Chapter 82 Mansion
Aegis, a floating carrier.

Few people know that one of the four prisons under the jurisdiction of Aegis is on this amphibious aircraft carrier.Many agents pass by it every day, but never notice it - who would have thought that this is a super prison?

"The Big House", one of the four super prisons of S.H.I.E.L.D., has a cross-shaped building surrounded by layers of walls, and the central part is a bit like a medieval tower.What makes it special is that the prison is placed on a table like a conceptual model, and the electric light shines on it like a 24-hour sun that does not go out.

This is thanks to the "Pym particle" discovered by the famous Dr. Hank Pym. With the help of this particle, Dr. Pym has the ability to change his body shape. He can grow into an indomitable giant or shrink into an ant. The figure, hence the name "Ant-Man".The mansion prison was built by Dr. Pym with the help of this technology. All the super criminals were shrunk down to the size of ants and put in this prison. The threat factor of dangerous criminals under this size became very limited.

After obtaining the permission of SHIELD, Dr. Hank Pym has now personally shrunk into the mansion prison and came to the cell of a second-rate super criminal.The two talked through a layer of light blue current film.

"SHIELD overheard what you said to your fellow inmates." Dr. Pym said, "You said something big was about to happen."

"Yes." He didn't hide it, even his face was filled with uncontrollable excitement, "something is going to happen soon, and none of you can stop it from coming."

"Can you share with me what's going on?"

"Can't you notice it?" He lay leisurely on his bed and said, "Instead of asking what it is, why not ask when?"

Dr. Pym frowned slightly.

A moment later, a virtual image flashed outside the model-sized prison, and Dr. Pym, who jumped out of the prison, quickly changed back to a normal human body. In the room, the vice-captain of Aegis, Maria Hill, had been waiting for a long time.

"What did he say, Dr. Pym?"

"He said something was going to happen soon." Pym shook his head, "but nothing told me I had a bad feeling."

Hill said: "Or it may be that he is just bluffing. There is another thing, Dr. Pym, I hope you have considered it."

"Nick Fury recruited me?" Dr. Pym waved his hand, "Forget it, I don't mean to work for SHIELD."

Hill felt a headache.Director Fury proposed the "Avengers Project" not long ago, intending to recruit people with extraordinary abilities in the world to organize and work for Aegis.The plan lists the names of many superheroes. Aegis has more or less tried to contact these superheroes, but so far no one has agreed. It seems that the plan will take a lot of time to implement. less thought.

"I'm a pacifist. I want to help, but not in this way." Dr. Pym left the room quickly. "Call me if you need anything next."

New York, roller skating rink.

"Wow! Weak Chicken Parker! Watch out!"

Flash Thompson, the star basketball player at Midtown High, was slamming headlong into Peter's back like a relentless football player.

With his hands in his pockets and his skates on, Peter didn't even look back.Thompson rushed aggressively like a launching tank, while Peter turned sideways with ease, using the pulley under his right foot as the axis, and turned his body 180 degrees for half a circle. While avoiding Thompson's collision lightly, he also " Accidentally" tripped under his feet, tripping this big man fell to the ground with a dog chewing mud.

The students around burst into laughter, and everyone could see that it was Thompson's intention to sneak attack on Parker.

"Haha! What's wrong with Flash? Got fixed by a nerd?"

"Wow, did you see it? I didn't expect that Parker really has two brushes."

Peter was complacent, but when he heard this sentence suddenly, he thought that maybe he shouldn't be exposed like this, maybe he should continue to try his best to play the image of a nerd with poor physical fitness.Thinking of this, he hurriedly made a fuss and struggled, as if his body lost his balance and sat down on the ground in a very funny posture, causing another burst of laughter.

Mary Jane slid to his side, smiled and held out her hand: "What? Spider-Man can't cope with skating?"

Peter smiled slightly and took her hand: "Maybe I need a good teacher."

The extracurricular activity of collective skating in Midtown High School, Eric always likes to use various excuses to shirk similar activities in the past, but after experiencing so much, he feels that maybe it is more "normal" like this Group activities still have something to cherish.

In fact, this is Peter's class activity, and Eric was only invited by him as a friend. And Raven.

Raven was a little nervous. She had never worn something with only one row of wheels, and she thought it would be safer to fly—but of course she couldn't fly here.She felt that her legs were a little unsteady, and she unconsciously held Eric's hand tightly, staring at the ground, thinking that maybe fighting with her brothers for three hundred rounds would not be as exciting.

"Don't worry, follow me closely, I won't let you fall." Eric promised softly.

He did it, and Raven nervously followed him around a few times, feeling a little unbelievable, as if dancing a couple of dances around the ice.

"You never said you could do this," Raven said.

"You didn't ask again, and didn't you tell me? There's nothing I'm not good at."

As he said that, he looked a little weird, and added: "Well, maybe except for the roller coaster."

The corner of Raven's mouth hooked slightly, revealing a slight smile.

Eric led her to a seat outside the court and sat down.

"Rest here for a while," he said, "I'll get some chocolate cocoa."

Eric came to the snack shop on the opposite side, and the owner who watched the shop poked his head out from behind the newspaper with Spiderman on the headline: "What do you need?"

"Two cups of chocolate cocoa, one with more sugar."

Raven hated to admit it, but Erik knew she liked a lot of sugar in her drinks.

"Okay, wait a moment."

The uncle owner got busy, and Eric began to look around casually.

He noticed a man wearing a peaked cap and a black jacket. The breath on this man gave him an uncomfortable feeling, as if he had encountered a hunter in the jungle.The man bought a newspaper in the shop next door and raised his head while paying the bill. Eric caught a glimpse of his face, sharp as a knife, with a dangerous gleam hidden deep in the eyes.

More importantly, Eric felt as if he had seen this man somewhere.

But where?

The man had walked about ten meters away, and when he turned around, he was about to disappear at the corner of the street.

Eric closed his pupils, and the memories of a few months ago instantly came to mind.

"Who is this person?" When he asked the question, he was standing in Sharon Carter's office, and the other party called him to the office during a big class break.

"Floyd Lawton, code-named Death Shooter, the world's deadliest gunman." Sharon said, "The last time the organization chased you, he also participated in the operation. We are on the tires of your Corvette I found bullets exclusive to Deadshot."

"Deathshooter." Eric frowned, of course he also remembered such a number one character in the DC world.

"We have intelligence that he may still be in New York for unknown reasons," Sharon said. "But anyway, you have to be careful. You may still be on his list. And all the people on his list will end up in the end." Not very good."

(End of this chapter)

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