Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 69 Confession

Chapter 69 Confession
Stark Building.

Nick Fury stared at the unconscious scorpion behind the glass cover and asked, "Who is this? Peter Parker?"

"No, if you mean the web head, he's the one who sent this guy here," Tony said.

"What?" Fury's one eye widened in surprise.

"I guess someone cloned this child." Tony said seriously, "Someone coveted Spider-Man's ability, cloned him, transformed the clone to try to strengthen his combat effectiveness. Do you know anyone who is conducting super soldier cloning experiments?"

After staring at the unconscious clone for a long time, Fury closed his eyelids gently, as if he had made a major decision.

Then, he took out his phone.

"Here's Cyclops, verify password Ed O'Neil. Tell the spider hunters to get ready, I'll meet them in Queens. Yes, send me a whole battalion, we're going to purge and clean up the filth."

"What? Is this the best solution you can come up with?" Tony said. "To catch a child who is only a teenager?"

"I'm just doing what I have to do, Stark." Fury said coldly, "Spider-Man has always been a hidden danger, and we've been monitoring him for a long time. Now, the genes with the highest security level have been leaked, and we don't know Where it came from, and how serious it is, this is the highest level of security in the country. So if you don’t want to get into trouble, Stark, you’d better not meddle in your own business.”

After speaking, he flicked the long black trench coat, turned and left.

Peter thought he was going crazy.

He first went to the small warehouse where he had a secret tryst with Mary Jane, and then went to the old house before he moved. He ran around almost all the places he thought Mary might go, but so far found nothing.

A lunatic popped up earlier today, and when Peter subdued him, he was surprised to find that the guy had the exact same face as himself.Well, having a tailed version of himself running around is scary enough, and now he has the unfortunate news that his little girlfriend, Mary Jane, is missing.Given her involvement with Spider-Man, that's generally not a good thing.

Peter wandered aimlessly outside for two hours, but found nothing. He didn't know what else he could do. He dragged his feet back home, feeling as if the world was collapsing.

He was about to break down, the burden of being Spider-Man might indeed be too heavy for his young shoulders, and he felt suffocated.He needs to find someone to talk to, someone who can understand him.

Mary Jane was always a good choice at times like this, but now she was one of Peter's headaches, and he didn't know who else to confide in
Aunt May.

When this idea rushed into his mind, he was taken aback.

No, Aunt Mei's fixed thinking always felt that I was still a seven-year-old child, she had already experienced enough, you can't add such an extra burden to her, she can't bear it.

But who knows?Aunt May is a strong person, probably the strongest person you have ever met in your life, she can take it, she can help you through difficult times.She is like your mother, the more you need your family at this time.

The two elves in my mind insisted on each other's words, arguing endlessly, until Peter came to the door of the house, they couldn't find a reason for their quarrel.

After standing in front of the door for more than a minute, he finally made up his mind.He took a deep breath and opened the door, feeling as if a hundred big men were beating the drums in his heart, and he was as nervous as a primary school student who was about to be criticized.


The light in the living room was on, and as soon as the door was pushed open, Aunt Mei came out of the living room anxiously, obviously waiting anxiously.

"Aunt May." Peter hesitated for a long time, not knowing what to say.

"Have you found Mary Jane?"

"No." He gritted his teeth, "I think it's all my fault."

Aunt Mei hugged him distressedly: "Silly boy, don't try to take everything on your shoulders, no one can bear the weight of this world. We will figure out a way, okay?"

"No, you don't understand, everything that happened to us with Aunt May, and the endless troubles that linger around us are all because of me."

"What are you talking about?" Aunt May realized something was wrong, "Is there something you are hiding from me, Peter?"

"I'm sorry, Aunt May." He lowered his head, not daring to meet Aunt May's eyes, "I am Spider-Man."

long silence.

Suddenly, it was as if the whole world had quieted down, only the hands of the clock "clicked and clicked".The aging incandescent light in the living room seemed dimmer than usual, and the two tubes seemed to be half-extinguished.

Peter finally couldn't help it anymore, he carefully glanced at Aunt May from the corner of his eye to confirm her expression.

"Say it again." She said slowly.

"Spider-Man," Peter said, "that guy in the tights, that's me."

"Prove it to me."

Peter jumped up as promised, jumped onto the roof with amazing jumping power, and stuck to the ceiling.


Peter fell back to the floor and waited quietly.

"You always have?"

"Since the spider bite, yes." Peter hung his head, "I'm sorry about Uncle Ben, I should have been able to"

"Get out." Aunt Mei's voice suddenly dropped several degrees, cold and unquestionable.

Peter froze: "But."

"I say get out! Get out of my house!" Aunt May raised her voice.

Peter froze in place.He knew that Aunt May had always had a bad opinion of Spider-Man, and he had expected that Aunt May would be very angry at him for concealing the fact that he was Spider-Man, so he was already mentally prepared.But just kick him out?He never even thought about it.

What was the special reason that made her so angry?Does she really hate Spider-Man to this extent?

The door of the old house was pushed open again, and a person Peter never expected to see again appeared at the door.

"Hey May, when did you become so grumpy?"

The man in a suit and leather shoes was holding the doorknob with one hand. His face was somewhat similar to Peter's, except that there were wrinkles around his eyes.

"Don't get mad at the kid," he said. "He's just a kid trying to fix an impossible situation."

"Richard." Aunt May didn't seem surprised. She folded her arms around her chest and said gloomily, "Take your child away, out of my house."

Peter's mouth was wide open from ear to ear: "Richard? My father? Dad?"

"Hey, kid." Richard Parker looked at him with a smile, his father's love was undisguised in his eyes.

Tears rolled out of his eyes uncontrollably, and Peter tried his best to control his voice: "You are still alive."

"What do you say? Child?"

(End of this chapter)

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