Galactic Force Returns from Marvel

Chapter 57Chapter 57, Those who have promised today will count their votes!

Chapter 57Chapter 57, Those who have promised today will count their votes!
Morgana spread her wings, pulled her arms back, retracted the dark silver chain that pierced Ge Xiaolun, and let out a light sigh in her mouth: "The blue giant that is exactly the same as the previous final ruling? Huh? No, it's different, this one Make it smaller."

"What a power of the galaxy, the methods are really endless!"

"You have grown to this level in just over 30 days, Ge Xiaolun, I am really curious about your experience this month. What is the reason why you have become so much stronger in 30 days?"

"Hmph!" Ge Xiaolun sneered, opened his left hand, caught Thor's Hammer that flew back automatically, walked towards Morgana step by step, and said: "I, Ge Xiaolun, can have today. To be honest, it's all thanks to you." From Morgana!"

"Gift from me?" Morgana froze for a moment, like the monk Zhang Er was puzzled, and said: "What do you mean by this, please explain it clearly to me!"

"What do you mean? Humph!" Ge Xiaolun sneered, "Of course it means literally!"

Of course he wouldn't say that the reason why he achieved what he is today is entirely because Bai Aato chased him all the way that day, which caused a time-space rift to appear and dragged him into the Marvel Universe.Let him have some adventures and experiences.

Gripping the sword in his right hand and the hammer in his left hand tightly, Ge Xiaolun spat coldly: "It's useless to talk too much, remember today in the coming year, it's the anniversary of your death, Morgana!"


Ge Xiaolun raised Thor's Hammer, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the ground was full of strong winds. Silver dragons flashed through the dark clouds, and then fell vertically, converging on Thor's Hammer.

"Galaxy, the power is increased, ten times!"

: Understood, the command is in progress. It needs to be solved. The estimated time is ten seconds! "


Ge Xiaolun focused his eyes, and carried out the Destroyer placed in the space of the dark plane, and asked the Destroyer to stop Morgana for a few seconds!
Seeing the Destroyer falling from the sky, Morgana showed disdain on her face, "Who is disgusting to bring out a broken robot? See if I don't change its program!"

The Eye of Insight opened, and immediately invaded the core of the Destroyer.

"You don't even have the most basic defense engine, Ge Xiaolun, are you kidding me?" Morgana shouted.

Ge Xiaolun didn't talk to her, or said he didn't want to talk to her.

Strictly speaking, the Destroyer is a product of the combination of machinery and magic. To control it, one must not only have superb technology, but also have powerful magic skills.

This is also the confidence that Ge Xiaolun dared to carry it out, and even sent it to fight against Morgana without adding any defensive engine, because Morgana or this world is very difficult to find a person who can use spells.

Sure enough, after Morgana mocked Ge Xiaolun, her face suddenly froze.

what's the situation?Can't fuck up?


Ge Xiaolun narrowed his eyes and gave an attack command.

The Destroyer's eyes instantly turned red and hot.

Morgana naturally noticed such an obvious abnormality.

"Devil's Claw!"

Without saying a word, she immediately recalled the Devil's Claw and placed it in front of her.

The Destroyer's "Destruction Beam" just finished charging at this moment.


Two red light beams as thick as adult thighs rushed towards Morgana like a raging tongue of flame.


The beam hit Morgana's demon claw.

The Devil's Claw obviously backed up a bit, but the impact of the destruction beam was reduced a lot in an instant.

"Bichi, it's quite powerful!" Morgana scolded.

Three seconds later, the impact of the destruction beam completely disappeared, and it was even easily bounced back by Morgana.

But it doesn't matter, ten seconds is up.

: After the analysis is completed, the power will be increased by ten times! "

Boom boom boom!
A bucket-thick thunderbolt fell from the sky and landed on the ground. With just one blow, a half-meter-thick, five-meter-diameter bag of soil was lifted up tens of meters high. scum.

"Damn, what a terrifying thunder and lightning, Artest, hurry up and activate the shield for the queen!"


Ge Xiaolun stared at Morgana who was giving orders to Artest, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said to Yan: "The attraction plan is successful, and it's up to you on the side of the devil's wings!"

