Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 563 Stronghold of Naihe Island

Chapter 563 Stronghold of Naihe Island
Gotham, the clock is ticking.

A drizzle of rain fell in the dark sky, falling densely like cow hair.The Gothic buildings look bright under the washing of the rain, reflecting the light of the street lamps from the roadside of the block, revealing a sense of coldness.The dark night in Gotham is already deep and weird, and the embellishment of rain only makes the gloomy atmosphere even more apparent.

Naihe Island is an area equivalent to the slums of Gotham.Even in a city like Gotham, the security situation in this area is appallingly poor.It is difficult for the law enforcement agencies to touch this area. Drugs and guns are rampant, and it is not a strange phenomenon for any underage child in a barren street to have a pistol in his bag.It's only been a little bit better since Gotham got its own Dark Knight over the years, and before that it was hell on earth.

After leaving Wayne Building, Eric followed a special energy signal all the way and came here.He personally watched Bruce Wayne and an unidentified man with glasses enter the dark room, and then disappeared into it out of thin air.Eric scanned it carefully and found that there was some kind of energy signal left by space movement, so he and Raven followed the signal all the way to Naihe Island.

Naihe Island is indeed the most chaotic place in Gotham, but if you want to find a secret stronghold, this unregulated area is also your first choice.The same is naturally true for Batman. He has hidden several arsenals and temporary strongholds on Naihe Island, which is also convenient for him to rest when dealing with cases locally.Eric believes that what he is facing now is such a stronghold.

The entrance is set on the top floor of a four-story residential building, and it looks like nothing more than a rusty iron door.Theoretically, this kind of opponent should need fingerprints, retinal verification, or at least a password to enter, but the situation is different for people with supernatural powers.Eric tore off the rusty iron door together with the ultra-thick bulletproof door panel on the back with his bare hands, revealing the entrance.

"If it's as we guessed, Batman owes me another favor after this time," Eric threw away the deformed door panel and said half-jokingly to Raven, "I guess he won't It will be calculated that I will be compensated.”

There was no light in the stronghold, and a strange smell came from the darkness.However, the darkness was not an obstacle to Eric and Raven. They looked at each other and walked straight in.

Walking into the center of the stronghold, Eric looked around and found that it was slightly different from what he had imagined.He thought it would be no surprise to see a room full of weapons and equipment here, maybe even parked Batmobiles and high-tech fighter jets, but there was almost nothing here.There is almost nothing in the space of 300 square meters, except for the shelves on both sides of the wall, on which props such as bat darts and claw guns are simply placed, and on the innermost side stands a super computer, but the footprint is very limited.A lot of space in the middle part has been vacant, which looks very abrupt and weird.

Eric frowned, shook his head and said, "No."

Raven asked, "Why not?"

"They have been here, but they left before we came, and the residual space jump energy can still be detected here." Eric frowned, "I think they took something that occupied the size of this room." Large objects in some spaces.”

"Maybe we can track them down one more time?"

"We have been delayed for a while. The response of the space energy involved this time is far less intense than that in the Wayne Building. I'm afraid it will be difficult to chase after it." Eric held his chin and said strangely, "But it's just a guess—someone Taking control of Bruce Wayne, commandeering Batman's secret stronghold, and possibly borrowing resources from Wayne Enterprises to build something big... doesn't sound like exciting news."

"The aliens who came to invade again?" Raven raised his eyebrows and asked, his calm tone sounded as if alien invasions were as common as Catholics going to church every week, which was not surprising.

"Perhaps." Eric said, "but it may also be the forces of the earth. It is not surprising that those powerful forces lurking in the dark have mastered some alien technology, and since that bishop let go, those organizations are now Busy killing each other, it would not be surprising if any force suddenly wants to borrow Batman's resources to create a big killer for internal fighting."

Just saying this, Eric suddenly stopped talking, his face changed slightly.Then suddenly, without warning, he turned his head abruptly, and two red-hot thermal vision shocks whizzed away to somewhere in the darkness without warning, and even Raven subconsciously took a step back in fright.

The red-hot thermal vision light beam actually hit something in the darkness, and it was scattered like flowing water washing on a rock.A thin black shadow suddenly appeared in the darkness, and the palm of one hand released a pale golden light to resist the heat vision beam, but he smiled relaxedly on his face: "Ha, it's still sharp, I'm quite confident, isn't it?" You'll notice it."

Eric stopped the thermal vision output, his face was not good-looking, he stared coldly at the black shadow that appeared out of thin air, and said coldly: "Bishop, why do you seem to be there wherever there is trouble?"

"Perhaps it's because there's trouble," said the bishop, smiling.

Raven took two steps back subconsciously, and carefully looked at the man called the bishop.He was not tall, with pleasantly blond hair and a youthful face, but it was hard to guess his real age.His appearance is definitely not scary, on the contrary it should be said to be very kind, maintaining a relaxed and approachable smile, but for some reason, Raven kept reminding instinctively from the bottom of his heart that this man is extremely dangerous!
Noticing her anomaly, the bishop smiled politely and said, "Relax, lovely lady, there is no need to be so nervous. Although I am not a good person, generally speaking I would not take the initiative to attack ladies. Especially pretty ones. Miss."

Eric interrupted him coldly: "What are you doing here? What do you know about the Wayne Group? Or are these simply some new means of recreation for you?"

"There are a lot of questions, and he is really an embarrassing questioner." The bishop smiled lightly and said, "But does this have anything to do with me? Who knows?" After a pause, he smiled strangely and said: "Or if you let me see if you have improved a little bit compared to the last time we fought, maybe I will tell you."

"Really? That's just right, I'm just wishing for it!"

As soon as the words fell, Eric's body was filled with lightning, and he turned into an afterimage and flew up.

(End of this chapter)

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