Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 79 The Clone Legend

Chapter 79 The Clone Legend

The two metal sheets swirled past both sides of Eric's body like two sharp razors. The multiple images generated by his super-speed movement shuttled back and forth between the metal storms, and his feet flew past at a speed close to half the speed of sound. Pieces of metal fragments, like a flat boat going upstream, ride the wind and waves towards Dr. Octopus in the center of the storm.

Both Peter and Jessica were stopped at the periphery of the storm. The broken pipes and iron sheets were stirring rapidly in this dilapidated laboratory at a speed that ordinary people could not even see with the naked eye. The walls were torn and smashed, and the roof frame was also integrated into the storm. A part of it was flying, and the glass shards flew like snowflakes with the howling wind. The two of them were already a little overwhelmed just by dodging around the periphery, and they couldn't slow down to fight back against Dr. Octopus.

Eric tried his best to get closer to the eye of the metal tornado, and the four arms of Doctor Octopus danced wildly under his command, like a conductor directing a grand movement.Every time Eric got closer to him, the pressure doubled. The swirling metal fragments seemed to build a huge network around him, leaving him less and less space to dodge.

Finally, there was a muffled "bang", and the metal arm shot out like electricity from the gaps of countless parts, and the claws turned into sharp chainsaws to cut through all obstacles along the way, and slammed into the shoulder of the Almagzo armor.Eric, who was moving at a high speed, retreated suddenly after taking this blow, sparks splashed from his shoulders like blood, and the shoulder armor was completely cut off under the violent impact of ultra-high speed, even the flesh was cut open.

Like an armor-piercing bullet, Eric's body continuously pierced through the layers of iron skin rotating in the direction of the wind behind him and rolled to the ground.

"Eric!" Peter yelled, trying to get closer, but had to step back to avoid another steel pipe shot at the front door.

Erik stood up clutching his shoulders, a trace of blood flowed from his fingers, and slid down the armor's shiny shell.The damaged shoulder armor seems to have consciously extended liquid metal, and the gap was quickly repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was restored to its original state in the blink of an eye.

The speed slowed down just now, is it because of excessive consumption?
Eric's brain already felt a little lack of oxygen, like a marathon athlete approaching the finish line, which was also the alarm bell that the high-speed gear was approaching the limit, reminding him that the maintenance of the super speed mode was about to reach the limit.

That being the case, it is better to give everything you have left and give it a go.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

The golden electric current spread throughout the armor along the limbs and bones, and even the position of the eyepiece seemed to be ignited.The speed field expanded to the maximum with the limit power in an instant, dragging every flying metal fragment and every grain of dust in the air stirred by the airflow into the domain of time, traveling at a tortoise speed.

The speedy energy charged into the right arm from the energy core, gathered on Eric's right fist, and the arm seemed to turn into a ball of lightning.

With full speed, Eric burst out in an instant.The current wrapped the afterimage and turned it into gold, piercing the sky like a sharp arrow piercing the night.This time he no longer dodged, and rushed into the howling storm along a straight line. The golden lightning savagely pierced through layers of obstacles, and the torn iron skin was spun and nailed into the remaining walls on both sides. The fracture was as black as carbon. Baked average.

Doctor Octopus couldn't even see where the attack was coming from, and he only subconsciously raised his metal arm when the whirlwind hit the door--it turned out that it probably saved his life.The iron fist of the alloy slammed on his metal arm, and his body was shaken backwards. The octopus sat down in the metal ruins in embarrassment. The heavy impact penetrated the metal arm and shook him. Blood spurted wildly.

But this also exhausted Eric's last energy. With a "energy exhausted" prompt, the armor was lifted back to Eric's back and entered the dormant mode again.

The storm subsided, and all the metal pieces flying in the sky fell back to the ground.But Otto didn't fall down yet. He propped himself up on the ground with his metal arms, gritted his teeth, and his gums were stained red with blood.


He seemed to be trying to say something, but Eric didn't have a chance to understand what he was trying to say.Both Peter and Jessica flashed in front of him, and punched Doctor Octopus on both sides of his cheeks, one left and one right.Otto raised his head and yelled, and fell to the ground again, his four paws finally stopped moving.

"You'd better lie down, old octopus." Peter said angrily.

"Yeah, he's right," Jessica added. "You should be with the fish in the aquarium."

So if Jessica is said to have completely copied Spider-Man, she shouldn't be weak at all, right?This man and woman teaming up doesn't feel like a superhero squad, but more like a duo.Eric couldn't help laughing out loud when he thought of this weird idea.

"Okay, looks like it's over." Peter took a deep breath, "Now let's go."

"Where are you going?" Jessica asked.

"I promised, I have to listen to them."

"No, that Nick Fury almost killed you!" Jessica objected.

Peter shook his head: "I have to face all this, I can't run away. If I run away, they will come to catch me, the safety of MJ and Aunt May is more important."

"Okay, that's up to you." Jessica turned around, "I don't want to argue with myself anymore."

"Where are you going?"

Her figure disappeared into the darkness, and there was no reply.Peter looked at the direction in which she disappeared, and was stunned for a long time without moving.

Eric stood up: "Are you okay?"

"Not very good."

Peter paused for a moment, then added: "But thank you very much."

"Don't worry, things are not as bad as you think." Eric patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "Actually, they just want to lure you into their gang."

Peter sighed: "Do I have a choice?"

New York hospital.

The long night passed away quietly, the sun cautiously exposed half of the head, the dark clouds were like curtains that were half drawn, and the transmitted sunlight poured down on the open roof on the top floor of the hospital.

Richard Parker - or the clone he thought he was - was wrinkled overnight, as if his entire life had been condensed in a few hours.He tremblingly supported the water tank and sat down, panting heavily against the sun.

Tony Stark stood beside the old man silently, watching him struggle to prop up his back.

"Need any help?"

"No, I just want to sit here for a while." The clone said, paused, and asked, "Would you like to be his friend, Mr. Stark?"


"Peter." He said in a low voice, "After so much, he will need a friend like you. Although he won't turn to others, but... he has become an orphan, and this is actually very heavy for him. If necessary , would you like to be his friend?"

Tony's heart skipped a beat.This man was just a clone of Peter Parker, and now he knew it in his heart, but only the worry and love that belonged to his father revealed in those old eyes were real.

Even if it's just a clone, he does have the memories and emotions of Peter's father.

"of course."

"Thank you."

The clone closed his eyelids heavily, and fell asleep beside the water tank.

The dark clouds finally dissipated, and the sun rose completely, shining warmly on the empty rooftop, reflecting dazzling golden light on the glass windows.

(End of this chapter)

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