"No problem!" Yan said confidently.

Ge Xiaolun held Thor's Hammer in his left hand, pulled it backwards, and threw it forward fiercely, the Thor's Hammer, which was ten times stronger in lightning power, turned into a ball of thunder and flew out!


All the way the hammer passed, the ground was shattered, the huge air wave turned into a shock wave, and large ripples appeared in the entire oscillating airspace.

Seeing Thor's Hammer flying towards her, Morgana's scalp tingled, feeling like the sky was falling.

"The power of the shield has been increased tenfold!"


Artest quickly operated, and the calculation speed of Devil One increased, increasing Morgana's shield defense.

At the same time, in space, Angel Yan also launched an attack at this moment.

: Ready to point to the big trial, the charge is complete, and the target is locked! "


A ball of golden light flew out from the tip of the Flame Sword, like a miniature sun, and rushed towards the place where the demon's wings were.

"Queen, it's not good, we are locked again!"

Artest's voice suddenly sounded!
Morgana frowned and almost fell.What do you mean being locked again, will you report it!
"What's going on?" Morgana yelled anxiously!
"Queen, Angel Yan launched a big trial on our demon wings!"


"Oops, I've been fooled by these two little bitches!" Morgana thought of something instantly, turned her head, gave Ge Xiaolun a hard look, and immediately opened the micro-wormhole to return to the demon's wings!
A loud bang!
The place where Morgana was before was turned into scorched earth within a kilometer, countless clods of soil and gravel were blown up to hundreds of meters high, the entire area was shimmering with dazzling electric light, and stone rain began to gradually fall!
"Turn on the forbidden shield and prepare to transfer the demon's wings!" Morgana roared to the group of subordinates behind her.


The forbidden shield was activated at this moment.

Outside the spaceship, a pair of gigantic phantoms with demonic wings opened ferociously, guarding the wings of the demons on the phantom's abdomen!


When it hit the phantom, the power and impact of the Great Judgment were significantly weakened, and the speed also slowed down.

When the Great Judgment hit the shell of the demon's wings, ninety percent of its strength was canceled out, leaving only ten percent of its strength.

Even with this [-]% power, it was still very terrifying. The entire demon flew backwards with its wings bombarded. The entire spaceship looked dilapidated from the outside, as if it had just experienced a tragic battle.

"Hurry up and transfer now!" Morgana roared.

The demon under his hand acted quickly, calculated the surrounding space mesons, and began to transfer the wings of the demon!
"Don't miss this opportunity, Xiao Lun, I'm afraid we won't be able to win Morgana this time!" Yan said.

"It doesn't matter, there is no chance this time, so next time!" Ge Xiaolun shrugged indifferently: "There will always be opportunities!"

In fact, after this confrontation, Ge Xiaolun really understood the strength of the devil, and he discovered that the devil is actually not so invincible.

Just like him and Morgana, if both sides don't play all their hole cards, they can play [-]-[-]!

The only troublesome thing is the Devil One.

It seems that I have to hurry up and make things happen!
Ge Xiaolun thought to himself!
"Xiao Lun, I'm going back to the City of Angels!" Yan's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Ge Xiaolun who was thinking about the steps to develop Qiankun.

"So fast?"

"Yes, a country cannot live without a king. Right now, Queen Kaisha has fallen, and all kinds of ghosts and snakes have begun to surface and stir up trouble. I must go back and gather the angel army to protect justice and order!"

"Gaotie may attack your capital North Star on a large scale in the future. I have ordered Angel Leng to lead many sisters to guard it to the death."

"Thank you!" Ge Xiaolun said.

"By the way, that girl named Meng Qi, I let Ah Zhui and Mo Yi take it away!" Yan suddenly said.

"Meng Qi?" Ge Xiaolun asked puzzled, "Why?"

"Intuition, my intuition tells me that she must become an angel!" Yan said.

"Um, does this count as an abduction?" Ge Xiaolun teased.

"Fuck you!" Yan was angry for a while, and then his tone gradually softened: "Child, although I am already 7000 years old, but since I met you, I suddenly discovered that 7000 years old may not be old!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"It's nothing, wait for me to come back!"

"Hey, Yan! Damn, I'm really dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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