Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 607 The Legend Continues

Chapter 607 The Legend Continues
The bright sunshine gently splashed on the streets of New York, and the asphalt pavement was coated with a layer of light golden soft light, filling the whole street corner coffee shop with a warm atmosphere.Across the street, new scaffolding has been erected among the collapsed ruins, and a wall marked "under construction" has been erected.Workers wearing safety helmets were busy up and down, and the noisy sound of chainsaws and conversations formed a symphony that resounded through the street.

It used to be Eric's favorite coffee shop, and he spent countless afternoons in the corner window seat, but since life got complicated, he seldom visited again.

But now, he finally stopped being busy and regained the long-lost leisure.He was lazily lying on the soft sofa in the coffee shop, enjoying the generous and warm sunshine outside the window, watching the white smoke rising from the cup of hot caramel latte on the table in front of him.

Really, what a pleasant life.

Two months ago, the earth ushered in the largest and most tragic alien invasion in history. During that darkest period, almost everyone gave up hope.Fortunately, hope has not given up on them.The army of Apocalypse came in with billowing black clouds all over the sky, and finally receded with the overwhelming haze, like a menacing thunderstorm.And when the haze is dispelled and the sun shines on the earth again, people are unprecedentedly grateful for the generous gift of the sun.

All the heroes who persevered to the end in this battle and did not give up hope were rewarded with the highest glory. For a time, superhero statues and peripherals sprung up all over the world like mushrooms after rain, and a craze swept the world.And the heroes who participated in the battle unanimously attributed most of their merits to Eric and Brad who directly faced Darkseid, so the legend of Almajo and the White Flash was instantly revealed through optical fiber. and electromagnetic waves spread across the globe.

However, since the decisive battle of the doomsday, no one has seen the traces of these two people.

Days after the battle, Eric informed the members of the Justice League of his decision to withdraw.

"Quit?" Green Lantern was the first to express surprise when he announced the decision calmly in the Hall of Justice. "You just saved the world, buddy, and you're probably the hottest superhero on Earth right now. Hell, If you'll show up, I'm pretty sure the President will give you a dozen Medals of Honor."

Superman also persuaded: "You don't have to leave. We all know what you lost in the long battle, but as long as you want, the alliance can always be your home, and we are all your family."

"Thank you for your kindness, I know." Eric smiled lightly, "but I just feel that I may have completed the task at this stage, maybe I should move on. There are more arrangements for me in the future, and more There are many things waiting for me to do."

"Okay." Superman nodded. "If you already have your own plans, then so be it. But remember, we will always be your friends when you need anything. You know where we are."

"Uh, since it's all mentioned here." The Flash raised his hand, " haven't forgotten that the watchtower fell down, right? So we will later."

Superman glanced at Batman intentionally or unintentionally, and said, "This...don't worry, we'll fix it, and it'll be exactly the same soon."

Batman's white eyepiece moved, and said: "I guess you must have never read the monthly bill for regular maintenance of the watchtower, let alone its construction cost."

"Well, maybe it's not necessary to be exactly the same." Superman said, "Well, some extra empty rooms may not be so necessary, and some facilities that are rarely used can also be deleted."

"No." Batman said lightly, "This time, we will build a better one."

Superman froze for a moment, his super brain seemed unable to keep up for a while.

"We need more rooms, bigger halls," Batman said. "More chairs."

Superman was stunned for a moment, then smiled brightly: "Ah, yes, more chairs."

Leaving the Hall of Justice, Eric then went to Stark Tower to meet Tony.

When the whole city was swept beyond recognition by aliens, Tony certainly couldn't expect his building to be spared, after all, it was so conspicuous.Eric moved to his living room on the top floor in an instant. When he landed, he stepped on a mess of rubble and tiles. There seemed to be a valuable painting buried in a pile of rubble in the corner.

"I have to admit," Tony was stunned after performing another thorough medical examination on Eric, "this is nothing short of a miracle."

"What about me? How is it?" Eric asked as he put on his coat.

"Excellent, so good that I'm not even sure if it's good or not." Tony said, "Dude, the energy in your body is a hundred times more powerful than the strongest person I've ever seen. It's no exaggeration to say that you are nothing short of amazing. Than a walking nuclear reactor!"

"Uh, to correct you," Eric said, "a nuclear reactor out of control can't blow up a whole planet."

Tony froze, stared into his eyes for a while, and asked, "Tell me you're joking."

Eric shrugged: "If you are worried about my potential threat, you should avoid it. And I don't plan to stay here for long."

"You mean, you're leaving Earth?" Tony asked. "So what's next for you? Traveling around the universe?"

"Maybe, who knows."

After a long pause, Eric looked at him seriously and said, "Thank you so much, Tony."

At this moment, the coffee shop on the corner.

The caramel latte on the table was completely cold. Eric stretched out and lay lazily on the sofa. The sunlight reflected from the glass of the building across the street made him squint his eyes reflexively.

"So, you still lied a little."

Eric withdrew his gaze, and the girl's translucent figure appeared on the sofa opposite him.Raven's hands were interlaced to support her delicate chin, her frozen face was expressionless, but it was extremely harmonious and lovely against the soft golden warm sun, just like returning to the moment when they just met.

Of course, her current state of being is incorporeal, and no one but Eric can see it.

"Why are you lying again?" Eric picked up the glass of caramel latte that had already cooled down, and the liquid in the glass regained its heat the moment it touched his lips—for those who have been able to touch the composition of elements It's not difficult for him.

"You've made everyone believe you've left Earth," said Revan, beginning to play with the curtains, which she no longer had access to.

Eric smiled indifferently: "It's not a lie, I really intend to leave, just take a break for a while. You know, I haven't had such an opportunity in a long time-no crazy amajo robot , no apocalyptic alien invasion, no mad scientist destroying the world. I feel like I’ve been fighting for a lifetime—no, two lifetimes, including the cycle of life and death.”

Having said that, he sighed lightly and said, "I'm sorry, Raven."

"Huh?" The girl tilted her head in doubt.

"Bringing me back for you." He stared at his half-empty glass and said in a low voice, "You have always trusted me, supported me, and paid so much for me. I don't know how I can pay it back. owe you something"

Seeing his serious look, Ruiwen couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Huh? Is it funny?"

Raven shook his head with a smile, and said: "You are real, and you still don't understand. For me, as long as I can be with you forever and ever, I have nothing else to ask for. So don't have any burdens, Eric, it's my choice, and I'm very satisfied."

"Ruiwen." He closed his eyes lightly, as if he could feel her presence from the bottom of his heart, ".Thank you."

He finally finished his latte and stood up looking relaxed.He quickly pushed the door open and walked out of the coffee shop. The golden sunlight cast his shadow long on the sidewalk, and the looming girl followed her everywhere.

"Then let's go together." Eric said with a smile, "Go to the world where no one has been, to the corner where no one has been, until the end of the world."


(Thanks to the 1 starting point coins rewarded by the lord of the Void 10000!
Thanks to the book friend alucious for the reward of 100 starting coins!
Thanks to the protector, I am just a 400 starting point coin rewarded by Dizhu! )

(End of this chapter)

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