Galactic Force Returns from Marvel

Chapter 52 The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind!

Chapter 52 The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind!

"The new King of Angels?"

Leina stood not far away, staring at Ge Xiaolun's cheek, let out a long breath, and said after a long time: "If Yan can inherit everything from Kesha, then there will be no problem dealing with Morgana!"

"It's just that, what are you going to do with Morgana's gangsters?"

"They won't just watch us ambush their queen!"

Ge Xiaolun said: "You can rest assured about this. Those things that are not climate-friendly will not get in the way. Besides, Yan is not alone. Most of the high-ranking angels brought by Holy Kaisa last time are still alive. I believe As long as Yan gives an order, they will rush over!"

"At that time, soldier against soldier, general against general! We have three main god-levels against Morgana and one king-level, there is absolutely no problem!"

"No!" Lena shook her head and said, "The number of high-ranking angels who have come to Earth is too small, no matter how high your personal combat power is, you can't hold back the large number of demons!"

"Then what can you do?" Ge Xiaolun stared at her.

"Call some people over!" Lena stared at the distant sky, and said in a deep voice, "Pan Zhen and the four great hair gods are currently on Earth, and I can call them over to help us!"



Sun Wukong and Ge Xiaolun shouted at the same time.

Looking at the two people speaking in unison, Lena was very puzzled: "Why?"

"You speak first!" Ge Xiaolun glanced at the monkey!
Monkey King said: "The destructive power of the Lieyang Clan is too great. After a big battle, the earth can't bear it at all!"

"Since you are so afraid of the destructive power of our Lieyang, why did you let me come?" Leina stared at Ge Xiaolun with her pupils wide open, as if if you didn't explain it to me, I'd give it to you!

Seeing Leina who was acting like a little girl, Ge Xiaolun sighed helplessly, stepped forward, reached out and patted her on the shoulder, and put on a serious look: "That's because I believe in you, Sister Na." ?”



As soon as this sentence came out, not only Leina was stunned, but Sun Wukong was also stunned!
"Trust me? What the hell?"

"Ge Xiaolun, tell me clearly, what does it mean to trust me!" Leina stomped her feet angrily, pointing at Ge Xiaolun and shouted.

Regarding this, Ge Xiaolun just smiled.

In fact, his words are perfunctory to Lena, and Lena's real purpose is not to deal with Morgana on Earth, after all, he has said it before, to treat others in the same way!
The reason why Leina was not allowed to seek help from Pan Zhen was because Ge Xiaolun never believed in Pan Zhen.

In Ge Xiaolun's view, Pan Zhen can only be a partner who can cooperate under the drive of common interests, but not a friend who can share joys and sorrows together.With Pan Zhen's personality, if he found out about this, not only would he not help them, but he would stop Lena, and even secretly rescued Morgana, selling Morgana a favor!
Although the possibility of this happening is extremely slim, as long as there is a one in a thousand chance, Ge Xiaolun will not take this risk!
Therefore, he would rather take the risk of a blow, and let Leina be fooled!

Seeing that the time was almost up, Ge Xiaolun said in a deep voice, "It's time for us to set off."

"Hmph~" Leina snorted coldly, and turned around arrogantly.

"What do you think about this matter!" Monkey King came over and asked in a low voice!
Ge Xiaolun entered the dark plane, concealed it from Leina, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Monkey, you should know that there is a kind of person in this world who will neither be an eternal friend nor an eternal enemy."

"He will only become an ally in a camp at the right time and when it is beneficial to the interests of both parties! And this person is Pan Zhen!"

"But right now, given the current state of the earth, is there any benefit worthy of Pan Zhen's or Lie Yang's help?"

Sun Wukong shook his head!
Ge Xiaolun continued: "So, there is no need to pull Lieyang, as for Leina? She is our sister Na, a friend, and I don't intend to let her bomb the earth with more than miniature flares, but find someone who doesn't The human star field, take Morgana there, let her detonate a sun, and blow Morgana into holy particles."

