Chapter 98 Exposure
The New York branch of Lex Enterprises is a top-secret area called "Zone Z". It is said that there are many top-secret research contents that only the boss Lex Luthor knows, and if you know Lex Luthor through comics If it is, it is not difficult for you to guess how incredible things may be hidden inside.

Unlike Stark, Lex Luthor is much more low-key by comparison.Although he has many advanced technologies that can change the world, they are well hidden and unknown to the outside world.

Among them, there may be the secret of the development of the Armor Armor code-named "Alpha".

Eric found the door of the laboratory with the word "Alpha" printed on it, and after entering a series of passwords that Dr. Ivo told him, the electronic door really slid open with a "ding".At least this proves that Dr. Ivo wasn't lying about the code.

This is a laboratory that has been abandoned for a long time. It is divided into two floors.The moment I entered the door, a musty smell that seemed to have not been ventilated for ten years came to my face. Dusty cobwebs hung on the crumbling chandelier. The dust flying in the air could be seen with the naked eye. It seemed that even the cleaners I don't know how many years I haven't visited here.Some unnamed advanced instruments and equipment have also been asleep for an unknown amount of time, and the operating table is already covered with red rust.

The stairs leading to the lower floor seemed to be locked at first, but now the electronic lock seems to have been abandoned, and the automatic door was ajar, as if it was stuck in the crack of the door and could not move.Erik slipped through the half-open slit and entered the floor below.

The space on the next floor is much smaller, and the main body seems to be a box-like cage.The cage has three layers of thickened tempered glass wrapped in a layer of super-heavy alloy shell, and countless thick air ducts outside are connected to this square box, as if some vicious beast was once imprisoned.And no matter what was inside, it is now empty, leaving only a huge hole that was blasted through and shocking cracks on the tempered glass.

Eric tried to activate the computer on the main experimental bench. After a dull roar, the old computer was actually successfully activated.There was a low panting sound from the host, like a dying old man, and it took more than three minutes for the dark screen to light up.

There isn't much left of the old, old guy, though.The first thing that caught his attention was a folder called "Alpha Drawings". After clicking on it, there was a file called "Alpha Armor Design Drawings" as expected, but it indicated that it had been severely damaged and could not be accessed.And another folder, you need a password to unlock.

Eric frowned and thought for a moment, and first entered the string of passwords that Dr. Ivo told him to use when entering the door.

"wrong password."

After thinking about it, he typed in the code name "Alpha".

"wrong password."

He tried to input "Lex" and "AIM" respectively, but he still got the cold string of "wrong password" prompts.

He was a little impatient, and there would be no results at all if he continued to try like this. The password could be any character string, and the probability of such a blind man trying to figure it out was very high.
With a sudden thought, he entered his birthday.The moment he typed in the last number, the folder opened, and a string of numbered videos popped up.

what does this mean?Maybe Dr. Charlotte remembered he had such a son after all?

The video recording was started with complicated emotions, and Dr. Charlotte's face appeared on the screen immediately.

"Experiment log B-2-3, recorded by Patrick Charlotte. Nick Fury wants us to make super soldiers, we can provide him with better things, but he is like a coward when he hears about the risks But we will not, we have left his club, we have found new partners, a new direction, we will cause change in the world - starting today."


On the same floor, the data management terminal room at the other end.

Mark is usually a relatively sloppy guard. According to the duty plan, he should have waited another 5 minutes to patrol this circle, but he was in a hurry to finish this circle and go back to sit down to watch the drama, so he made his own decision earlier.

Pushing the door into the terminal room, a dazzling beam of light was projected from the flashlight to dispel the darkness.

And just as he should have seen—it was empty.

Mark simply swayed around inside, and when he turned his head and was about to leave, his footsteps suddenly stopped, he turned his head in a strange way, and joked with the flashlight at a corner of the ceiling.

Seeing this, he almost didn't cry out.

The black figure is like a entrenched flying eagle, with its limbs stretched out and its body propped against a corner of the ceiling.The moment Mark's flashlight turned around, the black shadow suddenly turned into an eagle looking for food, and rushed towards Mark with such swift and swift movements that he didn't even have a chance to scream.

After subduing the security guard who entered by mistake, Ye Yi breathed a sigh of relief: "I was almost killed by you."

The oracle on the earphone pouted dissatisfiedly: "Then there is no way, the plan can't keep up with the changes. Didn't Bruce also say that the plan is not foolproof, that's why he always teaches you to adapt to the situation"

Speaking of this, her voice suddenly changed, and she suddenly became anxious.

"Wait. What's going on!?" She suddenly called out.

Ye Yi frowned: "What's wrong?"

"I don't know!" the oracle said loudly, "but you have to get out of there quickly! The system suddenly failed, and all the monitoring equipment lost control in an instant!"

"What do you mean?" Ye Yi was taken aback.

"That means you've all been exposed!"

While talking, a security guard in the monitoring room who was lazily eating pizza for supper inadvertently glanced at the monitoring screen in the terminal room. Mark, who was unconscious on the side, put down the pizza in a hurry and picked up the microphone.

Ye Yi hurriedly got through to Eric: "Hey, Eric, did you hear that? An accident, we've been exposed! 'Zone Z' is about to be blocked, you have to come out!"

"You go first." Eric's calm voice came from the other side, "I can't go yet."


Ye Yi wanted to ask again, but he had no time left.The door of the terminal room was kicked open, and a group of guards flooded in. Without any explanation, they raised their guns at Ye Yi, shouting in confusion.

Ye Yi raised his hand, and a flash bomb fell. Covered by the dazzling white light, he rushed into the ventilation duct on the ceiling nimbly and swiftly.

And at this moment, in the laboratory of "Z area".

".Experiment log D-8-2, recorded by Patrick Charlotte. Our research is nearing completion, and the four superpowers have been successfully stored in data format, which can be used by the wearer at any time, but this is still Not our ultimate goal."

Eric listened intently to his father's diary records, completely unaware that another figure had entered the laboratory, approaching him step by step with cold and crisp steps.

(End of this chapter)

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