Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 72 Surrounding

Chapter 72 Surrounding
New York, Queens.

Peter could hardly believe what he saw now.A one-eyed black man in a black trench coat surrounded his house with a group of robots that appeared in science fiction movies. The heavily armed agents surrounded him layer by layer like iron barrels, and the latest drones hovered silently. In mid-air, the cast lights are like the eyes of countless birds in the night sky. The lights are dangerous and dazzling.

"My God." He leaned on the window, "Why is this?"

He may be a fledgling superhero, and he may have faced a lot of crazy situations, but that's when he was Spider-Man.But this time, the other party actually surrounded the house where he usually lived, which belonged to the part of Peter Parker's ordinary life.

He's still just a kid.

"I really wish I could finish my story and deal with the situation with the right story."

"The right way?"

Richard said in a panic: "It's Aegis, they still came here! They have been staring at you for a long time, Peter, they know the identities of most superpowers on Earth. I think you should put on your battle suit now, And the web shooter."

"No, there are too many of them, I can't deal with so many Aunt Mei at the same time?"

Aunt Mei held on to the door frame with one hand, her forehead was covered with bead-sized beads of sweat, her breathing was heavy like a cow's panting, and her body twitched slightly.

"Aunt May!" Peter hurriedly supported her, "What's wrong with you?"

"my heart."

"God, hold on, Aunt May"

Why did it seem like all the bad things in the world had rushed into this old house and into his life?Was being Spider-Man really such a big mistake?

Peter has never found being a superhero easy, but he has never felt so hopeless either.

"She's having a heart attack." Richard said urgently. "It's an emergency. We have no choice. You have to attract SHIELD's attention, and I'll take her to the hospital."

Peter stared at him for a long time and gritted his teeth.

"Listen to you, father."

The wooden door of the residence flew out horizontally with a "bang", and the door panel was shot out like the most powerful dart. It was so fast that the two closest agents could not dodge and were knocked down head-on.

A figure shoots out from the house, even these experienced agents have never seen humans make such a fierce skill.Peter's figure was as light as weightless, and his sneakers stepped over the shoulders and heads of those robots one after another, flying across the defense of the iron barrel, and fell in front of Nick Fury.

Everyone present was shocked, and it would be hard to believe it if they hadn't seen them with their own eyes.Such a quick and lightning-fast skill would be the sharpest sharp knife in the army. With one person's power, he could smash the enemy's formation to pieces, and the enemy didn't even have a chance to realize what happened.This further proved that Director Fury's precautions against these superpowers proved to be quite necessary.

Peter held onto Fury's gun and yelled, "Listen, I don't know what you want from me, but my aunt has a broken bone! You gotta take her to the hospital and stop—"

"Get away from me, kid!" Fury yelled. "You're under arrest!"

"Arrest me? Are you listening to me? She's dying!" Peter yelled hysterically.

A machine shoots blue laser light, and the spider senses buzzing.He turned sideways to dodge, but he couldn't dodge completely. A tingling sensation was transmitted through the flesh and into the nervous system, making Peter feel a burst of muscle weakness.

"I'm sorry, too, kid." Fury pointed his gun at his head, "but the form you're in is more important than that. Hold on!"

Peter jumped up, and Fury grabbed the throat before he even had a chance to pull the trigger.He could feel that the child was really murderous, and Peter could crush his throat with just a little effort from his fingertips.

"You're killing my aunt!" he yelled angrily. "I swear to God, I'm going to make you—"

The laser light hit his back again, blasting him into the air and crashing into the arms of another robot. The metal arms tightly bound his arms like shackles.

"Stay still, kid," Fury said. "The next blow could knock you down."

"I doubt it."

This sound came from the air.The milky white energy cannon blasted the head of the robot that imprisoned Peter into pieces, the broken circuit and smoking parts splashed to the ground, and the gun in Fury's hand was also shot down to the ground with a "bang".

All eyes turned to the midair in surprise, only to see that it was like a shooting star falling grandly. Iron Man stepped on the flames of the jet boots and rushed through the night sky. When he landed, the swirling air stirred up heavy dust.

"My God." Fury's head was getting bigger and bigger, "Go home in your steel armor, Stark, it's none of your business here."

"When you surround a middle school student's house with a bunch of military machines, that's none of my business," Iron Man replied, "Especially when I see them with my name on them."

Abandoned Osko Experimental Base.

Eric's body shattered a glass jar with a clatter, along with a metal recliner, the armrests of which were covered with syringes and wires.

"I'm making her perfect!" The double-faced Parker's eyes were red, and he rushed towards him like crazy, "Don't disturb me!"

".Complete, the speed mode is online."

The shape switched instantly, Eric stepped on his foot, and his figure disappeared in place instantly, and the double-faced Parker suddenly jumped into the air.He turned around in surprise, and the spider felt a sting like crazy from the back of his neck.If you imagine yourself as a spider in the center of the web, then the silk threads in almost all directions are vibrating crazily at this moment.

It's as if enemies are coming from all directions and everywhere.

The fist image came from his mind, and the double-faced Parker almost turned his head instinctively.Facts have proved that the spider's instinct is quite reliable, a speeding punch that cannot be caught by the naked eye almost slashed against his cheek with a howling wind.

But that's the limit.Immediately afterwards, Eric flew up and swept across his abdomen, causing him to fly into the air, smashing the experimental platform behind him like a kite with a broken string, and countless wires were almost uprooted.

The afterimage stopped moving, and Eric walked slowly towards the fallen double-faced Parker.

"Whatever you're doing, it's time to stop. Turn it off now."

The double-faced Parker lay on the ground and laughed softly, his body trembling.

He turned around, and a devilish grin appeared on his rotten face.

"It's too late! I've succeeded!"

Eric was taken aback, and turned to look at the glass cover.Mary Jane's eyes were wide open, and she lay prone in the glass, moaning in pain, her delicate face contorted due to the severe pain.

Under Eric's surprised gaze, her body doubled in size in an instant.Red fluff grew out of her skin, and the clothes were instantly smashed to pieces. She grew pitch-black sharp claws, and her eyes were yellow like a demon from hell.

Shit, this plot development is too explosive, right?

(End of this chapter)

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