"That's it!" Sun Wukong let out a long breath, and after a while, said in a deep voice: "My old grandson understands!"

"Yeah!" Ge Xiaolun nodded, and began to secretly communicate, ready to tell Yan everything here, so that she could get ready!

However, at this moment, there was a wave of fluctuation in the air!
"what's the situation?"

"Such a strong energy fluctuation?"

Reina and Sun Wukong looked up into the distance at the same time!
"Yinhe, what's going on?" Ge Xiaolun entered the dark plane!

"It's Angel Yan, she has recovered her energy and is inheriting the throne of the Holy Kaisha, restarting the angel communication!" Yinhe said.

What, fuck, I was careless!

Ge Xiaolun cursed secretly, quickly made his handprints, pointed at the painting in front of him, and opened the portal.

"It's already started over there, we have to go there quickly!"


Two figures immediately flew into the portal.

"What is this?"

"Hey, wait for me!"

: Reshape the angel dark communication system, authorized by the holy Kaisha! "After the energy was restored, Angel Yan began to try to reshape the angel's communication!

On the ground, Liang Bing is Morgana. Taking advantage of Qiangwei next to her to focus on Zhongyan in the sky, she quickly contacted the little brothers in the devil's wings, and said with a confused face: "What's the situation? I'm broken. Who is Angel Yan? Pan Zhen said that he will help her become king, and she can restore Angel's communication network, with Kaisha's authority."

"Angel Yan, it's our left wing guard who sniped at Ferejo." Atuo said.

"She is the new commander of Angels?" Morgana was taken aback. Although she guessed this aspect, hearing it with her own ears was another matter!

"To be precise. She is the new king of angels, otherwise, what is the point of our fighting that battle, no." As if thinking of something, Atuo suddenly realized: "Queen, have you been brainwashed by Yan?" gone?"


"Fuck me."

"Because she hasn't obtained Kaisha's final weapon authority..."

"Look, queen, you make mistakes yourself, we are just like this, always confused." The younger brother Hei Feng was speechless.

When Heifeng said this, Morgana went crazy on the spot: "Fuck you, I'll let you take the lead with BB!"

Yan in mid-air, taking advantage of Morgana's quarreling with her subordinates, has already started to apply for the holy Kesha's arsenal.

From the moment she recovered, she knew that the cold ice underneath was Morgana, who was the former Apocalypse King Liangbing!
Therefore, she had to take the first step before Liang Bing made a move, and severely injured her.

But Leng's voice suddenly appeared in her ears at this moment.

"Yan, is it Yan?"

"Angel cold!"


"Report the situation!"

Hearing this, the angel said with a cold expression of displeasure or disbelief: "Hehe, I want to report to you?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Holy Kaisa directly authorized you, you must obey!" Yan dealt with Morgana anxiously, so he spoke very quickly and a little rushed!
"Okay! My three sisters and I are on the outskirts of the North Star. There are three gluttonous large fleets surrounding me. I am carrying a heavy burden."

"Defend the North Star!"

"Stay tight?" Leng, who was planning to repay his own situation, was taken aback by Yan Dao's order, and immediately went crazy: "What good will my death do to you!"

"I order you, in the name of the Holy King of Angels, to defend the North Star!"

"For the power of the galaxy!" Leng, sneered.

"This is the will of the king of the gods!" Angel Yan's tone became a little more serious!

Author: Let me tell you, the reason why it is suddenly on the shelves today is because Ruofeng made a mistake and thought that there are 30 and 31 in this month?result
But since it's on the shelf, it's on the way, and Ruofeng doesn't say anything here to make up the words of the testimonial.

In a word, the plot begins, and the following chapters are divided into Chapters of Ambition, Chapter of Qiankun, Arrival of the Heavens, Chapter of Convergence of Worlds, and Final Chapter of Void, and the follow-up content will become more and more exciting!

Please support everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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