It can be said that my acquaintance with him was a coincidence. Later, I also wondered how there could be such a coincidence in the world.

My whole life seems to be completely and clearly arranged by that thing called fate. I should study hard step by step, inherit the family business, and make it perfect.

I don't want to live this kind of life, it's not what I want, I long for warmth, long for that place called home, long for being able to act like a baby by my parents like my peers.

But I have no choice, others may still have the right to pursue the life they want, but I can't, I can't forget my father was designed to die by those wolves, I can't forget my mother died in depression, and I can't forget my mother before she died Tell me to take back what belongs to us.

She is not a request, but a notification.

I wanted to refuse, people are selfish, this is not the life I want.

But the last sentence my mother left me dispelled this idea, and I knew that I could no longer escape.

She said: "I'm sorry Xiaoqiu, I wronged you."

It turned out that she always knew what kind of life I wanted, but so what, this is my responsibility.

Whenever I want to give up, I feel very insecure inside.

Am I afraid?

Yes, of course I will, no matter what I say, I am just a helpless and ordinary little girl.

Finally, hard work paid off, I succeeded, but there was one condition, I needed to marry someone else.

My God, what kind of shit condition is this? I was repelled at the time. I can neither choose the life I want, nor decide my marriage. Thinking about it, I think it is very ridiculous.

It didn't take long for me to calm down again, and it doesn't matter who I marry anyway, whoever it is.

I quickly decided on a partner, and it was the man who seemed honest and hardworking.

But at that time, I didn't know that he would destroy everything about me, everything that I took more than ten years to get back.

Is this God's punishment for my timidity and cowardice?

I chose him as the object of my contract marriage, which is really absurd. One day, the plot in the novel will appear in my own body, which is something I never thought of before.

Of course, he also agrees to this contractual marriage, no matter what I say, it is impossible to do something like forcing a woman into prostitution.

Gradually, I felt that he seemed to care about me very much, which made me uneasy and even a little scared. Don't you think it's incredible?The iceberg queen in front of her subordinates is actually afraid of her husband's concern, and she is only a husband in name.

He also seemed to have noticed my dodge, and he became more attentive, no matter how indifferent I was to him.

I think there is a reason why I like him, because he has the warmth of home that I am nostalgic for, and it complements all my fantasies about this aspect, so I fell into a trap.

But he has changed.

No, it may not be considered that he has changed, maybe he is just like this, only I naively thought that he was just being so gentle to me.

Others are very gentle and considerate, but what's the matter? It's not just for me, he is like this for all the opposite sexes.

I don't care for such cheap and popular things!
So I filed for divorce, so what if I am pregnant, I can still raise him well by myself, and I also lack an heir.

But I didn't expect that he would shamelessly package himself as a victim, which is still the kind I can't explain.

Of course, it is impossible for me to explain to them, because it is unnecessary.

But I didn't expect that I would die in their hands. I didn't know what I did wrong until I died.

The only thing wrong is being too greedy, I shouldn't be greedy for his disgusting warmth.

In the shopping mall, I planned every step of the way for the operation, but I lost completely emotionally. If I could, I would pay the price of my soul so that he would not die well.

 Sorry, I can only update one chapter today because of the rush, and I will make it up tomorrow, I promise!

(End of this chapter)

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