Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 547 Nightmare

Chapter 547 Nightmare
Eric also checked here, and even cleared the ruins with a green light, and found the entrance to the underground space, but unfortunately the inside has already collapsed, leaving no traces.It stands to reason that as long as Ruth activates the armor here within twelve hours, he should be able to sense the virus response and use it to trace its whereabouts, but now he can't feel even the slightest virus response, and he feels faintly strange in his heart.

Deathstroke asked several times what happened to the "Omega" mark, but Eric kept silent, but from his expression, it could be seen that the situation seemed very serious.Deathstroke knew that Eric's combat power was already at the top of the earth, and if he thought it was a difficult opponent, he might be really difficult to deal with, so he couldn't help worrying about his daughter more and more in his heart.

The two then went back to find the bartender who provided the information, and even chased after the mercenary named Mickey who revealed the rumor. They ran a lot of places but still found nothing, and they couldn't help feeling a little discouraged.

It was sunset in a blink of an eye, and the two were just turning to the west of North America. There was no clue for a while, and it was not a solution to chase them like headless flies, so they simply went to Deathstroke to rest in the local safe house for the night.

In the past, Eric would still be afraid to spend the night with the terrifying figure of Deathstroke, but now he is fully integrated with the armor, and his strength is not what it used to be. Even if Deathstroke really intends to harm him in the middle of the night Impossible, so he stayed without any scruples.

Strange to say, Eric didn't feel sleepy at all, he just closed his eyes and rested his mind while lying on the bed, carefully recalling everything he saw and heard during the day, as if to confirm whether there were any important clues that were neglected and missed. Shen Shen fell asleep.

In his sleep, he only felt that he was in the endless darkness, and he was surrounded by pitch-black waves of darkness as far as he could see.He struggled with all his strength, but he felt the black waves surrounding him more and more closely, gathering an invisible force to drag him down.

Eric was suffocated in his chest and tried to shout, but his throat was so hot that he couldn't make a sound. Finally, he was completely dragged into the darkness and sank into the endless abyss.

His eyelids were so tired that they seemed to be filled with lead, and he barely opened them with great effort, as if he saw a black shadow condensed into a vague human silhouette in front of him, and he was sneering at him.

"Your time is almost up, kid." The black shadow said, "Your time is running out."

"What do you mean?" Eric said with difficulty, his voice seemed to be squeezed out from his suffocating chest, "Who are you?"

"You clearly know that, don't you?" The black shadow smiled, "I am you, we have already become the same person, don't pretend that you don't know anything. You don't really think that the prophecy is just Is it just talking?"

Eric still wanted to refute, but his chest became more dull, and it was even difficult to speak.

The black shadow continued: "We have already become one, but you are still denying it. But it won't be long, and soon, you will accept the fact, and by then we will become what we should be—— A destroyer, the ultimate destroyer, first the earth, then the solar system, and then we will kill the galaxy until there is no grass or tree left in this universe, and then we will continue to visit the next universe!"

"Why. I want to do this.?"

"Why?" The black shadow laughed, "Because we are the ones who inherited Almajo. As if it was a trick of fate, it was arranged from the beginning, the Omega bionic body manipulated by Luthor is so Dreamed it, Luthor himself planned it, and finally Dr. Anthony Ivo also planned it - Almazo was destined to travel the universe, copy everything he saw, and become the ultimate existence in the world. And they are no longer there Now, we are destined to be the ones to inherit this glorious task!"

"No," Eric gritted his teeth with difficulty, "They're all finished, and the damned Almadra project has already finished with them. It's all over!"

The black shadow showed a playful look, and said: "I just instructed you to think so for the time being. To be honest, you don't have much room for independent choice."

Eric was furious, gathered all his strength, desperately resisted the resistance of the darkness, and roared and hit the black shadow with all his strength.
"Hey, boy, what are you doing!?"

The death knell who was standing beside Eric's bed was completely unprepared. He only saw Eric's body was "brushed" wrapped in gorgeous and domineering armor, and his figure bounced up.He was full of abilities but couldn't resist at all, Eric pushed him back on the bed, clasped the five fingers of his right hand tightly on his neck, and the huge pressure made his throat seem to split open.

Eric restrained the death knell, and finally recovered after being dazed for a long time. He let him go quickly and said, "I'm sorry, I'm a bit of a nightmare."

Death knell had a severe pain in his throat and neck, and coughed violently for a long time, his throat was already red, and he was speechless for a while.Fortunately, his self-healing ability is amazing, and he recovered in just a moment. If it were an ordinary person, he might have died on the spot.

"Nightmare, huh?" Deathstroke glared at him and said.

Eric also apologized slightly, and said, "Sorry, it's my fault."

The death knell only rolled his eyes twice, and didn't talk any more.It was just past four o'clock in the morning, and it was still pitch black outside, but neither of them felt sleepy.The death knell was just woken up by Eric's whisper in his nightmare, and he felt that he was in a bad situation. He tried to wake him up, but he almost died in his hands unexpectedly.

The two of them didn't say any more words early in the morning, they each simply washed and prepared for a while, and then set off again.

After leaving the safe house, the death knell suddenly said: "Not a very solid night, huh?"

"Ah," Eric replied casually, "it's not very good."

After a pause, the death knell said abruptly: "You know, if you really have something on your mind and you just need someone to talk to. I can be an audience."

Eric turned his head in surprise, as if he wanted to confirm whether this was really the death knell of the murderous ace mercenary, because it was really not like what he would say.

"Misunderstood." Death Bell hurriedly said, "Because it doesn't seem like there are any decent clues that can just relieve me. And finding Ruth is very important to me. I have to admit that I need your help for this. Obviously , your current status may affect our investigation"

Eric was startled, then smiled: "Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine."

Maybe it's because Eric played a key role in the fight against Deathstroke's father, or maybe it's because Eric was more or less a teammate with him in the suicide squad when he lost his memory, and it's more likely because Ruth and Eric Unusual relationship, but no matter what, Eric was surprised that Deathstroke had a kind of comrade-in-arms friendship towards him, even though Deathstroke himself might not admit it.

"Really? That's fine." Death Bell snorted and said.

Just saying this, Eric suddenly stopped and stopped.

"What?" Deathstroke asked.

"It's the Almazo Beta armor," Eric said with a strange expression, "I can sense was activated by someone."

(End of this chapter)

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