Galactic Force Returns from Marvel

Chapter 66 Meeting Xin Zhao!

Chapter 66 Meeting Xin Zhao!

In the universe, a colorful beam of light pierced the dark night sky and flew towards the earth.

At the same time, in the Styx Galaxy, in the Dead Song Academy, Snow stood behind Karl with a respectful face.

"You said, on Earth, the Taotie's attempt to capture Leina failed?" On the test bench, Karl seemed to be doing some important experiments, and he didn't even turn his head back, even when he heard the arrest. Reina's plan failed, and she didn't have any mood swings, as if everything in the outside world had nothing to do with him.


"what reason?"

"It seems to be blocked by some mysterious super soldier!" Snow said.

"Mysterious super soldier?" Carl's handsome face showed a smile. He looked very sunny and handsome, and he didn't deserve the title of death at all.

"Won't the Void Engine work on him?" Karl asked.

Hearing Carl's voice, Snow hesitated and shook his head.

Hearing this, Karl let out a burst of laughter, "Hehe. Things are getting more and more interesting! If I'm not wrong, that mysterious super soldier should be Ge Xiaolun, the power of the galaxy!"

"Ge Xiaolun?" Snow was obviously shocked by the name: "How can he be so strong that he can't even do anything against a void-like engine?"

"Isn't that good?" Carl laughed and said, "If he can't even deal with a mere void-like engine, it's useless for me to spend so much time on him!"

"By the way, how is the transformation of the howling void engine!"

"Back to my god Karl, the transformation is complete!"

"Very good!" Carl glanced at the ghost-like phantom on the test bench, and said softly, "It's time for the desolate age of theocracy to come to an end! And the age of void, which belongs to sub-biological civilization, is more powerful than I thought. Faster!"

Hearing this, Snow couldn't help opening his mouth a little bit, but didn't say anything, he seemed hesitant to speak.

Carl turned his face slightly: "Why, do you have anything to add?"

"Reporting to my god Karl, didn't you say that Reina is an indispensable part of us if we want to open the gate of the void age? But the mission to capture her has failed?" Snow looked puzzled. with him.

"Haha.!" Carl chuckled, "It's an essential part, but did I say that she is the only choice?"

"Could it be." Snow glanced at Carl and said in shock, "You have already reached some kind of cooperation agreement with Lie Yang?"

"No!" Karl shook his head: "Actually, before that guy appeared, Reina or their Solar Star's ability to drive the sun was indeed an indispensable part of us, but now."

"Haha.!" Carl laughed uncontrollably: "I have found a better, more reliable and faster method!"

"What way?" Snow blurted out anxiously, but when he thought of his identity, he immediately bent down and remained silent.

Carl, who was in a good mood, naturally didn't care about this trivial matter, he was still busy concentrating on the matter in front of him.

After a while, Karl seemed to have thought of something, suddenly raised his head, and asked softly, "How is the refit for Thanos' void engine going?"

"Reporting to my god Karl, the 12-frequency Void Engine has been prepared and can be loaded at any time!"

"Very good!" Carl nodded: "Give him up, and then, send him to play on Earth!"

"Yes!" Snow nodded, but immediately afterward, he seemed hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong with you?" Carl asked softly.

"Returning to my god Karl, I have to remind you about that Thanos. He is definitely a guy with ambition and ambition. A person like him must not be willing to be subordinated to others. I think you should"

Snow didn't say the following words, but Karl added them for him.

"Before it happens, right?"


"Hmph!" Carl snorted coldly for a while, and said, "Don't worry about doing it, it's better for an ambitious guy like this to control it, everything is under my control!"

Carl raised his fingers, as if holding some kind of illusory light body between his fingers.


The solar system is also the Chiwu star system in Taotie's mouth.

A group of gluttons who were gulping down the fine wine looted from the earth were suddenly awakened by a sudden sound of alarm bells.

