Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 583 The end is coming

Chapter 583 The end is coming
A few minutes ago, Stark Tower.

The soaring data in the treatment cabin made Tony Stark have to notice the movement in the laboratory, which should have been the treatment cabin where Eric was resting.He rushed to the laboratory as quickly as possible, and all he saw was the broken glass cabin, debris all over the floor, and his old friend who had put on the metal armor again.

Tony was surprised, and asked in a deep voice, "Do you understand what you just did?"

"I know, I just used up my last chance." Eric said calmly, "But I have to go and thank you all the time, Tony, and sorry for breaking your treatment cabin."

After all, the other person has turned into a straight black line soaring into the sky, flew out of the window and disappeared far away from the field of vision.Looking at the liquid and broken glass splattered all over the floor in the laboratory, Tony could only sigh helplessly.

Erik flew from the sky at a very high speed, and the strong air flow made a rustling sound on his armor.He certainly wouldn't want to use up his last chance to dress like that if he could, but his connection to Raven's soul makes him empathize with the situation Ravan is in right now.He could feel that Raven was facing an unprecedentedly powerful enemy, and every second of delay might be life-threatening.

What else could be more worthy of the last burning of his life than her?
When Eric arrived, the unknown visitor in the yellow-green shell was suppressing all the Teen Titans with powerful thermal vision. The dense forest of Kandak was full of flames, billowing black smoke staggered up, and the high temperature refracted the light so that the air All twisted up.Erik landed in front of the Titans at the moment when the surging heat sight beams roared towards them, and blocked the impact with the green light shield.

However, I didn't expect this guy's thermal vision to be quite fierce. Eric's green light shield broke after only a few seconds. Already feeling faint pain, I was a little surprised at the strength of the enemy.

Seeing him fall, Raven couldn't help screaming: "Eric!?"

Why?The next time you activate the Yamozhuo armor, you will obviously run out of life, right?Why are you still here?Why fight?
Unable to ask countless questions, she froze in place for a moment, her absent-minded and pale face was like a bird with broken wings, which made people feel distressed.

Eric and her stared at each other for a while, but he didn't know how to speak, so he turned around silently and focused on the enemy in front of him.

"I was saved by you again." Ye Yi smiled, "I'm so glad to see you. As always."

It seemed that they didn't know that this might be Eric's last battle, and Eric didn't point it out, just smiled.Immediately without saying a word, various attribute energies erupted from the armor, causing flames to sway and gravel to fly around, and the armor directly cut into the omnipotent compound mode.Metal wings spread out behind him, energies of various colors surround him like a colorful storm, and the aura is like a god.

"The reaction of the Amojo virus, and the structure similar to that of Apocalypse."

Eric scanned the big man in front of him thoroughly with his X-sight. Thinking of his encounter with Darkseid in Apocalypse not long ago and the prophecy about Naya Mojo's ultimate destruction, he couldn't help coming up with a very Terrible conclusion.


Raven wanted to say something, but was violently interrupted by the uninvited guest in front of him.Its huge body flashed electric current, and it flashed in front of Eric at a speed that was simply miraculous compared to that size, and the giant iron fist fell down.Eric raised his hand unhurriedly to catch it firmly, and the burst of air burst in an instant seemed to engulf everything.

Eric did not move at all, and lightly punched the backhand, which immediately blasted the big metal body into the air, rushed into the sky like a rocket in the sky, and disappeared into the clouds in a short time.

"If you have anything to say, wait for a while." Eric said lightly, "I will solve it first, and it will be very fast."

As soon as the voice fell, the other person disappeared in place, leaving only a phantom wrapped in colorful light effects.At this time, the guy who was knocked into the air had already passed through the clouds at a terrifying speed, crossed several national borders, and arrived in Africa in an instant.A phantom flashed in mid-air, and Eric suddenly teleported to the top of its head without warning, and landed another punch, only to make it turn forcibly, and fell vertically to the Sahara Desert below, with sand and dust splashing like water. It is more than ten meters high.

Eric also fell gently into the desert.The big man got up, shook his head, as if he had made some adjustments, and then locked his target on Eric again.Electricity flickered on it again, and the afterimage rushed forward, cutting through a burst of flying yellow dust in the desert, and rushed to Eric in an instant.Eric dodged sideways, reached out with his right hand, and squeezed the wrist of the opponent's fist, and tore it apart with a sudden force. The strange liquid mixed with electric sparks sprayed from the fracture like blood.

The other party let out an indistinct growl, but it was followed by another punch as if there was no pain at all.Eric kicked up, and the kick wrapped in a huge force directly broke the opponent's fist and broke his wrist again.The big man lost both hands, and hurriedly wanted to retreat, and at the same time, the thermal vision burst out with a huge force almost close to his face.Eric blocked it with one palm, and the domineering heat vision ray was actually fixed in the colorful light of his palm. As the light in Eric's palm rose, it was pushed back into the guy's eyes, blowing up his face. Sparks flew wildly, and the binoculars immediately burst, leaving only two scorched black holes.

But the indomitable spirit of this big man is really amazing. It has been severely injured to this point, but it just seems to be unaware, and continues to approach Eric dully.Eric flew up, turned around, and slammed on the opponent with a huge force of [-] tons, and finally knocked it down, and his burly body sank deep into the desert.

The battle was resolved in an instant. Eric looked at the fallen figure for a long time, and finally heaved a long sigh of relief after confirming that the other party had completely stopped moving. His relaxed body suddenly fell to his knees, maintaining a half-kneeling position and panting.

Although it was only a one-sided battle, he could still clearly feel the rapid passage of his life.Right now, this set of armor that endowed him with divine power is like a bottomless pit, ruthlessly trying to squeeze out the last trace of his life.He really doesn't have much time left, and now he just wants to get back to Raven, at least he has a chance to say sorry to her
That's when he realized something was wrong. Almost most of the people on the planet realized something wasn't right.

The sky seemed to suddenly darken, and the endless dark clouds completely covered the sun, even the slightest ray of sunlight could not penetrate.Dense flying creatures suddenly swept across the sky, each of them was indistinguishable from the one that Eric had just knocked down, and launched an indiscriminate offensive towards all the creations of human civilization in sight.

What Eric was worried about really happened - Darkseid mastered the technology of Amozo and applied it to his troops, creating an invincible army of Amojo.

Perhaps this is the moment prophesied - when Almadra will finally destroy the world.

The vanguard of the Apocalypse army has arrived, and the end is approaching.

(End of this chapter)

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