Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 94 The Avengers Assemble

Chapter 94 The Avengers Assemble

"Don't move." The agent standing in front of a heavy tank and carrying a rocket launcher shouted, "Hulk, you are a prison escapee from Cube Prison, you are under arrest!"

Hulk took a step forward, let out a deep nasal sound, and bowed slightly, as if a beast was about to pounce on its prey.

Iron Man stopped in front of Hulk: "If you want to catch him, pass me first."

"Hulk is today's hero." Ant-Man also stood up, "There is no doubt about it, he just saved us all."

Thor didn't say a word, but he also raised the hammer and stood in front of Hulk, obviously expressing his position.

The breeze stirred the sand and dust, like a layer of pale yellow tulle floating across the center of the battle.The atmosphere instantly became tense, and the air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder, as if another fight would break out every second.


Fury, who quickly stepped forward from the back of the team, broke the deadlock and said: "We have enough troubles. A group of super criminals are fleeing. Hulk is not a big problem now."

"Why did this happen, Fury?" Tony asked. "Who planned this?"

"I don't know." Fury said, "But we can find out together."

Captain America, who had been silent for a long time, stepped forward and said coldly: "I said it a long time ago, Fury, I don't agree with your secrecy. You created King Wanli and concealed it so much For many years, everything that happens now is your responsibility."

"I understand, Captain." Fury said lightly, "This is why I need to make up for it. Work for me, all of you, you can do a lot as SHIELD agents."

Ant-Man frowned, stepped forward and said, "Become your agent, and then? We can wipe your ass this time, but you will continue to create new troubles."

"He's right. We stand up because we are willing to help the people and make contributions, not to be Fury's dog legs and wipe his ass every day." Tony said, changing the subject, "But Fury said nothing at all. reasonable."

"What? Are you going to work for SHIELD, Stark?" Ant-Man asked.

"No, but he's right about working together." Tony said, "Individually we can subdue one or two criminals, but that's all. Think about what we can do together. .”

Everyone looked at each other, thinking about his words.

"Fury proposed to me the 'Avengers Project'." Tony said, "We don't have to work for him, but we can indeed unite and form an alliance. The Avengers."

Thor grinned: "I'll join."

"Hulk joins too."

"Count me in." Ant-Man said.

"Captain?" Tony glanced at Captain America.

Captain America thought for a moment, and said: "Since I woke up in this era, I have been thinking about whether the world doesn't need Captain America anymore, maybe I shouldn't wake up at all."

"Then you are wrong, Captain." Tony patted him on the shoulder and said, "When I was a child, my dad often told me stories about you. In my opinion, the world will always need you, Captain."

"Maybe." The captain smiled slightly, "I'll join too."

Tony nodded and turned to the last person: "Eric?"

"Don't look at me." Eric waved his hand innocently, "Still a student, remember?"

"We can arrange you as a temporary worker." Tony half-jokingly said.

"The little iron man is very good at smashing." Hulk said in a low voice, "Little iron man, join."

Little Iron Man. So Tony is the Big Iron Man?Eric had a dark face.

"I'll forget it." Eric waved his hand, "But if you need it, you can always ask me for help. You know my contact information, Tony."

Join the Avengers?Just kidding, as if unsolicited trouble wasn't enough.

"Alright then." Tony didn't insist.

"Director Fury." An agent stepped forward from the team to Fury's side. "We called up the internal surveillance video. King Wanli woke up after the prison system was paralyzed, and he did not plan the escape."

"Isn't it Hall?" Fury pondered, "Is it those people again?"

Eric came straight to Fury.

"We need to talk," he whispered.

"Not now, kid." Fury turned around and was about to leave. "There are still many things to do. The four major prisons have all fallen. We have more than 70 super criminals at large. Maybe they have spread all over the world by now."

"Including my mother, right?" Eric asked coldly.

Fury paused abruptly.

"I see."

As Fury said before, Eric usually looks like a very casual young man, but whenever such a serious juncture comes, he will suddenly change his personality, his cold and sharp aura is like a steel knife holder on your neck.

Eric continued: "My mother has been locked in the Cube Prison until recently, right? Your mysterious Fourth Prison?"

After hearing what he said, Tony was also taken aback: "Fury, is what he said true?"

"I have nothing to say." Fury turned around, looked directly at Eric and said lightly, "I decide what I can tell you and what I can't. Trust me, kid, these are for your own good."

"Where is my mother?" Eric asked coldly. "I want to see her."

"She disappeared." Fury said, "along with other missing prisoners."

"Why is she locked up by you, Fury? You have to give me an explanation." Just as he took a step forward, the surrounding agents pointed their guns at him vigilantly.

"Oh, everyone, calm down." Tony raised his palm cannon and pointed at the agents, "Fury, why don't you speak clearly?"

After looking directly at Eric for a moment, Fury said: "You will know when the time comes, child. But I assure you, it was your mother who took the initiative to find me, hoping to stay in Cube Prison."

"What?" Eric froze.

Fury didn't intend to say any more, he turned around and quickly boarded the plane.The agents also put away their weapons and evacuated the devastated neighborhood together with the officer.

Another place, in the stronghold of the mysterious man who has been monitoring Eric.

"The task is well done, Mr. Lawton." The mysterious man threw a dozen banknotes onto the table.

Deathshooter Lawton put away the banknotes on the table and grinned: "I like dealing with a straightforward employer like you. But...why do you need that kid to go to Cube Prison? Is it just to help SHIELD deal with the Hulk?"

"No." The mysterious man said with a smile, "I'm just guiding him to find the truth, and when he gets closer to the truth, the final scene is about to happen!"

(End of this chapter)

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