Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 59 Dispelling the Undead

Chapter 59 Dispelling the Undead
Erik hadn't quite understood the mechanics of Almadra's armor.According to the original manga, Yamozhuo should have the ability to replicate all the superpowers he sees, but at least so far his armor has not shown such ability.

However, in the two cooperations with Raven, Armor actually sensed her energy autonomously, analyzed and copied her ability to manipulate chaos magic, and even surpassed it.

What kind of conditions activate it to copy new forms?
Deacon Hei Yan really felt the threat at this moment, and he couldn't sit idly by any longer.He waved his arms and muttered words like a wizard casting a spell.A giant dragon drilled out of the sea of ​​fire, headed up and roared towards Eric and Raven.

In an extremely tacit understanding, the two raised their arms at the same time, as if they had been rehearsed thousands of times, and swept lightly at the same time.A lavender ripple was left in the air, the dragon roared angrily and was scattered, and the flame scattered into several pieces and scattered behind the two of them.

The dark purple magic power flowed quickly like an air current, and a translucent cover was formed outside the two of them, resembling the shape of a flying bird.The huge black crow wrapped its body around the two of them, flapping its pitch-black wings, and a sharp cry set off a purple storm, blowing the flames to the point of collapse.

The metal wings on the back of the Amodra armor also spread out, and the two of them soared into the air side by side.Eric held the long sword horizontally in front of him, and the ink-colored fluctuations were set on the blade, like an extension of the sword body.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

Purple energy flowed from the energy core, poured into the right arm along the limbs of the armor like a liquid, and then filled into the long sword.The filling of the armor energy seems to have also affected the crow's manifestation, and the purple storm is even more unscrupulous.

Seeing that something was wrong, Hei Yan hurriedly summoned the undead.The dull-looking living dead surrounded loyally, surrounded their unanimous masters, and used their bodies as shields to block Hei Yan, looking like a rushing river.

But it's pointless.Raven let out a cry, and twirled his arms counterclockwise in front of his chest. The magic power condensed from the vortex into a spherical shape, as deep as a starry sky.With the vibration of her arm, the magic beam shot out like a cannon, and the rushing torrent swept away the human wall of zombies, like a sharp knife piercing through layers of cardboard and pointing at the core target.

The human wall was easily penetrated, and the magic power even spread to Heiyan, but it did not cause substantial damage.

But this time, the way has been cleared for the killing blow.


Eric and Raven shouted in unison, and the crow spread its wings.Like a black meteor piercing through the barrier of flames, the crow instantly turned into an eagle swooping towards its prey, and the long sword surrounding the magic swayed as it sprinted at high speed.

The moment the sword edge was close to Hei Yan's face, it flashed out, and the energy output at the limit surged out, and the sword edge was invincible in an instant!


With a burst of shouting, Deacon Hei Yan held it back.The flame storm swirling around his body was all condensed together at this moment, forming his final barrier, struggling to push the purple long sword back.The pitch-black crows intertwined with the flames of hell, and the black and red magic power fragments kept splashing down with the collision, and they were stalemate together for a while.

"I am Deacon Black Flame, the missionary of Youyu City! I will not be defeated by you mortals! I will summon hell!"

"I can hear cocoons in just a few words," Eric pressed his sword hilt hard, and gritted his teeth, "Besides, you want to summon hell? Haven't asked the princess of hell if she agrees!"

Well, maybe Raven is not the princess of hell in this dimension. But why bother with the details.

"The output power is 150% fully charged."

The output power beyond the limit is the overdraft of vitality, but it can always burst out powerful power in an instant.The good news is that Eric has grown used to doing this.

He roared as hard as he could, the long sword seemed to gain a few kilograms in an instant, the magic energy flowed like crazy, and the purple power field was suppressed little by little.

"No, no." Hei Yan shouted in despair, "I have spent so much time and energy, and finally got the chance to be resurrected. Obviously, I was almost there. I should have been able to rule hell and become the king!" how is this possible"

"No, you are not an emperor or a king, and hell will not meet here." Raven said, "You are just a mortal condemned by heaven, a soul that escaped from the cage. After all, you are nothing special."

The long sword cut through the last barrier, and the sword edge slashed across Hei Yan's soul like cutting tofu.Hei Yan's desperate cry was finally cut off by a sword, and countless undead were pulled back to the source of the green beam of light by an invisible thread, and were swallowed back to hell.

Arkham's green light suddenly dissipated, the dark sky gradually regained its light, and the morning sun finally shone through, looking so dazzling after the long dark night.

The green light was sucked back to the source of the vortex and completely dissipated, and the gap in hell was also closed.The brilliance of the Black Flame disappeared, and the entire cave ushered in what it should have been—boundless darkness.

The energy of Chaos Magic also dissipated, and the armor was automatically released almost at the moment when the sword was slashed.Forcibly unlocking the battle armor already consumed a lot, and this move made him almost overdrawn.

Black Flame disappeared, along with his magic.Originally, he used his magic power to dig and maintain this space, but now the magic dissipated and the laws of physics began to destroy the structure of the cave crazily. As a result, it was collapsing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.The rubble was like a torrential rain, and the stone pillars collapsed one by one "rumbling".A boulder fell towards Eric's forehead. He could hear the whistling sound and feel the cold wind, but he had no strength to escape.

Of course, it failed to fall.The energy of Chaos Magic held it in place and easily flung it aside.

Raven squatted beside him, gently helped him up, and let him lean on his shoulders.

"Thank you."

Her voice was very soft, and it was almost impossible to hear it mixed with the sound of countless falling stones.The surrounding environment was very dark, Eric couldn't see her face, and he was looking forward to seeing Raven's expression now.

"Small problem." He waved his hand and said, "Did I promise to give you an 'unforgettable' spring break experience?"

In the darkness, Raven chuckled, but unfortunately Eric couldn't see her face.

"I think I'm pretty sure I won't forget this trip."

Another boulder fell head-on, and was easily blocked by Raven again.

Among the falling gravel, Eric lay lazily on Raven's shoulder, and the two were speechless for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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