"What's the situation, what's the situation!" Taotie commander hurriedly ran into the command room.

"A wave of high-intensity energy is approaching us at super-light speed. According to the flight trajectory prediction, it should be Earth Star!"

"What? It's Earth again?" Commander Taotie showed a puzzled look.What's wrong with this earth star, how come a certain great god is recruited every now and then.

"Sir, the other party is approaching us. The front-line reconnaissance team sent a message. The attribute similarity between this group of high-strength energy and the group of energy that appeared last time is more than 90.00%!"

"90.00%?" Commander Taotie was obviously shocked by this sentence.

Could it be that other planets are also interested in Earth?
It secretly guessed.

Inside the Rainbow Bridge, looking at those gluttonous ships floating in the solar system, Ge Xiaolun felt a nameless anger rise in his heart.

Originally planning to fly directly back to Earth, he decided to stay and cause a little trouble for these gluttons, taking it as a little interest in advance.

With five fingers open, the power of the real stone is activated, and countless floating meteorites are instantly rewritten into high-explosive bombs.

Of course, the simpler things are, the easier it is to rewrite them. If Ge Xiaolun wants to rewrite them into nuclear bombs, it will involve a lot of sophisticated technology, knowledge of atomic fission and physics, and the time required is at least half an hour. about.

Therefore, in order to severely damage Taotie's battleship, the power of these high-explosive bombs was increased by five times by the galaxy.

Each high-explosive bomb with the power of a tactical missile equivalent to a thousand tons of TNT bloomed in the night sky.

"Boom boom boom!"

Explosions surrounded by flames appeared in the dark deep space of the universe.

Since most of the transformed meteorites are very close to these flagships, and many of them are even in front of the flagships, when they explode, even if the star barrier is opened, many of them are wrapped inside.

Looking at the spaceship that turned into countless balls of flames in a blink of an eye, Ge Xiaolun stood in the deep space and sneered: "This is just a little interest recovered first. In a short time, I will lead the army of the earth and bring you to our world." Get it back with interest."

After sneering, Ge Xiaolun turned around and flew directly towards the earth.

Huaxia Coral Town.

The mecha Taotie equipped with a low-end version of the void engine looked at Zhi Xin and Xin Zhao in front of him, and there was a hint of shock on that mechanical face.

Zhi Xin, who rescued Xin Zhao from the Void Engine's attack, stepped forward and grabbed him: "There is a biological engine in the opponent's body, if you don't understand it, don't mess around!"

"Then what should we do?" After seeing the power of the Void Engine, Xin Zhao calmed down and was not reckless.

"We must first find a way to break his void engine!"

"How?" Zhao asked.

"I come!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhi Xin put away the flame sword, flew into the air, opened the eye of insight, and a contest between the void engine and the void engine began as the two stared at each other!

Atmospheric surface.

Ge Xiaolun, who had just passed through the clouds, was startled by the void energy fluctuations not far below before he could confirm his return destination.

Such strong void energy?
Ge Xiaolun thought secretly.

"It's Zhi Xin, Zhi Xin is below!" Kaisha's voice suddenly sounded.

"Damn it, you can actually talk to me?" Ge Xiaolun looked at the necklace around his neck in shock, sealing the Kaisha's sacred particle.

What do you mean I can actually talk to you?Keisha said a little depressed: "As long as you carry my holy particles, it is equivalent to carrying a king of gods with you! Er, the former!"

I rely on, so arrogant?
Carrying Holy Kesha with you?

Why is this so like a novel where Kesha is Goldfinger?
"Why are you still in a daze, Zhixin's condition is not right, it seems to be injured, go over and have a look!" Keisha suddenly showed a very anxious look.

"Don't worry, just because she is Yan's good sister, I won't just sit idly by!"

After taking out the Interstellar Arbitration and switching to the City Double Blades mode, Ge Xiaolun shouted: "I'll go!"

(End of this chapter)

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