Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 543 Hidden danger

Chapter 543 Hidden danger
Hearing what the officer said, Eric couldn't help being startled, seeing that he seemed to be not lying, so he asked, "You said the 'central' is missing?"

The officer was restrained by his great strength, and he was in great pain. He hurriedly said: "Yeah, otherwise what do you think? A while ago, someone first let out the news that the 'center' was gone, and things have been going on since then." It's getting more and more out of control. At first, most people thought it was a rumor deliberately spread by someone, but it didn't take long for all parties to find out that it seemed to be true. A lot of affairs between organizations were left unattended, and all parties The relationship between the powers was gradually out of balance, and the contradictions were also increasing. At first, everyone was just arguing with their mouths, but later, seeing that the 'center' really didn't come out to adjust, the incident escalated into an armed conflict."

Hearing this verse, Eric knew it in his heart.It turns out that this wave of eagerness from the major forces is not planning any evil plan, but just because of the loss of unified restraint, they are fighting each other for resources and interests.Thinking of it like this, he suddenly felt dull, it was nothing more than a group of wicked people biting dogs, there was no need to get involved.

But at the same time, he was a little curious, loosened his hands a little to prevent the officer from suffocating, and asked, "Then do you know why the 'center' is not there?"

The officer chief breathed a sigh of relief, panted greedily, and shook his head at the same time: "I don't know. In fact, no one knows the reason. Although I haven't had direct contact with him, I have heard that this person is very mysterious, and his thoughts and intentions have always been fascinating. Unpredictable, but I don't think that's surprising, if it weren't for someone like this, it would not be possible to bring so many difficult people together. All of us know nothing about him, and who knows why he suddenly let go of this Why don't you give up on such a huge undertaking?"

"The reason is simple." A person suddenly said from behind, "It should be simply because I feel bored."

Eric turned his head and saw that Brad had appeared behind him at some point, leaning against the wall with his knees hugged and looking towards him.Eric patted the officer on the back of the neck unconsciously, and said, "Let me guess, what troubles have come to me again? Maybe the Galactic Council finally decided to send someone to kill me?"

"You're talking like I'm in big trouble every time I show up," Brad shrugged.

"Isn't it?"

"Can't I chat with new friends? After all, you know, I don't have any old friends left." Brad looked around and said, "I guess we should change to a more suitable place."

Eric nodded, and the two rose into the air one after the other.The speed of both of them was extremely fast, and they suddenly sank into the clouds, leaving the island far behind in just a split second.Eric left a message for SHIELD and reported the coordinates to them, letting them clean up the mess here. I believe they won't mind his early departure.

With Brad's speed, it could have been faster, but in order for Eric to catch up with him, he deliberately suppressed it a little.But even so, the two still crossed the ocean in only ten minutes, arrived at the nearest city along the coast, and landed on the top floor of the tallest building in the urban area.Here you can see the blue sky above, and you can see the blue sea horizon in the distance. The view is first-class and the scenery is refreshing.

Eric looked into the distance, and after a moment he sighed, "I haven't done this for a long time."

"How? Fly to the roof of the coastal building to enjoy the shade?"

"Stop and rest." Eric said, "Look at the scenery."

After a pause, he asked, "From what you just said, you seem to know the bishop quite well?"

"A little bit, I don't know very well. We have worked together before."

Eric was surprised: "You? Cooperation?"

Brad chuckled: "Although that guy is usually not serious, he can't be called a good person, but he can be regarded as a reliable ally at critical moments. If you know him a little bit, you will know."

But Brad obviously didn't come here specially to chat with him about the bishop.He paused for a while, his tone became a little dull, and he said, "After that... how do you feel?"

Eric knew that he was referring to the decisive battle with Ivo, and said: "Speaking of which, I haven't thanked you that time, you saved my life."

"No need." Brad said, "I only temporarily helped you prolong your life, but that didn't last long. It was your armor that really saved your life."

Eric was silent.Of course Tony had told him all of this, and it wasn't entirely a good thing.

Brad said: "To be honest, I was shocked when I found out about your physical condition. Even I saw your strange physical condition for the first time. Physiologically speaking, you and the armor have completely merged into one." , are interdependent and inseparable like a symbiotic whole, but spiritually speaking, your link is very unstable. Although such a link can enhance your response quality and combat awareness in battle, it also puts your own consciousness in a very Dangerous state. Maybe even now, the virus is subtly affecting your own thinking, making you more and more inclined to the way of thinking that is assimilated with the armor consciousness"

"I know." Eric said plainly, "I've known it for a long time."

"You don't understand." Brad shook his head. "All you know is your past state, but now it has become different. Your willpower is indeed beyond ordinary people. So far you have succeeded in using your own The will suppressed the Almajo virus. But now, it has assimilated with you and completely became a part of yourself. That is to say, you are fighting yourself with your own will."

Eric was taken aback and asked, "What does this mean?"

"It's as if your body is controlled by two opposing wills at the same time. As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and one side will eventually decide the winner." Brad said, "You may not feel any difference now, but when you consume too much next time, Or suffer a strong enough impact from the outside world, and the root of the evil buried in the body will be exposed."

After a pause, he said solemnly: "At that time, you will really die. Unlike before, this is the result of your confrontation with yourself. From the perspective of life, it will only be counted as a normal death. I, too, can't pull you back again. So my suggestion, maybe try not to risk your life like before. Next time, you will really die."

Eric heard it in his ears, but only closed his eyes lightly.At this time, a gust of sea breeze was blowing in front of me, carrying a faint fragrance in the wind, as well as a little fishy smell unique to the sea.He opened his eyes, couldn't help smiling, and said relaxedly: "What, it's just like this, it feels the same as before."

After hearing his words, Brad actually relaxed, and said relaxedly: "Yeah, it's not a big deal."

The two looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing out loud, thinking of each other as lifelong confidants in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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