Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 84 Lawton's Information

Chapter 84 Lawton's Information

The sky darkened without warning, and the sky was covered with gray.A drizzle of ox-drizzle fell, and it grew stronger in an instant. A layer of wet water iris covered the smooth roller skating rink, washing the venue like a huge mirror.

"Really annoying rain." A girl complained.

Raven was still sitting on the chair outside the field, looking across the road in the direction where Eric left with his cheeks on his hands. Twenty or ten minutes had passed and he still hadn't returned.

"Hello!" Mary Jane noticed her who was in a daze on the sidelines, and waved to her, "It's raining, don't you want to go?"

It was only then that Raven noticed that the rain had soaked her long hair and jacket, and beads of water were hanging on her long eyelashes.She said "hmm", slowly changed the roller skates, got up and left with the students.

Just one street away.

His name is Floyd Lawton, and he has a title that everyone in the world of killers turns pale upon hearing—Death Shooter, known as the best sniper in the world.But today, these titles have nothing to do with him.

Today, he is just a father.

Lawton followed his 11-year-old daughter on the wet street in the drizzle that fell without warning. The humid air brought the unique smell of New York. In the drizzle, the daughter wearing a fluffy white hat was like flying angel.

"You should talk to your mother more," Lawton said.

"I know." The little girl paused, and then said, "Mom has been lying on the bed lately."

"Really? Does she still often go out at night?"

"It's okay, Dad." The girl said obediently, "I can take care of her well, I know how to make pancakes now."

"Hey! Baby, you're amazing!" Lawton praised without hesitation, kissed her on the forehead, and said, "But this is not right, you are too young to bear so much burden. Listen , I want you to move in with me, okay? Dad recently found a really nice place to live"

"Dad." The girl paused, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I know you often do some...bad things. Mom said I can't live with you. But don't worry, I still love you."

Lawton let out a long sigh.

"Okay, honey." He patted his daughter on the back, "Let's go."

When the two turned a corner and entered an empty alley, Lawton's face changed slightly, and he was suddenly stunned.The black-alloy warrior stood waiting for him in the rain, which washed the silver plate of his chest to a mirror-like shine.

Lawton subconsciously protected his daughter behind him. He remembered this guy, an extraordinary high school kid.


"It's okay, sweetheart." Lawton fixed his eyes on Eric in armor, and comforted his daughter, "Don't worry."

Lawton put one hand on the holster of his jeans, stared at Eric for a moment, and said, "Please, I just came back to accompany my daughter, and I didn't kill you last time, or you would have died long ago. Can we Don't do it in front of my daughter."

He didn't finish, but Eric understood.He glanced at the girl behind Laughton, and the armor was automatically released back on his back and folded back into the form of a backpack.

"I'm not here to arrest you, Lawton, I'm not some nosy vigilante." Eric said lightly, "I just came to talk to you."

Lawton also seemed to heave a sigh of relief, and his hand on the holster was also loosened.He turned his head and gently stroked his daughter's face, and said, "Father has something to discuss with this elder brother, is it okay for you to go home first?"

The girl said "hmm" and nodded.

"It's so good, don't worry, I'll follow in a while."

After Laughton finished speaking, he turned to Eric and said, "Come to the coffee shop at the back, I will treat you today."

After a few minutes.

Lawton took a sip of the hot mocha with great enjoyment, leaned comfortably on the soft sofa, and asked, "So, what do you want to know?"

"You were also in the car that followed me that day, right?" Eric asked, "You fired a shot."

"No. But like I said, I just happened to be there. They hired me for another job. You're not my target."

"Who are 'they'?" Eric asked. "Who hired you?"

"I don't know." Lawton shrugged. "There are many things in our business that you shouldn't ask. As long as the employer pays you, everything else doesn't matter. But... Maybe I know why they want you."


"I don't really understand the specifics, and I didn't bother to inquire about it. I just heard a conversation occasionally." Lawton took another sip of Mocha before continuing, "They seem to say that they got some news. A signal, it seems that a certain Something is done."


"I don't know. But let me guess that." He gestured towards the backpack on Eric's back, "To be honest, when I saw you wearing this thing for the first time, I was also shocked. Jump, at that time I guessed that it might be what those people wanted.”

Eric also recalled that when he was in the police station, when he was dressed for the first time, the monster also said something like "Did that old man in Charlotte complete this system so quickly?"So, is it Almadra's armor that the organization wants to capture him?

It doesn't make sense, if the organization knows that the armor will take action immediately, why did they come to arrest him?He obviously didn't have a battle armor in his hand at that time, what's the use of catching it?

Plus, according to Nick Fury, his father was already dead.So who finished the outfit if the father died?Or is Nick Fury lying?Or maybe the people in the organization made a mistake?
"But according to my guess," Lawton took a leisurely sip of the mocha, "my mission may also be related to you, after all, it happened to be commissioned at that time."


Lawton put down his glass, became serious rarely, and looked around to make sure that no one was eavesdropping.

Then, he leaned forward and lowered his voice: "Have you heard of the three major prisons?"

"The three major prisons of S.H.I.E.L.D." Eric nodded, "I've heard a little about it."

"The cube, the mansion, and the dome." Lawton said, "They're all big people, guys who can cause big trouble. And the goal of my mission is to assassinate a person in the cube."


"I don't know." Lawton shrugged. "The employer sent me a detailed structural drawing of the Cube Prison down to every ventilation pipe, and gave me a cell number, asking me to kill the prisoners in that room."


"I don't know." Lawton said, "After you escaped, they informed me that this mission was cancelled. So I didn't go to Cube Prison, and I didn't see the mysterious prisoner, but I guess this mission must be related to you. There are relationships."

"What's the cell number?"

"I can not only provide the cell number." Lawton said, "I can also give you a detailed map of the cube-this is not something you can buy online. The employer doesn't know that I have a backup, so be careful not to leak it."

Eric was taken aback: "Why do you help me?"

"Who knows." Lawton smiled and stood up, "Okay, that's it, I will send the detailed information to your mobile phone. Now, I have to go back to accompany my little daughter, she is such an angel .”

(End of this chapter)

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