Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 597 Conquering Death

Chapter 597 Conquering Death
The colorful stream of light converges into a galloping river rushing through the space, and images from countless different dimensions and different time and space overlap and shuttle between the streams of light like a million-flower mirror, weaving into a The mighty long river seemed to be roaring silently.

This wasn't the first time Brad had been here—the space of the Speed ​​Force.He remembered that he was hit by the Infinity Gem and the Omega Ray at the same time. It must be that the energy generated at that moment superimposed with his Speed ​​Force energy, pushing himself into the Speed ​​Force space.

But fortunately, the speed force is not a very mysterious field for him, he just needs to take a breath, get out of here though - the outside world will definitely need his help, he knows that there is no one on earth except him Can deal with Darkseid's body.

However, this time things don't seem to be that simple.

Brad took a deep breath and ran wildly in this fast space.He broke through the speed of light in an instant, galloped at an unimaginable speed, turned into a straight white light and rushed towards the world he left.

And at this moment, in the depths of the space where the aurora was shining, a pitch-black figure broke through the waves as if riding on the breath of death.It has a humanoid body, wearing pure black armor, stepping on a black skateboard, rushing out of the rushing time stream, holding a scythe like a death god in its hand.He was also incredibly fast, and he caught up behind Brad who was running at super-light speed in a moment.

Brad frowned slightly: "Dark Walker."

Dark Walker, one of the concrete forms of death, you can also call him a god of death, and he is also a member of the new protoss.

"Brad Joy, the greatest Flash in the multiverse." The dark walker spoke in his characteristic deep voice, "It was a wonderful experience, a wonderful life, but it is over. Your legend, That's it."

"By you?" Brad chuckled, "I don't think so, Dark Walker. We met before, and I beat you, remember? I can do it again!"

As soon as the words fell, the electric current in his whole body had skyrocketed again, and the speed of his whole body had soared again.Massive amounts of information, such as pictures and videos from countless parallel worlds, rushed in like a tide, and were left far behind in just a few microseconds.But the Dark Walker still pursued him, his pitch-black body was entwined with dark electric currents, and the thick and pervasive death energy had already caught up to Brad's figure one step ahead.

Brad urged the life radiance of the white lamp to temporarily force the death breath away, but the continuous speed up still couldn't get rid of the entanglement of the dark walker.The Dark Walker spoke again in a low voice, and his voice seemed to be whispering behind his neck.

"You think you're special, but everything is the same, and so are speeders!" he said. "The last time you ran away, it was because you had the lightning rod, the only thing that keeps speedsters from dying— — people you care about and care about.”

After a pause, he said again: "But I can feel that they are no longer there, aren't they?"

Brad said nothing, just continued to gallop forward.

"You are alone. The world and people you know are gone, and you have no lightning rod, Brad Joy." The Dark Walker said, "That's why, you won't be able to Flee death again!"

Maybe he's right.Brad hadn't experienced this feeling for a long time. He couldn't feel fast enough. He could feel that death was gradually surrounding him, and the surroundings of his body were becoming colder and colder.The Dark Walker stretched out his hand to him, and the cold touch reached his back.

No, he wasn't fast enough, he just lost the direction of running.

Suddenly, the entire speed force space became cloudy, and the darkness eroded the colored light flow inch by inch, as if all dimensions and spaces were swallowed up.Brad moved his steps mechanically, but the holy white light on his uniform had gradually faded away, replaced by an abyss of darkness.The Dark Walker completely merged into his body, dyeing him the same color as himself.

"Successful, successful." The Flash, who was assimilated by the Dark Walker, said to himself in a deep voice, "The most perfect host, with the existence of this host, what will death do ehh!?"

The black electric current flickered and flickered, and the dark speedster in the speed force tunnel staggered and swayed from side to side, looking like a drunk who hadn't sobered up yet.

The Dark Walker was surprised: "You are resisting my will? But how is this possible? You are already alone, the world you know is no longer there, you are just another soul lost in the speed force, how can you resist? I?"

But no matter how much he yelled, he still couldn't change what was happening.The Dark Walker held his head in his hands, and the electric current and afterimage behind him drew a crooked trajectory. He tried his best to suppress it, but he still couldn't stop the holy white from regaining his position.

"Yes, the world I know and the people I know are gone." Brad said, "But there is one thing you underestimate me, Dark Walker—I'm used to living like this, and I don't need that kind of lightning rod. I can find my way back. If I can say why, it’s because there’s always more to do.”

"But." The Dark Walker was surprised for a long time, and finally realized, "Could it be that you let me catch up on purpose?"

"Probably. Because this time, I need to face an unprecedentedly strong opponent." Brad said lightly, "To be honest, I don't have any chance of winning, so I need to use your strength."

"You're crazy!" The dark walker said while struggling with the light of life in Brad's body, "Do you want to control the incarnation of life and death at the same time? No one can do that! Life and death interact with each other. Contradictions, it is never possible for anyone to be able to. Ahhh!!!”

The last scream disappeared in the divine speed space, and Brad's uniform finally completed the final change.The uniform of the Flash intertwined with black and white, the white light of life and the dark air of death meet each other, perhaps no one has done such a crazy thing since the beginning of the world.

Yes, no one has ever done it, but it sounds like exactly what Brad Joy would do.

Brad kept stepping, speeding up again, the two-color afterimage drew a long line of light in the speed force tunnel, and the golden and black currents danced violently around it.A brilliant vortex opened in front of him, tearing open the gap to return to that desperate world.

(End of this chapter)

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