Chapter 456
"The technology of the earth is still relatively backward, so we need to continue to learn during development, so everyone does not have so much time." Lianfeng said.

"That also requires proper rest."

"You work so hard every day. When you are tired, come to the tavern for a drink. I will be very happy to see you happy."

Keisha refused to give up, still thinking of ways to fool Lianfeng.

"It's not that hard. If it wasn't for Xiao Lun, the current situation on Earth would be even worse. We wouldn't develop through hard work, but through suffering." Lianfeng smiled.

"I heard You Ren praised me as soon as I came here."

As he spoke, Ge Xiaolun walked over with a case of wine.

"I'm here to ask you about the appointment of the fleet." Lianfeng said.

"What is the request for instructions?"

Ge Xiaolun was speechless, and placed the wine in the box on the empty bar.

"The entire fleet was created by you and the angel. It would be inappropriate to appoint him without telling you, not to mention that you are still our top boss, the commander in chief of space." Lianfeng said helplessly.

"Give me a promotion again?"

Ge Xiaolun turned his head and said helplessly: "You have worked hard enough, why bother with such trivial matters?"

"I know you don't care, but the process still needs to go through, you can give the fleet a name." Lianfeng said.

"Galaxy One, Galaxy Fleet, GOGOGO." Ge Xiaolun said casually relying on you.


Lianfeng was speechless.

To this day, she still clearly remembers that when China's first aircraft carrier was launched, they had to celebrate enthusiastically, but the first fleet of the earth was so understated?
Is it too childish?

"Soon we will launch a counterattack and drive Taotie out of the galaxy. I have to go back to attend the battle deployment meeting, so I won't bother you." Lianfeng got up and said.

"Remember what I said yesterday."

Ge Xiaolun suddenly said: "If possible, try to destroy them all. The reason why the gluttonous civilization launched the war is really disgusting. After being driven away, it is hard to guarantee that it will not invade other civilizations."

Lianfeng nodded.

Although it is a bit difficult, you can try it. After all, the gluttonous fleet is hoarded near the Big Worm Bridge, and it is easy to escape.

Of course, Ge Xiaolun doesn't really care about other civilizations.

Earth's combat deployment is still being used to defend against Taotie, but Tian Zha's combat deployment may have already been launched against the City of Angels.This is what Liangbing told him not long ago.

Therefore, if Taotie was just driven away, there was a high possibility that Hua Ye would drag him to Angel Nebula.

In order not to put more pressure on the angel side, Ge Xiaolun had no choice but to secretly make up his mind to keep all the gluttons on the earth.

Ge Xiaolun reckoned that the current Hua Ye may have gradually adapted to the power of the original power stone.

Black hole engine plus power stone?

Tsk tsk pressure is a bit high.

Ge Xiaolun laughed mockingly, his expression didn't match this sentence at all.

In fact, how much he hopes that Hua Ye can come to the earth to pretend to be a bully before attacking the angel civilization, so that he can "treat" the king of angels.

I just don't know if Hua Ye will be so inflated.

In addition to having Liang Bing as his eyeliner in the universe, Tianji Wang Hexi, who is located in the City of Angels, also kept in secret contact with him, and Ge Xiaolun can also follow the situation in the City of Angels at any time on Earth.

In addition, Angel Yan's Tianren 7 is still on the earth. In case of any emergency, Ge Xiaolun releases 100% of the energy of the original stone of reality, which can drive a larger and larger Caihong Bridge to transmit the entire Tianren 7.

So, everything is under control.

On the other side, Keisha is chatting with the drinking angels.

"I heard that your former queen was very powerful, is it true?"

"Queen Keisha is sacred in our hearts, and there is no way to describe it with the word "powerful."

said an angel.

"Then she was blown to death in the end!" Keisha said.

Immediately, the faces of the angels turned ugly. They couldn't argue with a little girl.What's more, she is the male god of Queen Yan, the main god of the earth, and the little girl of the family of the power of the galaxy.

Ge Xiaolun was speechless, what happened to Kaisha?Are people broken?Why since I came back last time, I have become more and more skinny, and now I am even skinny.

"Your Highness, thank you for your hospitality. Let's go back first."

The angel finished drinking the wine in the glass and got up, saluted Ge Xiaolun and left.

"Welcome to come next time!" Keisha sent off the guests very professionally.

Ge Xiaolun really has nothing to do with this guy.

You can't beat them, and you can't bear to scold them.I can only let her act like this, or in other words, besides love for Kesha, Ge Xiaolun also has an instinctive sympathy for Kesha.

Tens of thousands of years of living for others, living for the universe, finally let go, just live for yourself.

just thinking about the future
Ge Xiaolun has a big head, Angel Yan, holy Kaisa, master?
Nima, what should I say.

Don't talk about this side.

The Kamigawa battleship was officially designated as the Galaxy One, and its fleet was designated as the Galaxy Fleet. With the addition of the Tianren 7 and Mangdangshan series of armor, the earth has three fleets that can soar into the universe.

Of course, there is a fleet, but personnel is another big problem.

However, Lianfeng has already started to deal with these, so there is no need for Ge Xiaolun to worry about it.

What's more, the first generation of Shenhe military technology that Ge Xiaolun prepared for them before has laid a good foundation for them.

With the help of angels and the super genes developed by the power of the galaxy, the earth already has a group of super soldiers.

In addition, the second generation of super soldier genes has also begun research.Moreover, some science and technology have also begun to be put into life, and the earth is now developing in a good direction.

However, a sudden and nasty incident attracted the attention of the whole of China, and almost all the angels brought by the Xiongbing Company and the angel Caiyi were dispatched.

A small city in a foreign country turned into a dead city overnight, with no one alive, and the words written in blood on the walls, this is the beginning of a new era for mankind.

Tianren 7 and Yinhe [-] are all searching for the target.

"Remember the last island exercise?"

On Tianren 7, Lianfeng looked at Ge Xiaolun with a serious expression.

Ge Xiaolun nodded, looking at the wounds of those people, it was obvious that they were shot with guns.The killers are also obvious, earth-native terrorists.

"I suspect that the perpetrator is very likely to be behind the last incident on the island."

"and also."

As he said that, Lianfeng took out a document and put it on the table: "This is the information returned by the spies we sent abroad in this short period of time."

"The above said that terrorists and militants from all over the world are secretly gathering, and those who are close to China have begun to move secretly towards various areas on the border of China."

(End of this chapter)

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