Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 557 To Earth

Chapter 557 Back to Earth
Eric had been in a coma for a long time, and when he woke up, he felt his mouth was dry, and his throat seemed to be filled with the fishy smell of the sea.He opened his heavy eyelids, and the blue sky immediately entered his eyes, and the roar of the unrestrained sea water was heard next to his ears.

He was lying on the damp cobblestones, his armor removed.His whole body was numb, and he could hardly exert any strength, and his head was not very clear.It took him a while to recall that he seemed to have just fought Darkseid on Apocalypse for a while, and then there seemed to be no more.

"Yo, are you awake?"

Eric followed the sound and saw a blond man in a cloak leaning on the top of a boulder beside him, with one leg dangling in the air.The bishop kept his characteristic nonchalant smile, and said softly.

"It's you?"

As soon as Eric showed hostility, the bishop stretched out a finger, shook it in front of his face, and said, "If I were you, I would choose to lie down obediently now. Although we may indeed have some disputes that have not been settled. , but at any rate, I just saved your life by risking my own life, at least it is offset, right?"

It was only then that Eric recalled the last thing that happened on Apocalypse just now. Before he lost consciousness, he seemed to see that this guy came to take over Darkseid's offensive for him, so he had to put down his hostility for the time being.He knows that this guy with a chuckle is not easy to deal with, even if he is in excellent condition, he may not be his opponent, let alone the current bad situation.

Eric took a deep breath, closed his eyes and felt for a while, only to feel that there seemed to be a rampant energy in his body, which made his blood churn but had nowhere to release, making all his internal organs seem to be ignited.

Eric frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable.The bishop said lightly: "It seems that you have also discovered that your current situation is really not good."

"It's not a day or two." Although Eric said so, he really felt something was wrong in his heart.

The bishop said: "It's really different this time. Speaking of which, your life is really high. You survived even after resisting the omega rays. Even I couldn't do it, but this also laid a hidden danger."

Eric didn't answer, and waited quietly for him to continue.

The bishop continued: "One of my acquaintances also controlled the power of Omega, so I did a little research on this. The Omega energy that Darkseid used to attack you was not completely digested by your armor, but simply Absorbed in. I checked you briefly and found that there is a terrible Omega effect entrenched in your body. This destructive energy is completely different from any energy you have absorbed. It cannot be assimilated, It can't be copied, it has nowhere to go in your body, it just gradually wipes out everything in your body day by day until there's nothing left. Only then does it release itself."

After speaking, he paused for a long time, observing Eric's reaction.Unexpectedly, Eric was only silent for a while, without any reaction he expected.

The corner of the bishop's mouth curved slightly, and he said with a smile, "Interesting, now that you know this, don't you have any fear at all?"

Eric shook his head lightly: "Isn't it the meaning that I'm dying, and it's not the first time. I'm about the same, and I should get used to it."

He turned his eyes to the boundless sea, only to feel that the sea surface was wider than the sky, and the sea breeze was blowing gently, which made his heart slightly cool, and his mood was relaxed and calm.

"It's just death. There's nothing to be afraid of." Eric said indifferently, paused, and said in a low voice, "It's just... just somewhat regrettable. Because there are still many things that have not been done, many That's all sorry people."

"Really." The bishop glanced at him meaningfully, and said to himself, "If it was that guy, he would definitely say the same thing."

"That rascal?"

"It's nothing, just thinking of some interesting guy I knew before."

Eric thought for a while and asked, "You know that your organization is in a mess, right? Those guys are recruiting now, and the scale looks like the third world war is about to break out."

"Ah, those guys." The bishop said relaxedly, "Let them go."

Eric raised his eyebrows: "Let them go? It doesn't sound like what the person in charge should say."

"When you keep a group of wolves and tigers locked together for a long time without restraint, this will naturally happen." The bishop chuckled, "The idea of ​​'center' has been my pastime project from the very beginning, after so many years I had a lot of fun with those old guys, too. But I'm probably getting tired of it by now, so it's more interesting to see them fight at the end."

"So you did this, all purely for fun?"

The bishop shrugged: "If you knew me a little bit, you wouldn't be so surprised."

"The less I know, the better."

"Speaking of which, I rescued you from Apocalypse just because it was fun." The bishop said, "You are really the most interesting part I found in this world. To be honest, if you can come this far, I am now It also looks incredible, and I am very much looking forward to seeing how far you can go. Personally, I am very optimistic about you."

"Thank you so much for that."

Speaking of this, the bishop jumped off the boulder and said, "Okay, after talking so much, it should be almost time. The person who will pick you up should be here soon."

"Who will pick me up? Who?"

The bishop didn't answer, but said with a faint smile, "Then I will take my leave today. I believe we will meet again in a short time."

After saying that, he waved his arm, and the passage in the golden light immediately opened again.The bishop flicked his cloak, turned around and disappeared into the dazzling golden light, and soon disappeared.

He left for only ten or 20 seconds, and a ball of purple air fell from the sky quickly, and suddenly fell in front of Eric, and it was Ruiwen.When she saw Eric, she couldn't stand still, and ran towards him quickly. The cloak was blown by the sea wind behind her, which made her look heroic.

Raven squatted down in concern, and lifted Eric up. Seeing that his face was pale, he almost shed tears, and asked, "Are you okay?"

Eric smiled: "I'm fine, very fine, just a little tired."

He lied, his internal organs were being eroded by omega when he was talking now, and he was in severe pain.

"I'm very sorry for making you worry all the time." Eric held her small white hand tightly, leaned his head in her arms, closed his eyes and said softly, "I'm fine, just... just miss you very, very much think."

(End of this chapter)

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