Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 88 The Dome Falls

Chapter 88 The Dome Falls
Like a meteor tearing apart the sky, it was Iron Man rushing towards the dome that issued the highest level of alarm.

"Sir." Jarvis's voice sounded from the helmet, "Someone has visited your laboratory."

"Oh? Let me guess, Luther?"

"The internal alert was intercepted and the identity could not be confirmed."

"I guess so."

There are many things that Tony could not have expected today, such as the collapse of the dome at this juncture and the escape of the super prison at the same time, but there are some things that he vaguely expected.As early as when the Obaday incident broke out, he knew that someone in the dark seemed to be interested in his Iron Man technology, and he didn't intend to take the formal route like the military to start it.

He's been on his guard ever since.

He had made it clear to Lex Luthor that he had no intention of cooperating. In theory, today's meeting was unnecessary. It was Luthor who insisted on meeting, which aroused his suspicion at the time.

The jailbreak incident was an accident that Tony really couldn't count, and he had to get away to deal with it.But before that, he had already replaced all the data about Iron Man's technology stored in the laboratory with useless parameters to prevent such accidents.Whoever tried to steal from him got nothing more than gibberish.

Well, maybe it wasn't a victory, but he'd had an uneasy feeling about Lex Luthor from the first meeting, and at least this time he'd been able to confirm that his hunch was correct.


The light tube was broken, the fire flickered, and the silhouettes of the criminals with their teeth and claws were like monsters projected on the metal wall by the flames, dancing with the flames.

The guarding agents retreated steadily, and the number of agents lying on the ground increased rapidly.One area after another fell, and the system was completely paralyzed. Now, the walls and metal doors can't stop these vicious thugs. It's only a matter of time before the dome is completely controlled by criminals.

In just ten minutes, all the super criminals imprisoned in the dome have basically escaped, leaving only the last few people left.

Just like him—Ivan Vanke, codenamed Sangbian, Iron Man's mortal enemy.He believes Tony Stark's Arc Reactor technology was stolen from his father and holds a grudge against him.He builds himself an exoskeleton and a simple arc reactor, takes a mad vengeance on Iron Man, and ends up in, well, needless to say, he ends up in the dome.

He found his own reactor from the arsenal, as well as the exoskeleton armor with the electric whip.He stepped out of the armory with the eyes of a wolf on the scent of prey.

Sang Whip followed through a wave of super-criminals, broke through the defense lines of the agents, and took control of the dome's control room.The criminals around him left one by one after having had enough of their mischief, but he didn't, he chose to stay here.

Half the wall collapsed on top of one agent, steel bars running through his thighs.His pale face was covered with beads of sweat, and his body was trembling from the excruciating pain.The demon dragging a long whip approached him step by step, and the electric current on the whip rope danced non-stop on the ground.

The agent feebly raised the pistol, tried his best to control the shaking of the hands holding the gun so that it was pointed at the whip who was half crouching.

"What do you want?" He gritted his teeth and asked, "Why don't you leave?"

"How long will it take for Stark to arrive?" the devil spoke, with a nasty stench in his mouth.

The agent understood: "You want Iron Man?"

Sang Whip grinned.


A huge hole was blasted in the ceiling, and the red figure shot out from the smoke screen, and rushed to Sangbian in an instant.Before he had time to react, he took Iron Man's heavy punch on the cheek, and his body fell into a pile of rubble.

"It's time to turn off the lights, Sangbian, say good night."

Iron Man squatted down while speaking, trying to move the metal debris on the detective's body.


The detective shouted a reminder, but it was too late.The whip slammed like a long snake with electric current, and wrapped around Iron Man's neck several times.The electric current turned into countless small snakes that walked on the iron armor, biting Iron Man's armor plate with a "sizzling" sound.

"Stark!" Sang Whip pressed the button of the whip and shouted excitedly, "I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Ugh what a touching reunion, but can we!"

Before he could finish his witticisms, the golden laser shot from the direction of the door and brushed past Iron Man's shoulder. buried the circuit board below.

The laser condensed, and after a burst of blinding and scorching light, it turned into a man in a black tights with stripes all over his body.This guy is code-named Laser Man, and as his name suggests, he controls the laser power. He is another very difficult opponent for Iron Man.

"Aha, laser man." Tony joked against the overflowing electric current on his body, "Three are missing and one is missing. It would be perfect if the crimson mech is also here for the party."

Heavy footsteps fell behind him, and a huge mecha with the height of two people fell from the sky, shaking the whole building when it stepped on it.Tony turned his head to the side, isn't it the crimson mech?

Crimson Mech, former Soviet agent, Iron Man's deadly enemy, another difficult guy.

"Well, my crow's mouth."

At this moment, Cube Prison, the control room.

Hulk's heavy and savage cry was heard almost throughout the Cube, even in the farthest corner from him.The cubic structure trembled, and the roar was getting closer and closer. The beast that broke free from the cage was approaching here.

The agents nervously pointed their guns at the door where the roar came from. Of course, if Hulk really broke into the door, the role these guns can play is at best to give himself a little comfort.The sound of heavy breathing came and went, and the air was so heavy that even the sound of the computer's internal operation was extremely clear.They feel like they've been thrown into a cage with the world's most dangerous hungry beast, with nowhere to hide.

Agents are all people who have experienced big scenes, and many of them have lived a life of rolling with knives, but they have never been so nervous even at the most critical juncture of their career.The heavy footsteps were getting closer and closer, and time seemed to freeze together with the air.


It was the sound of someone's sweat dripping onto the floor.

The footsteps outside stopped.

Everyone looked at each other.

Could it be that Bruce Banner's rational recovery suppressed Hulk?
This is the best result that everyone can pray for, but no one dares to go out and take a look at this moment.


Without warning, the ceiling was pierced.The huge green shadow fell like a cannonball, its huge feet dented the metal floor, and a slap sent an agent flying onto a large hanging screen.


Bullets rained down on the Hulk's green skin, but to no avail.The bullet casings bounced on the ground with a "crash" and were flattened by the big green feet.


Roaring furiously, two more agents were sent flying by Hulk's big slap. The barrage of bullets pouring down on him didn't even have the slightest blocking effect. No one in Cube Prison could stop the berserk Green giant!
Almost no one.

A flying kick landed on Hulk's cheek violently, sending his huge body flying horizontally. The platform on the second floor of the control room collapsed under his pressure, and a row of computers placed below was smashed to pieces.

Eric squatted and landed in the center of the control center, looking at the direction where Hulk fell and slowly stood up.

Coulson was taken aback: "It's you?"

(End of this chapter)

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