Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 574 Start!Countdown to Destruction

Chapter 574 Start!Countdown to Destruction

"Green light, confirm again," Superman looked around and asked with a frown, "Are you sure it's this place?"

"It's absolutely unmistakable." Hal said, "There was a big explosion of energy not long ago, and the index is quite astonishing."

"But I didn't see anything."

Hal was silent, but equally puzzled.Half an hour ago, they monitored an astonishing level of space energy happening in this area from the watchtower. According to the energy rating, it was enough to evaluate it as a planet-level crisis, so the Justice League assembled and came here as a matter of course, only to find that there was only an empty space here. The wilderness, as far as the eye can see, is empty.

But the energy response is really there, and Batman has been out of touch for a while now, which is usually not a good sign.Superman frowned, and a strong sense of foreboding lingered in his heart.

At this moment, the Avengers also arrived on the scene.

"It's really a coincidence," Iron Man said when he landed, "I guess, you are also here for the foul-level space shock here? My sensor didn't find anything, your super vision and magic rings and so on Did you notice anything?"

Superman shook his head: "I can't see anything wrong, and there's nothing underground"

"But the ring is indeed said to be here." Hal frowned, "The ring of lights never goes wrong."

As soon as the words fell, the ground suddenly shook violently without warning, causing the defenseless people to stagger.Not far away, a transparent ripple suddenly appeared in the air, like ripples on the surface of the water.A sky-reaching building stands abruptly above the ground, like a steel giant.

Everyone was horrified, and they subconsciously looked at Superman, but Superman himself was also at a loss.How could such a huge building escape the scan of his super vision?
At this time, the entire tower was covered with a layer of invisible energy, and the majestic energy beams shot straight into the sky, shaking so that the entire space seemed to be crumbling.

Undoubtedly, this is the source of the abnormal energy.The heroes immediately rushed to the tower, only to see a figure they were already familiar with stopping under the tower.

"Lex Luthor?" Superman asked in surprise, "What are you?"

Luther smiled and said, "Yes, Superman, I'm still alive, and I'm back on Earth again."

Superman said solemnly: "Another time, maybe I will hear about your adventures, but not now. Explain what is going on behind you."

"It's a bit complicated to say, and I don't expect you to understand it." Luther said, "But all you need to understand is that you can't pass me."

"Seriously?" Hawkeye of the Avenger stepped forward with his bow fully drawn, and said, "You'd better count again, Luthor, count how many people we have here."

Luther laughed out loud, as if he had heard some extremely funny joke.

"What, is there a problem?"

"No, no, it's just." Luther glanced at everyone and smiled confidently, "It seems that you haven't figured out the current situation yet."

Luther's face suddenly changed, his facial muscles twitched violently, and the high-end black suit on his body exploded from the inside out, instantly turning into expensive black cloth strips.Metal parts protruded from under his skin like scales, covering his whole body in a moment.The pitch-black tentacles drilled out from the back and the forearms, dragging a sticky liquid when they sprang out, the process was rather vicious.Finally, the transparent glass cover completely covered his bald head, completing the final armament.

Lex Luthor laughed wildly: "I always thought you were the closest thing to a god, Superman, but I was wrong, and I have always been wrong. Now let you see, what is the real god!"

"You're crazy, Luther." Superman said coldly, "I used to think you were just a stubborn and hateful guy, but I at least admit that you're a smart person. But now, you're just a lunatic!"

As soon as the words fell, Superman took the lead, raising his fist and blasting towards Luther's face.He moved quickly, and the red boots kicked off an invisible cyclone instantly when they left the ground, blowing up the ground with broken stones.

Luther just chuckled, and the black tentacles flew up on their own as if they were alive, and shot out as an afterimage, with a speed even higher than that of Superman.Superman's right fist was entangled by the tentacles, he was startled, he simply used the momentum, punched and hooked back, trying to pull the opponent back through the tentacles with great force.Unexpectedly, when he exerted a sudden force on his arm, Luther remained motionless on the spot, and the mighty strength seemed to sink into the sea.Before he could be surprised, Luther raised his hand to fight back, and an energy beam hit the "S" mark on his chest, pushing him backwards, and flew straight out of everyone's sight.

Everyone was taken aback, Iron Man immediately shouted: "Avenger, take him down!" At the same time as he spoke, he shot out a palm bombard, but Luthor didn't hide at all, he just let the repulsive bombardment hit him, but he remained motionless.

All the heroes of the Justice League and the Avengers rushed forward, using their own abilities to besiege, all kinds of energies flew across the sky, thunder clouds billowed in the sky, blue thunder roared, and the barren suburbs were bustling for a while.Luther stood in the center without moving half a step. Several tentacles circled and danced like black snakes, and at the same time dismantled everyone's offensive with ease.

Thunder God Thor let out a long roar, ventured in, and slammed down on Luthor's forehead with a dazzling hammer.Luther moved back half a step, raised his hand to hold it, and the thunderbolt fell straight on his palm.Thor was startled, and hurriedly tried to take it back, but found that the hammer was firmly held by the opponent, and he couldn't pull it back no matter how hard he tried.Luther smiled slightly, a golden light flashed on his chest, and the powerful energy hit Thor's chest and abdomen immediately, knocking him down.

Although Thor's attack didn't work, it somehow created some loopholes in Luthor's movements.Wonder Woman saw the opening keenly, and strode forward without saying a word, and the sword light stabbed away like snow.Luther didn't even turn his head, the two tentacles bounced up and bound her sword flexibly.The heroine froze, and her arms, thighs, and waist were also entangled, and the tentacles wrapped her body and lifted her off the ground, and then threw it violently.

Green Lantern and Iron Man fired on the left and right respectively, and two beams of light, one blue and one green, attacked from both sides.Luther snorted softly, and didn't move at all. The two beams turned around and hit each other at the moment before they hit.As a result, Iron Man was repelled by the energy of Green Lantern, and Green Lantern was knocked down by the repulsive cannon, while Luthor still stood there calmly, with an indescribably arrogant arrogance.

"See, heroes of the earth, this is the absolute gap." Luther said triumphantly, "This is the power of knowledge, the ultimate form that infinite knowledge and technology can bring, is something you will never have. A surmountable chasm!"

However, just when he was extremely proud, Brainiac's voice sounded very inappropriately: "That's enough, Luther, don't waste time, get rid of them quickly to avoid any changes."

Luther gave a "tss", seemed bored, but still agreed.He raised his right arm, and the whole arm was transformed into a huge caliber cannon. The astonishing energy turned into a vortex in the black barrel, ready to come out.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I personally want to play with you for a while, but unfortunately. Well, people always can't get everything they want, right?"

Luther gave a strange laugh, and then surging light waves blasted out from the barrel of his right arm, like a tsunami rushing towards the shore.In an instant, even the color of the sky and the earth changed, the dark cloud summoned by Thor was blown away by the strong wind, and the sand and stone that touched the energy were instantly broken down into slag.

However, things didn't happen as he expected.The moment the indomitable surging light wave was about to hit, the golden shield suddenly blocked its attacking route.The violent vortex firmly received the devastating impact, and it was in a stalemate for more than ten seconds, like a bottomless black hole with a huge appetite, eating up all the light emitted by Luthor.

It's a blast channel.

Luther stopped the light output, his face changed slightly, and he snorted: "The action is quite fast, did you come back so soon?"

"That's right," the bishop said with a smile as the energy of the explosion dissipated, standing in front of the crowd, "It's not my style to just leave the stage obediently like this."

(End of this chapter)

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